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hi all

i am sorry to all of you that i was not giving my reply. i live in hyderabad sindh. and let me tell you all that i am trying to overcome from this with different activities at my home but i will not go to any psychologists, because i don't know what kind of treatment they will give to me, i think its better to counsel myself with my own effort . what u all think? any particular activity that might help me if u know tell me?

You need to strengthen your confidence level and worthiness in side your heart. Actually Quran verses have psychological effect, and it is actually can be used as self hypnosis tool for any Muslim. It will strengthen our heart and give much worthy.

Every one consider other person based on the perception, so if you consider people too much and consider your selves as less than them, there will be psychological consequence, just like trouble in speaking. Actually most people are afraid if they have to say something in a crowd.

The cure formula: As long as you put ALLAH as higher as it can, and then you can see the world (people, wealth, etc) going down in your perception, thus make you higher than them in perception level. Thus, it will make you have better confidence and increase more assertiveness in your respond toward people and then increase your assertiveness in your voice tone as well.

"And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs." (An-Nisa : 132)

For my advice

1. Read Quran by speaking or inside your heart repeatedly (Quran translation version if you don't understand Arabic). Actually the parameter of a real believer is the one who can strengthen their heart after reading Quran (repeatedly). Sufi does this kind of behaviour a lot. Do it as frequent as you can because it can bring you worthy inside inshaALLAH, and particularly when you face a nervous condition. You can read it inside the heart.

Remember this verse and say it as frequent as you can :

They say, "If we return to al-Madinah, the more honored [for power] will surely expel therefrom the more humble." And to Allah belongs [all] honor (Izzah), and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know. (Al-Munafiqun:8)

2. Improve your skills and anything that can make you become independence and proud of yourselve

You should understand "inferiority complex." Type on Goggle and learn it.
This is a popular website about psychology : 2KnowMySelf | The Ultimate Source for Understanding Yourself and others
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