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Hidden Game against Pakistan By Asifa Jahangir

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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It has been saying that twenty-first century will be for Asian continent. The present international politics is revolving around Asian continent as a whole. This continent can geographically be divided into seven regions: Central Asia, Far East Asia, South East Asia, Eastern Asia, Southern Asia, Northern Asia and Western Asia. The entire world is interested in any part of it due to their diversified interests and objectives. At present southern (Pakistan, India, Afghanistan etc), eastern (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore etc) and central Asian regions are hot spots for the western world regarding economic and ideological interests.
The existing superpower is seeing many entities as its enemies only in this region. They are/can be terrorists, Islamic nuclear proliferation and China –as an emerging economic power. These real threats to the United States of America started emerging after disintegration of the USSR. The very aftermaths of bipolar system were complex intra-conflicts, economic and nuclear proliferation. These changes gradually affected the whole world especially post-cold war politics was designed around the Asian and Middle East regions. This sequence continued till the terrorist attacks at America on 11 September.
The dreadful event of 9/11 diverted entire world’s attention towards ‘terrorism, Al-Qaeda and War of Terror’. The centre of these dynamic diversions in world politics was Afghanistan. How it is possible that most adjacent and old neighbor of it –Pakistan could not influence by its circumstances. The same has happened in case of terrorism. In the name of terrorism, America apparently invaded on Afghanistan to break the network of Al-Qaeda and its ties with Taliban with the help of Pakistan and NATO allies. According to many researches, critics and scholars within America and worldwide, terrorist attacks on America was a big dramatic game planned to destroy the next possible rival in the form of Muslims worldwide. This game was basically plotted by the strongest and most prominent Jewish lobby in America.
To comprehend this intrigue, we have to go in history. If we study Americans’ foreign policies during about more than two centuries, their policies were mostly based on “perception”. The same perception was adopted about communism and later about Islam. Their perception about Islam as a threat to American superiority basically evolved after Iran Islamic Revolution of 1979 and genesis of nuclear program by Pakistan under the leadership of Zulifqar Ali Bhutto. After disintegration of the USSR, America and Israel worked side by side to reduce or end all possible threats to Israeli state and world peace. For instance, Israel fully supported India in acquiring nuclear program and its occupation on Kashmir. America economically and military supported India in this region. Their pre-existed assumptions about Islam became powerful after atomic explosion of Pakistan in 1998 because Israel was seeing Pakistan’s atomic bomb as ‘first Islamic bomb’ to great threat just for Israeli existence. Thus Americans with the back of Jews used all tools to enforce Pakistan to roll back its nuclear program. Eventually, main actors were decided to plan a game in which this very first Islamic nuclear power will be no more on world map because they perceived that Pakistan has potential to unit whole Islamic world at one platform on this subject and world can supposedly fall into ‘domino effect’ (if one Muslim country acquires nuclear technology or atomic bomb, other can be and so on). The War on Terror was another step of their last series of efforts to depose Pakistan from this status because it was a prideful thing for entire Muslim Ummah. This war was basically not against a single country but in fact, it was a war between long-standing and primitive civilizations –Islam and Zionism (Judaism).
As it knows that American politics is dominated by Jewish lobby and the policy of War on Terror was devised by George W. Bush’s Jewish administration. Either the field of war on terrorism is in Afghanistan; however, the real target is Pakistan. To fulfill American interests in this region of Asian continent, the USA wants to repeat the history of cold war as it disintegrated Yugoslavia to contain communism in Europe. After 9/11 incident, the game of chess was initiated by Israelis against Muslims especially Pakistan. Its major partners were America and India. Different tactics and tools to fulfilling their plan of action were adopted. In this way, Pakistan’s encirclement was immediately begun by three major actors of world politics as American and NATO invasion launched. A question yields that why just Pakistan has been targeting to this “great hidden intrigue”? Its answer can be comprehended by looking the following aspects.
First, Pakistan’s geo-strategic position matters a lot for American interests in this region. Pakistan is in the center of Muslim world. It is surrounded by two nuclear and major economic powers (China at north and India at east), the poorest state of the world (Afghanistan at west-north) and next possible emerging Islamic nuclear state (Iran at west).
Second, Pakistan’s geo-political status is very important for major actors of the world. The aim of America’s interest to have a piece of land from where it might easily have check on China as emerging economic superpower in the near future on the one hand and tackle terrorism in Afghanistan on the other hand. Moreover, it is also interested in Pakistan so that it could stop nuclear proliferation in the world by pressurizing Iran through direct American presence in Afghanistan, and indirect and covert interference in province of Pakistan –Baluchistan adjacent to Iran.
Third, Pakistani location is very significant economically. The two ports of Pakistan at the southern part are mostly attracted to the western world because they have direct link with warm waters which is a vital trade route for transportation of oil and goods etc. At the northern side, Pakistan has easily access to Central Asian states (CARs) which are rich of natural minerals especially oil, coal, gold, uranium etc. The CARs are becoming a major economic hub because China is heavily investing in this region. The two largest economic markets are in its proximity.
