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Heavy Indian Investment in Afghanistan.


Dec 8, 2010
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After living of ISAF & US forces from Afghanistan what will be the future of Heavy Indian Investment in Afghanistan ???
Please let Indians do anything they can to help Afghans but make it clear to them to not do anything against the stability of Pakistan.

I really think it would be great to make Indians partners for Afghanistan's better future, if both of Pakistan and India could somehow understand that this is in good of all of the three countries.
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After living of ISAF & US forces from Afghanistan what will be the future of Heavy Indian Investment in Afghanistan ???
the greedy minds of india r focusing on mining construction security n intelligence sides in afghanistan
i dont what pakistan is doing in there siting like an idle n waiting for a miracle

Please let Indians do anything they can to help Afghans but make it clear to them to not do anything against the stability of Pakistan.
r u living in a fools paradise
Please let Indians do anything they can to help Afghans but make it clear to them to not do anything against the stability of Pakistan.

I really think it would be great to make Indians partners for Afghanistan's better future, if both of Pakistan and India could somehow understand that this is in good of all of the three countries.

Stability in Afghanistan is in interest of all. Otherwise most affected nations will be whose borders are the most weak. AKA Pakistan.
After living of ISAF & US forces from Afghanistan what will be the future of Heavy Indian Investment in Afghanistan ???
Right now the Indian govt is mainly investing in infra projects in Afghanistan- roads, dams, HEP, schools, hospitals etc whilst the Indian pct sector is investing in mines and such. All are subject to the security situation in the country. If we see a return to the bad old days in Afghanistan with the Pakistani-backed Taliban back in control of the country then it is obvious these will be targeted..
Indians are obviously not aware of how strong the taliban are. Afghan government's power is limited to Kabul and even there, they have a hard time. India is up for a huge disappointment considering the fact that Pakistani intelligence knows afghanistan like it knows pakistan. India can do whatever it wants but make sure it doesn't piss Pak army off because itll be up for a big surprise
Indians are obviously not aware of how strong the taliban are. Afghan government's power is limited to Kabul and even there, they have a hard time. India is up for a huge disappointment considering the fact that Pakistani intelligence knows afghanistan like it knows pakistan. India can do whatever it wants but make sure it doesn't piss Pak army off because itll be up for a big surprise

OTOH I hope Pakistani adventurous minds realise that strategic depth is real and there is indeed a buffer state involved here.

That depth and buffer state is Afgh.. NO its Pakistan, it protects India from Afghanistan violence! And any trouble in Afghanistan that Pakistan creates... well its not like they are not currently paying for their last misadventure...
OTOH I hope Pakistani adventurous minds realise that strategic depth is real and there is indeed a buffer state involved here.

That depth and buffer state is Afgh.. NO its Pakistan, it protects India from Afghanistan violence! And any trouble in Afghanistan that Pakistan creates... well its not like they are not currently paying for their last misadventure...
thats sum it up :agree:
Please let Indians do anything they can to help Afghans but make it clear to them to not do anything against the stability of Pakistan.

I really think it would be great to make Indians partners for Afghanistan's better future, if both of Pakistan and India could somehow understand that this is in good of all of the three countries.
Well said! Pakistan, India and Afghanistan should all be partners in its development. That would be a win-win-win situation for all three countries.

But then with the PA, which is bent on making Afghanistan its surrogate by propping up the Afghan Taliban to form a pliable pro-Pak government there for it's sole aim of creating the so called 'Strategic Depth' against India, this kind of cooperation between the three countries is at present in the realms of fiction.
This is the real "investment" done by india...


When some foreign companies are trying to find mineral deposits in Afghanistan, it is in the interest of Afghans to understand that the agreement has to be worked out in a way that nobody could take any undue special advantage of their lack of knowledge or uncertainty about the amount and future value of mineral deposits. If they are not careful themselves, foreigners would continue to come to their country and make riches while giving a few officials heavy bribes to write agreements that would favor foreigners.

When we talk about potential value of any mineral deposit, it can be grossly misstated by even a factor of hundred times and even if you hire a few international experts, they could also make wrong statements about the value of deposits. It would be better to write the agreement that money given to Afghan people does not depend on any potential value, it depends on a percentage of future realized value that follows the physical extraction of minerals. There could be several other safeguards in the agrement that can make sure nobody could play with the wealth that belongs to the Afghan people.
When some foreign companies are trying to find mineral deposits in Afghanistan, it is in the interest of Afghans to understand that the agreement has to be worked out in a way that nobody could take any undue special advantage of their lack of knowledge or uncertainty about the amount and future value of mineral deposits. If they are not careful themselves, foreigners would continue to come to their country and make riches while giving a few officials heavy bribes to write agreements that would favor foreigners.

When we talk about potential value of any mineral deposit, it can be grossly misstated by even a factor of hundred times and even if you hire a few international experts, they could also make wrong statements about the value of deposits. It would be better to write the agreement that money given to Afghan people does not depend on any potential value, it depends on a percentage of future realized value that follows the physical extraction of minerals. There could be several other safeguards in the agrement that can make sure nobody could play with the wealth that belongs to the Afghan people.

That is an internal matter of Afghanistan.
That is an internal matter of Afghanistan.

It is not about Indian, Chinese or Pakistani investment. I think it equally applies even to some foreign investments in Balochistan. I would like to give this advice to people of every country. And really the mineral extraction firms must know that any short term gains would hurt the image of their country in the future when indigeneous people will realize that somebody else plundered their national wealth. Though the owners and stakeholders in the firm actually might remain better off in the future when measured in terms of wealth.
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It is not about Indian, Chinese or Pakistani investment. I think it equally applies even to some foreign investments in Balochistan. I would like to give this advice to people of every country. And really the mineral extraction firms must know that any short term gains would hurt the image of their country in the future when indigeneous people will realize that somebody else plundered their national wealth. Though the owners and stakeholders in the firm actually might remain better off in the future when measured in terms of wealth.

You want only Pakistan to "plunder" the Afghan wealth? Will that make the "plunder" legal and acceptable?
You want only Pakistan to "plunder" the Afghan wealth? Will that make the "plunder" legal and acceptable?

Afghans will be the greatest beneficiaries whenever you point to them if Pakistan plunders their wealth. What I said earlier was a general comment about mining companies in relatively less educated third world countries lacking technical knowledge in common so that many in the society could know the meanings of being cheated when the foreigners are actually telling them about the benefits of the enterprise. If you are worried, I might sense trouble for Afghans.

Please do not consider me in anyway enemy of India, I am a friend. But I do not like poor people anywhere to be cheated out of their wealth even by my own country.
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