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Help me (SUICIDAL)

Recently I did shrooms which triggered schizoaffective disorder in me. For months I felt like you that I want to kill myself. I only stopped because suicide is haraam. Even now I pray that Allah Almighty takes my life so I can get away from this mental illness but until then I must keep fighting for my kids and myself.

Your situation will get better as time moves on but my condition is lifelong. So you don't have it that bad hang in there. Losing someone is tough but eventually you move on. Hang in there.
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.

What is your suffering ....psychological.....or due to healt issue......Maybe we can help if you give us the main cause of that suicide though...

Man you are going to hell if you do suicide .....it will make you suffer eternally
Recently I did shrooms which triggered schizoaffective disorder in me. For months I felt like you that I want to kill myself. I only stopped because suicide is haraam. Even now I pray that Allah Almighty takes my life so I can get away from this mental illness but until then I must keep fighting for my kids and myself.

Your situation will get better as time moves on but my condition is lifelong. So you don't have it that bad hang in there. Losing someone is tough but eventually you move on. Hang in there.

Bro...how is it like to have schizofferania .....do you hear some one talking to you....or just though...
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.
Brother the answer is in your post. Your 4 year old son. You are his world as he is yours. In the face of all that’s bad, remember his smiling face. Also recite Surah Duha and read its translation. And seek help with a professional to offload the load on your chest by sharing your thoughts.

Also, time to time just disconnect yourself from the bad triggers. Just go out and walk and distract your mind away from all that hurts.

InshaAllah you will get through it. We all are praying for you and are with you.
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From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.
Hold on brother. It sometimes really get dark for me but still I try my best to continue. I don't what your issues are but may ALLAH help you brother. May he ease your pain and my he bless you with health and a great life and with all his blessings.
Brother I have gone through two painful failed marriages which ultimately resulted in divorce. Moreover I have hearing impairment due to which I am completely deaf from right ear and have severe to profound hearing loss in the left ear. I also have a son approximately 5 years old who is in the custody of my ex-wife . But still I am coping with my difficult circumstances.
Brother this life is a test . Try to think positively every time . You are going through difficult phase in this life but this phase will also pass. It seems that your wife is not sincere with you as she's encouraging you to commit suicide. You committing suicide is another way of her getting free of you. If there is no recourse divorce will be the best way forward.
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.

Seek some help from a psychiatrist. There is no harm in sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone professional. You have reached out here so you can do this.

Do it for you son. Imagine him going through life with that loss. He too may go down the same path as you. Would you want him to take that path as well? No... So do this for him.
Look so many hands to help you here, hope you doing well, you could just keep dumping all your thoughts here, everyone is your friend @defence.pk

Now you could hear this, just listen, theres nothing religious in this video.

From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.

Hello brother, I can think of four things to say to you :

1. Like others have said, take the services of a psychologist and/or a psychiatrist. And plan for the current and the future of your son. Something intellectual, like computer fundamentals or astronomy.

2. Adopt baby cats and their mother and care for them as you would care for your son. There are few things as satisfying to a human as much as happy cats. Muslim history, including of the Last Messenger himself, is full of caring for cats. Cats bring harmony and this harmony will help towards relieving your sadness.

3. Join a progressive group which thinks and works towards removing injustice from your immediate society and from humanity. Joining them will make you see that others are as sad as you but in other ways and you helping them removing that sadness will give you the will to live, including to see to it that your son faces no great and unnecessary sadness in his future life. Two such groups in Pakistan I know of are Arooj Aurangzeb's group ( she being the "Leather jacket girl". Take time and watch this interview of her ) and then there is the Laal music band.

4. Frequent tea houses and book shops ( especially second-hand bookshops ). Here you may find your woman companion. She may be different from your wife. To the tea houses take your friends, will give you the excuse to be there.

@Binod, what do you think of the above ?

What is your suffering ....psychological.....or due to healt issue......Maybe we can help if you give us the main cause of that suicide though...

See just below. And what do you think of my above suggestions ?

My aunt and my bestie both died due to accident, i used to share everything with them. My friend died in bike accident this month.