Due to these factors, America doesn’t want to lose Pakistan at any cost. In addition, Pakistan is also important for superpower because it is a first Islamic nuclear power, playing a role in war on terror as frontline state and strongest ally and has very cordial relations with China. By having good relations with Pakistan, America is basically narrowing the circle around China.
The emerging superpower of Asia considers Pakistan its ‘best and true friend’ in the entire world. As it is famous about China that it quietly examines world’s politics and does not interfere in nation-states’ affairs as America and rest of the western world do. In the case of pursuing its own national interests, China fully supports Pakistan in economics, military and political etc fields. Pakistan is important for China because it has a hostile history with India and American forces are present in Afghanistan.
In the world, there are two such nations which have ideological incompatibilities and historical disliking with Pakistan. The both Israel and India want to expel Pakistan from the map of world. The reasons of Israeli aversion with Pakistan are:
o Pakistan did not accept the existence of Israel as Zionist state after its independence even 1973 constitution does not allow accepting it.
o Quaid-e-Azam defeated the entire world’s objectives and made an ideological state mere for Muslims. This was an onset of ideological and religious differences in the world.
o Pakistan’s nuclear program is perceived a great threat to Israeli existence by Jewish community.
o Pakistan fully supports Palestinians and is in favour of a separate Palestine state. Pakistan categorically conveys this message to international community that Peace cannot be established in Middle East without solving Palestinian problems.
The reasons of Indian abomination with Pakistan are:
o It was not in favour of subcontinent partition.
o It wanted to rule on the Muslims after Britain withdrawal. But their dream was not fulfilled and Quaid obtained salvation to Muslims not only from Hindus but also from English.
o Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir issue. This territory was intentionally left unsolvable between Pakistan and India at the time of partition by Britain. It is bone of contention between both.
o Differences on Sir Creek and Siachen.
o Pakistan’s nuclear and missile program
o Cross-border terrorism in Kashmir and within India.
o Pakistan is a great hurdle in fulfilling its urge of regional power and it has strong mutual friendly relations with its historical rival.
After nuclear bomb explosions, all international community imposed economic and military sanctions on both India and Pakistan but bitter attitude was adopted only towards Pakistan because it as a first Muslim state had acquired the nuclear capacity. Since that time, a ‘great game plan’ was prepared by Israel and America to abolish this threat. After Afghanistan invasion, it was propagated that Talibans were also involved in 9/11 attacks because they fully supported and provided save haven to Al-Qaeda’s top leadership and network. The USA government of that time needed to de-link Talibans and Al-Qaeda and once again it had to contact with Pakistan because Pakistani intelligence agencies had strong intercourse with Talibans. Then Pakistan needed economic aid to save the country from the state of bankruptcy. Gen. Pervaz Musharraf shrewdly played American card, acquired hundred of thousand million dollars from America and saved Pakistan. In return, Pakistan had to pay its heavy cost to which a dictator unfortunately could not see through its severe consequences to his homeland.
On the will of America, Pakistan was to involve in America’s war on terror. In this manner, the plan of action was applied at regional level. Such circumstances were created that Pakistan would easily have been trapped in their plan. This stag of war on terror was decided to fight at three fronts by encircling of Pakistan and enhancing the number of players in ‘great game’:
• direct war in the battlefield of Afghanistan especially near to Pakistan’s north-west border (NWFP and Waziristan)
• extensive media and literature war against Muslim extremism and terrorism
• Indirect war, it is meant that covert fight was started by intelligence agencies in which the USA’s CIA, Israel’s Mused and India’s RAW are involved.
However after change of Bush government US Has shifted her straggly in relation to GWOT. The players were India, America, Israel, Afghanistan and NATO. Along with this plan, it seems that they executed different policies to implement these goals by sharing responsibilities amongst players.
 The USA and NATO troops along with Afghan forces would handle situation on the battlefield of Afghanistan.
 Britain and the USA would build up pressure on Pakistan to play its more effective role in war on terror internationally.
 Israel would instigate Muslims’ sentiments worldwide by re-starting Palestine problem which is very sensitive, dear and close to all Muslims in any part of the world on the one side. On the other hand, Israel would covertly interfere in Pakistan through its intelligence agency (Mused). The purpose of this task could be that while most of Muslims’ emotions would be with Palestinians and Mused would make a conceal inquiry to destabilize Pakistan.
 The USA would cooperate with India in enhancing its military and nuclear capacity rather than Pakistan. India would play its own role in war on terror by joining Israel.
Therefore, an unfavourable and tensed atmosphere was/are created at both international and regional levels to trap Muslim community in religious and political sorts of matters to divert their attention from this ‘intrigue’. At the end I would like to say that US should pull her forces form the region and also stop backing India and Israel in case she is interested to restore American image in the Muslim masses . The hidden game is now an open secret which would never be acceptable to the lonely Islamic nuclear power.
On May 10, 2010, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while talking to CBS TV Channel stated that there are elements in Pakistan’s administration that were more informed about al-Qaeda and Taliban. She also warned Pakistan of “stern action” in case it didn’t act. Obama Administration meanwhile for the first time accused Taliban of being behind the botched Times Square bombing attempt on May 1, 2010. However Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) denied the same. Pakistani nation and officials condemned Hillary Clinton statement in connection with “Times Square Incident”. In all the blah blah that follows such unfortunate events, what is not being talked about is the timing of the incident, an aspect which ultimately points to the hidden connections between RAW, Mossad and CIA.

