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Heroes who go unnoticed!


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
Those of us who have not been directly affected by the wrath of terrorism may not realize the importance of eliminating this menace called the Taliban. Many of us might take comfort in knowing that as long as our friends and relatives are safe then we can just continue living our life unaffected. Then there are those who refuse to bow down to extremism and militancy and in return sacrifice their lives to protect the nation.

On Friday, October the 28th, a 35 year old Police officer, Syed Ajmir Shah, the SHO of Risalpur police station, was killed along with his driver. According to witnesses, the attacker rushed towards their jeep at an intersection and detonated explosives strapped to his body. Three other civilians were injured, including a 7 year old boy. Mr. Shah achieved fame a few years ago for targeting the militants, when he was the SHO of Akora Khattak Police station and received the presidential award in recognition of his services. He was also on the Taliban hit-list and despite receiving numerous threats, he did not back down and continued to work against the militancy. Mr. Shah was a newlywed and worked his way to be the SHO after joining the police dept as a constable 10 years ago.

The death of this brave police officer reminds us that many of our brave countrymen are laying their lives on the line to fight these terrorists, and we cannot let their efforts go in vain by continuing to indulge in conspiracy theories and by shifting the blame in all other directions except towards the obvious culprits. Brave officers like Mr. Shah not only deserve recognition and accolades for their bravery but also demand our utmost attention towards the threat these militants pose to our land and people. Saturday, October 29th, witnessed another cowardly act of terror on our troops across the border in Afghanistan by the Taliban. Their mission is to disrupt our efforts in making the region safer, and if we are not supporting the governments who are targeting these terrorists, then we are simply encouraging these terrorists to continue their dark and evil agenda. The justice must be served to the relatives and loved ones of those baring the pain of these terrorist activities, and the time is now!

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Those of us who have not been directly affected by the wrath of terrorism may not realize the importance of eliminating this menace called the Taliban. Many of us might take comfort in knowing that as long as our friends and relatives are safe then we can just continue living our life unaffected. Then there are those who refuse to bow down to extremism and militancy and in return sacrifice their lives to protect the nation.

On Friday, October the 28th, a 35 year old Police officer, Syed Ajmir Shah, the SHO of Risalpur police station, was killed along with his driver. According to witnesses, the attacker rushed towards their jeep at an intersection and detonated explosives strapped to his body. Three other civilians were injured, including a 7 year old boy. Mr. Shah achieved fame a few years ago for targeting the militants, when he was the SHO of Akora Khattak Police station and received the presidential award in recognition of his services. He was also on the Taliban hit-list and despite receiving numerous threats, he did not back down and continued to work against the militancy. Mr. Shah was a newlywed and worked his way to be the SHO after joining the police dept as a constable 10 years ago.

The death of this brave police officer reminds us that many of our brave countrymen are laying their lives on the line to fight these terrorists, and we cannot let their efforts go in vain by continuing to indulge in conspiracy theories and by shifting the blame in all other directions except towards the obvious culprits. Brave officers like Mr. Shah not only deserve recognition and accolades for their bravery but also demand our utmost attention towards the threat these militants pose to our land and people. Saturday, October 29th, witnessed another cowardly act of terror on our troops across the border in Afghanistan by the Taliban. Their mission is to disrupt our efforts in making the region safer, and if we are not supporting the governments who are targeting these terrorists, then we are simply encouraging these terrorists to continue their dark and evil agenda. The justice must be served to the relatives and loved ones of those baring the pain of these terrorist activities, and the time is now!

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Thank you for the kind word, my friend - all soldiers fight for their country. God Bless all the Honorable Warriors.

Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldiers knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Good Bless the brave soul- and give us couple of thousands more like him- Ameen-
heroes ? they are mass killers and toilet papir of USA....