Bad relationship and then I lost my soul friend in bike accident. He just got engaged.
The secret of happiness is to be closer to Allah because happiness comes from Him, I mean happiness is metaphisicaly, nothing to do whether you have car or not or something like that.....Remember Quran verses saying that Ridho Allah is bigger than heaven


Then if you want to add more happines then make substantial contribution to Islam, feeding our kids and family can be regarded as one as well
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.
Two reason not to kill yourselves.
#1. You son will never understand why you left him,
#2 . You will doomed to hellfire for eternity.

So how about go in the kitchen and see if you can hold your hand on flame for few seconds.

if you don’t have answers to these than go to psychiatric and ask for depression meds. You will be just fine.
@Men in Green bhai, here is a list of activities you may do while taking medication:
- Find a good season urdu/English which suits your interests. Even ertugrul on YouTube is not a bad choice.
- Start to learn cooking through YouTube
- Start reading books and I suppose a person whose mental calibre is high enough to be a part of PDF will not have a bad taste.
- Follow meme pages and do things that cheer you up.
- Listen to bayans on YouTube.
- Have gettogethers with your friends.
- spend time with your son. Teach him to play cricket/football. Take him to mosque with you.
- Never let your mind be in stressing situations. Keep it busy and happy.
- Offer prayers especially Tahajjud and recite Quran often.
- Give sadiqa as much as you can as it really gives one internal peace.
- Again spend time with your son and family and try to mend your relationship with your wife.
do all of this while seeking professional advice.
- Make full use of taaq raatein especially 27th of Ramadan.
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@Men in Green Mate it's not worth it. Just think about your son. It may sound harsh but what he is gonna think when he is gonna grow up he'll blame you for not being there by his side the whole time. You'll too blame yourself for not being with your son. Your only son your blood.

You have a plenty of life ahead. **** everyone who think you're useless. But you and I know you are not. Deep down you are worried about your son. Let be it. Make it your strength. You have to live for your self and your son. Don't you wanna see him grow up do all these shenanigans go to school to college graduate find himself a nice girl and get married. You sure don't wanna miss these things.

For your loved ones the one who love you your mother your father other siblings and most importantly You. Don't do it.

Saw my dear friend besides his mother grave a few days ago which made me cry too. His mother would sit besides his son especially with him(my friend) as being younger one and made sure they eat properly. But life goes on.

People come and go in your life.

Talk to your friends and family go party outside. If I were in Karachi I would love to hang out with my Man have Chai and some Dunhill. But you can call me anytime. I am here for you. We are here. Enjoy those Choti Choti Khushiyan. Cherish every moment with your loved ones.

About your wife. Do some romantic things. Go out somewhere nice. Make love and all that stuff. Your Son would love to have his mother by his side too. Don't scare your son. If she has same behavior we will find a nice lady for you. But I may warn you that lady won't love your son as much. That divorce and custody process takes too much time and it'll take more toll on your mental health.

May you live long and Cherish full life.

And feel free to call me anytime.
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Brother I have gone through two painful failed marriages which ultimately resulted in divorce. Moreover I have hearing impairment due to which I am completely deaf from right ear and have severe to profound hearing loss in the left ear. I also have a son approximately 5 years old who is in the custody of my ex-wife . But still I am coping with my difficult circumstances.
Brother this life is a test . Try to think positively every time . You are going through difficult phase in this life but this phase will also pass. It seems that your wife is not sincere with you as she's encouraging you to commit suicide. You committing suicide is another way of her getting free of you. If there is no recourse divorce will be the best way forward.
May Allah bless you. Makes my troubles insignificant
From couple of weeks i am having suicidal thoughts. Only thing which is holding me back is my 4 year old son. I don't think it will hold me any longer.

Today it got worst.
I just want my suffering to end.
happens brother
Brother I have gone through two painful failed marriages which ultimately resulted in divorce. Moreover I have hearing impairment due to which I am completely deaf from right ear and have severe to profound hearing loss in the left ear. I also have a son approximately 5 years old who is in the custody of my ex-wife . But still I am coping with my difficult circumstances.
Brother this life is a test . Try to think positively every time . You are going through difficult phase in this life but this phase will also pass. It seems that your wife is not sincere with you as she's encouraging you to commit suicide. You committing suicide is another way of her getting free of you. If there is no recourse divorce will be the best way forward.
why dont you go cochlear implant sir ?
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