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Henry Kissinger On Why US lost in Afghanistan.

had American realized this earlier they would not have to face this humiliation.

Americans had lost when they started blaming & scape goating Pakistan and started following indian agenda which is only one to destroy Pakistan & Muslims.

It's ok, just let the American's vent the Randi is going through her "Me To" moment for the time being.
Kissenger is one of the reasons USA and USSR did not wage unlimited nuclear war destroying each other. For what it is worth he is amoral ruthless bureaucrat

Pakistanis should count their blessings he looked the other way while the Pakistani army slaughtered East Pakistanis. He made sure India and USSR did not balkanize West Pakistan in 1971
No, MAD is the only reason USA and USSR didn't wage an all out direct nuclear exchange.

India tried Balkanizing West Pakistan in '65, didn't quite workout for them and the result was no different in '71.

As for massacres in E. Pakistan, where are the mass graves?
No, MAD is the only reason USA and USSR didn't wage an all out direct nuclear exchange.

India tried Balkanizing West Pakistan in '65, didn't quite workout for them and the result was no different in '71.

As for massacres in E. Pakistan, where are the mass graves?

Yet USSR and USA fought proxy wars all over the globe without entering into nuclear exchange. Kissenger is one of the mad geniuses behind those proxy wars.
you can curse him or praise him for that

Nothing stopped Indian Army from balkanizing West Pakistan in 1971. The 7th fleet was not there for show
the problem is USA dont know afghans . at day time they work for ANA 8 hours duty and then go to overtime 4 hours as taliban :rofl:
*Henry Kissinger on why America failed in Afghanistan*

It was not possible to turn the country into a modern democracy, but creative diplomacy and force might have overcome terrorism, says the American statesman.

Choosing India as strategic ally in Afghanistan was the key blunder. India, along with Afghanistan's NDS and a cartel of thugs like Ashraf Ghani cheated USA, focused on anti Pakistan campaign, instead of putting Afghanistan in order.

*The Economist* - read more:

I am glad Henry and I agree on something. The role of India in making the world an unsafe place for all. The only solution is Balkanization of India into smaller manageable countries styles by Pakistani Muslims.

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