They have given their lives so that your country can be safe, the least you can do is show some respect to the fallen
ha i hate people who dont know what they are talking about kinda reminds of the retards in the hospital beds with strange hallucination chchchchch
Those of us who have not been directly affected by the wrath of terrorism may not realize the importance of eliminating this menace called the Taliban. Many of us might take comfort in knowing that as long as our friends and relatives are safe then we can just continue living our life unaffected. Then there are those who refuse to bow down to extremism and militancy and in return sacrifice their lives to protect the nation.

On Friday, October the 28th, a 35 year old Police officer, Syed Ajmir Shah, the SHO of Risalpur police station, was killed along with his driver. According to witnesses, the attacker rushed towards their jeep at an intersection and detonated explosives strapped to his body. Three other civilians were injured, including a 7 year old boy. Mr. Shah achieved fame a few years ago for targeting the militants, when he was the SHO of Akora Khattak Police station and received the presidential award in recognition of his services. He was also on the Taliban hit-list and despite receiving numerous threats, he did not back down and continued to work against the militancy. Mr. Shah was a newlywed and worked his way to be the SHO after joining the police dept as a constable 10 years ago.

The death of this brave police officer reminds us that many of our brave countrymen are laying their lives on the line to fight these terrorists, and we cannot let their efforts go in vain by continuing to indulge in conspiracy theories and by shifting the blame in all other directions except towards the obvious culprits. Brave officers like Mr. Shah not only deserve recognition and accolades for their bravery but also demand our utmost attention towards the threat these militants pose to our land and people. Saturday, October 29th, witnessed another cowardly act of terror on our troops across the border in Afghanistan by the Taliban. Their mission is to disrupt our efforts in making the region safer, and if we are not supporting the governments who are targeting these terrorists, then we are simply encouraging these terrorists to continue their dark and evil agenda. The justice must be served to the relatives and loved ones of those baring the pain of these terrorist activities, and the time is now!

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Dont Post it here.Go and post it on those american forums and sites which are spreading false propaganda agianst us and our ARMY/ISI.

We know who is Hero Here and who is not.We Didnt forget anyone of them.They are our Heros and many more like them are ready do die for this Land.

But You Centcom or whatever you are just tell this to your poeple.Hypocrite
heroes ? they are mass killers and toilet papir of USA....
Bro i can say nothing but jus dis that on your mentality i can jus sigh

Shut the f@uck up.Don't talk about things you know nothing about.

ha i hate people who dont know what they are talking about kinda reminds of the retards in the hospital beds with strange hallucination chchchchch

Sir when you get something w/o any cost you can't valued dem as if you get dem by sacrificing....... i am very happy dat dere are pplz like both of you bros who knows and can show anger against anti army/forces comments.... Hats off
Why create the menace and then talk about eliminating it. The radical menance was created by pro-American leaders and tactically tolerated by America in its pursuit to counter Soviet Unions..Yesterdays good boys have become spoiled brats of today. Quit hypocrisy and thing will better on their own!
heroes ? they are mass killers and toilet papir of USA....

If that is the language you will use for our soldiers then you might as well go and join the Taliban who are the true mass murderers. Last time I checked soldiers were not blowing wagons laden with explosives in markets packed with civilians. Shameful.
for dose who thought we are "toilet paper" feel the grief and proud dat your country has sons like dem....................
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Gentlemen This man and many more "unknown" Pakistani Soldiers, Pakistani Policemen and Policewomen have sacrificed martyred for Pakistan in a long WOT. I and we should pay tribute and high respects to all of them whether we know and see them or not.

A few months ago I posted a policewoman who got martyred sacrificed herself before a massive terrorist attack could take place in KPK the woman left a year old baby daughter and her unemployed husband. These professionals are truly valued rare and highly aware people and we should be proud of these Pakistanis.
for dose who thought we are "toilet paper" feel the grief and proud dat your country has sons like dem....................

why wont an indian say pakistan jindabad, one pakistani killing another pakistani, waste of resources, waste of man power, waste of country, waste of economy, waste of honour, respect, and just earning 'do more'
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