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Help me Identifying General Kayani's 3 new ribbons



New Recruit

Aug 31, 2012
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I was free after my BS final exams so i started to edit my favorite personality's Wikipedia pages.
I am adding military award pics to Gen. Kayani's wiki page (en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Ashfaq_Parvez_Kayani#Military_Awards) but these 3 ribbons are hard to identify i think these are some foreign award because No.2 marked ribbon in below image is between Grand Cross (Spain) and Legion of Merit (US)

If anyone here know about these three numbered ribbons pointed by arrow then please inform me here so i'll be able to add them on Wikipedia

i49 . tinypic.com/14j0mxw . jpg

Sorry this forum is not allowing me to post link :angry: (ERROR: An error has occurred AlphaRomeoQaud! You must have 5 posts in order to post links. Your current post count is 0.)
cant comment if we cannot see the ribbons
cant comment if we cannot see the ribbons

The number third pointer points to the Saudi medal, "Order of Abdulaziz al Saud". This medal has further classes and I don't know which class Kayani was awarded. May be it is of excellent class (Superior class).
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