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Hi, I’m a Chinese. Do you know how I think about PK economics? Watch me

u are not only person find it hard . Me as Pakistani living in Norway are very angry too since there is not easy to get info for nay thing and i feel same as u , cant trust any one. I suggest whatever u do have ur own ppl who are there to double check things before u pay for it. I have few friends and know some other europains who have huge contracts with factories but has employed own ppl who check things for them.

Lets hope IK comes to power and things will get some better inshalla.
So now, the situation for my Chinese company is really funny. We are holding the great cash (Bank L/C) and want to import CHROMITE ores from PK.

No offense, but I hope you do realize that importing/exporting minerals is not like other items like textiles for example.
You need licenses and permits etc. Secondly from your post, I can't figure out what exactly are you trying to do? Will you invest in mining? Or you want to buy from some existing mine and export it to China?

Now, if you are here to invest in mining; have you prepared feasibility reports, investment plans etc?
If you want to import, have need to look at what other companies are doing and not talk to random people on the street or B2B sites.
Its because our leaders want the people to be poor , and not develop becasue otherwise they would not ellect them
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