The current episode reveals that RAW and Mossad’s backed agents of CIA successfully launched the episode for following ulterior motives: (one) maligning sole nuclear Islamic state for terrorism, (two), leveling grounds for launching major operation in Pakistani areas by US, (three) defending drone attacks policy in FATA,(four) justifying Indian and Israeli future adventures against Pakistan and Iran,(five) creating rifts between Washington and Islamabad, (six) sabotaging successful strategic dialogues of two ally’s of war on terror,(seven) validating Indian malicious propaganda against Pakistan,(eight) undermining Pakistan security forces success against militancy.

Indian lobby present in Obama administration in collaboration with Mossad and CIA keeps on building pressure on Islamabad while planning and staging various types of intrigues against Pakistan. The fore mentioned intelligence agencies are using Indian and Jewish media as instrument in their interests for shaping opinion of Western and American think tanks. In this connection the succession of events of last five months i.e. from January - May 2010, Brussels and London Conference, US-Pak Strategic dialogues, international nuclear summit and Thimpu SAARC Summit clearly indicate the success of Pakistan’s justified stance and validate its image as a responsible state.

4th round of Pakistan – U.S page turning strategic dialogue was concluded on March 25, 2010. The key issues spanning economy, power generation, agriculture, social sector and defence/security were deliberated by the leadership of both sides. Unlike past experience American policy makers were found to be more responsive on the Pakistani concerns over security imperatives and also made tangible commitment for addressing our key concerns. A joint sectarial group was established to start dialogue process in the fields of defense, security stability and non proliferation, law enforcement, health, counter terrorism, science and technology, education agriculture, communication and water. However, the core issue of the dialogues remained global war on terror and Afghanistan.

Prior to Times Square saga, India has staged two precursors i.e. arrest of Indian diplomat Madhuri Gupta and announcement of verdict against Ajmal Kasab in the case of 26/11 Mumbai Drama. The connections of these events clearly reflect the underlying Indian designs to malign Pakistan. It is also added here that Afghan President Karzai is on visit to America from 10-14 May, 2010. He has also carried out the visit of India before the start of SAARC Summit. The current wave of maligning Pakistan is by purpose since another conference on Afghan issue will be held in Kabul in July 2010. Indian government and her lobby present in Obama’s government are very much aware of it that Pakistan has shown her security concern over increasing Indian ingress in Afghanistan. The water crises, Sir Creek and Kashmir issues are the major bone of contentions between two neighboours. Pakistan cannot ignore her eastern frontiers due to her past bitter experience with India. Obama should play his role in resolving Pakistan and Indian problems so that Islamabad should be able to pay more attention in elimination of militancy. It should also be remembered that Pakistan has time and and again, mentioned Indian hand in Balochistan crises and militancy.

The plot of “Times Square” has raised many questions worth pondering. For example, why the bomb did not explode? Why was Faisal shown changing shirt in front of camera? Why he kept the keys of his apartments in his car? Why the incident occurred prior to Karzai visit? Why he was very casual and careless while performing a very serious task? The answer can be traced back to Mumabai Drama, Kabul & London Blasts, arrest of Indian diplomat Madhuri Gupta. All these seemingly exclusive events are very well connected and the glaring examples of unholy connivance of “Triple III Agencies (India-Israel-Intelligence Agencies)”. Faisal Shahzad has surely been tempted, lured in and blackmailed for staging the drama of car bombing. There is a need for thrashing out the case with a view to find out the actual culprits behind the scene, instead of maligning and blaming innocent American Muslims.

The unfortunate part of the campaign against Pakistan is that the Western and American lobbies do forget the sacrifices of Pakistani security Forces in war against terror and are playing in the hand of Indian and Israeli manipulators. if Obama is serious in resolving the issue of terrorism then he has to look for the black sheep in the shape of Indian and Israeli agents in his administration. He must also remember fictitious CIA reports about Weapon of mass destruction.
I think our ISI and Army knows whats going on better than we the citizens of Pakistan and Reporters do. If U.S is playing a game, then I bet we are playing our own undercover game too.
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