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Heartland Thesis of Geopolitics

Exactly what I said. In the geo-political sense 'West' is a Anglo-American order with subsidiary countries. Russia and the 'West' belong to the same civilization grouping but are estranged along the geo-political cleavage.
I have watched a new documentary today in which Putin was interviewed. In 1992 or 1993, Putin and Sobchak have closed meeting with Helmut Koll. Koll directly said that Europe can remain an independent geopolitical center in the 21st century only in alliance with Russia.
I have watched
The problem Russia will face is there is very strong underlying connect between US/UK reinforced by other Anglo-Saxon countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Collectively they exert enormous influence over Western Europe even with UK leaving EU. NATO continues and will continue to exist. It's primary premise is Russia and over time might start looking at China also. I can't see Germany have the influence to anchor Western Europe on a separate moorings from the Anglo-Saxon order. In addition lot of the Eastern European countries are tilted toward to US and show marked aversion to Russia like Poland. And the US is cultivatinh Eastern Europe as you know with regular US forces training there.

I agree though if it was left to Germans they would tilt toward a Eurasian angle but with America looming large the Atlantic alliance will remain dominant in the near future.
Exactly what I said. In the geo-political sense 'West' is a Anglo-American order with subsidiary countries. Russia and the 'West' belong to the same civilization grouping but are estranged along the geo-political cleavage.

@Iqbal Ali Thoughts?

True. But do everything to slow down that escalator. That you have some control over.

Well according to Samuel P Huntington in his "Clash of Civilizations" thesis, Russia is not part of the "West" But rather of the Christian Orthodox Civilization.

The West and Russian civilization may indeed share the Christian religion, but due to certain differences Russia belongs and some its neighbouring countries belong to the Orthodox Christian civilization.

You can disagree with Samuel Huntington, which I feel you might do.
For me the most interesting was information about the cost for transportation. For tellurocratic states (Russia, China, etc.) to have a trade advantage over the thallasocratic (USA, UK, Japan etc.) we need to make the cost for transportation by rail cheaper than by sea. The second option is the development of the Northern Sea Route. This route is almost 100% controlled by Russia, and it is cheaper and faster than through the Suez Canal. Given that Russia/China have reached parity in military power with the West, I am 100% confident that the 21st century will be the century of Tellurocracy or Hearthland - if we will nullify control of USA over most of world trade routes.

There is no parity between USA and Russia. American advantages in air power, logistics and technology have multiplied since the end of the cold war.

It is great that there is a cheaper transport route through Russia. Are the major economic powers - Japan, India, GCC and Western Europe going to use it ?

Why is American control of the trade routes a problem ? They have not blocked anyone unless you commit mischief like Saddam in Iraq

I would rather call it Christian or European Civilization, because mordern day "Western" almost 100% means Anglo-American (Germany, France, Spain and other former European Empires more like provinces today). I believe Russians are Europeans by race, religion and culture, but surely are not Westerners in its today geopolitical sense.
I consider it an annoying omission that term "West" in its Trans-Atlantic meaning has almost completely displaced the meaning of good old Europe, its glorious days.

Russians will eventually be like their West European cousins
It is great that there is a cheaper transport route through Russia. Are the major economic powers - Japan, India, GCC and Western Europe going to use it ?
Japan, China, Korea and Western Europe will, because it is 30-40% faster than Suez.
Why is American control of the trade routes a problem ? They have not blocked anyone unless you commit mischief like Saddam in Iraq
In the times of trade wars even between America and Europe it is matter. Besides - there will be no pirates on Northern Route.

Russians will eventually be like their West European cousins
Nope. Some Western Europeans will eventually be like Russians. Others will extinct, like dinosaurs or Neanderthals.
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Japan, China, Korea and Western Europe will, because it is 30-40% faster than Suez.
Speed is great. What is the price ?? Nobody is paying Russia tolls.

In the times of trade wars even between America and Europe it is matter. Besides - there will be no pirates on Northern Route.
There is little piracy anywhere

Nope. Some Western Europeans will eventually be like Russians. Others will extinct, like dinosaurs or Neanderthals.

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