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Heart touching words of Musharraf in Special court

yeah it cannot give, but when it tries to give traitor a punishment, you call it man-made document? like your treasonous leader, you too speak and follow the same line, shamefully enough without knowing you are saying I dont accept law. its like a murderer saying, set me free cause I dont accept this man made law of Pakistan !!

no wonder you support terrorist mqm !

Would you call this crying Karachiite a MQM terrorist...?????

Would you call this crying Karachiite a MQM terrorist...?????


why are you asking me
go ask someone in Baluchistan, ask family member of one of the missing person.
ask Arifa Siddique's family or 100s others handed to America.
ask the ones killed in Karachi on may 12th
dont ask me I am not a party in this.
or you can ask anyone behind bars and they will read you a heart wrenching story even better than his.
oh did he also mentioned all the perks he got while doing this service to the nation, did he tell you how he became the iron man for 10 years.

no he is not an MQM terrorists if he was were would have stated in UK
Musharraf , is a Patriotic Pakistani, during his term there was revolution in bringing "Experienced Pakistanis back from Abroad to work in CEO positions" in companies across Pakistan, its true as "I saw the advertisements in international newspapers"

The man is a genius tactician

  • IT revolution
  • Higher Education Commission
  • Jobs for Pakistanis working in USA , UK, Europe to come back
  • Farming schemes , Dairy farm and fish farming were introduced in his time
  • University creation schemes
  • Safety of Pakistan Nuclear Assets
  • No war in Pakistan (Direct attack on Pakistan form Nation)
  • Safeguarding Pakistan's image
  • Enhancement of Pakistani forces , Air-force, Navy and Military
  • Keeping prices in check
  • TV channel monopoly broken
  • Gwadar port and vision
  • Balouchistan clean up (Love him for it )
  • Red mosque clean up (Love him for it bold decision)
  • AWACs purchase
  • F16 Purchase MLU for Block C/D
  • JF17 mile stones
  • J10B purchases for Airforce
  • Expansion of Banking Services and international banks opened operations in Pakistan

Musharraf, was and is a Pakistani Tactician a master planner


  • Before Musharaf no company had Internet web site and presence , there was no eGov initiative
  • NADRA was also created for modern National ID card for Nationals and International Pakistanis
  • Milk and Farms produced record productions due to his initiatives
  • Those telecom companies providing Internet , yep all in Musharraf's time before that there was only dial up
  • Freedom for reporters and newspapers to report no jail time for writing against government
Honorary Role in Universities :
Invited world wide to speak for positive change in Pakistan and his helping soften the image of Pakistan has a progressive society

50 Items Musharaf's term brought to Pakistan
50 reasons Pakistan needs Musharraf – The Express Tribune Blog

1. Nine world class engineering universities were developed and 18 public universities further developed.

2. Pakistan was ranked third in world banking profitability.

3. The IT industry was valued at around $2 billion, including $1 billion in exports and employed around 90,000 professionals.

4. The CNG sector attracted over $70 billion in investment in the past five years and created 45,000 jobs.

5. The telecommunications sector attracted around $10 billion in investments and created over 1.3 million jobs.

6. Industrial parks were set up throughout the country for the first time.

7. Mega projects such as the Saindak, Rekodiq, marble production, coal production, mining and quarrying were pursued.

8. Foreign reserves increased from $700 million to $17 billion.

9. The Karachi stock market went from 700 points to 15,000 points.

10. The literacy rate improved by 11 per cent.

11. Poverty decreased by 10 per cent.

12. Four dams were built: Mirani, Subakzai, Gomalzam, Khurram, and Tangi,

13. Seven motorways were completed or were under construction,

14. Gwadar, an advanced sea port, was developed

15. 650 kilometres of coastal highways were constructed.

16. A historic 100% increase in tax collection (amounting to Rs1 trillion) was observed.

17. Large scale manufacturing was at a 30-year high, and construction at a 17-year high.

18. Copper and gold deposits were found in Chagai, worth about $600 million annually if sold.

19. A new oil refinery with the UAE that could process 300,000 oil barrels a day was established.

20. The industrial sector registered 26 per cent growth.

21. The economy was the third fastest growing economy after China and India .

22. The Institute of Space Technology was established.

23. Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University Quetta was established.

24. The University of Science and Technology, Bannu, was established.

25. The University of Hazara was founded.

26. The Malakand University in Chakdara was established.

27. The University of Gujrat was established

28. The Virtual University of Pakistan was established

29. Sarhad University of IT in Peshawar was established

30. The National Law University in Islamabad was established

31. The Media University in Islamabad was established

32. University of Education in Lahore was established

33. Lasbela University of Marine Sciences, Baluchistan, was established

34. Baluchistan University of IT & Management, Quetta (2002)

35. The Pakistan economy was worth $ 160 billion in 2007

36. GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) was $ 475.5 billion in 2007

37. The GDP per Capita in 2007 was $ 1000

38. Revenue collection in 2007/08 was Rs1.002 billion

39. Exports in 2007were worth $18.5 billion

40. Textile exports in 2007 were worth $11.2 billion

41. Foreign direct investment in 2007 was $8.5 billion

42. Debt servicing in 2007 was 26 per cent of the GDP

43. The poverty level in 2007 was 24 per cent

44. The literacy rate in 2007 was 53 per cent

45. Pakistan development programs in 2007 were valued at Rs520 billion

46. The Karachi stock exchange in 2007 was $70 billion at 15,000 points

47. Exports in 2007: $18.5 billion

48. Pakistan now has a total of 245,682 educational institutions in all categories, including 164,579 in the public sector and 81,103 in the private sector, according to the National Education Census (NEC-2005).
49. There were 5,000 Pakistanis doing PhDs in foreign countries on scholarship by 2007. 300 Pakistanis receive PhD degrees every year, in 1999, the number was just 20.

50. In total, 99,319 educational institutions increased in Musharraf’s era!
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why are you asking me
go ask someone in Baluchistan, ask family member of one of the missing person.
ask Arifa Siddique's family or 100s others handed to America.
ask the ones killed in Karachi on may 12th
dont ask me I am not a party in this.
or you can ask anyone behind bars and they will read you a heart wrenching story even better than his.
oh did he also mentioned all the perks he got while doing this service to the nation, did he tell you how he became the iron man for 10 years.

no he is not an MQM terrorists if he was were would have stated in UK

First of all I didn't ask from you ... I did just inform you ... I asked this from @Leader particularly ........

Rest I will reply you of this post later ....

Get chilled
go ask someone in Baluchistan, ask family member of one of the missing person.
You should just ask from Sarfaraz Bugti ... He will better tell you Balochistan situation ...........
ask Arifa Siddique's family or 100s others handed to America.
Dr. Afia didn't arrested from Pakistan ... And I think you forgot Aimel Kansi .............
ask the ones killed in Karachi on may 12th
Kindly ask to PPP & ANP goon who eventually turned against Iftekhar Chaudhry in their regime ...........
1 case which couldn't be turned off from Musharraf is;

1. Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan

rest of all blames are just colours & bubbles.
1 case which couldn't be turned off from Musharraf is;

1. Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan

rest of all blames are just colours & bubbles.
yes not handing him over to USA, nuclear smugling?lolzz
Nawaz hopes to gain from this drama.It could back-fire on his face because the military must not be amused. Pakistan faces huge problems with the western half of the nation in turmoil. Nawaz should concentrate his attention to overcoming that unrest -which require enormous strength of character/leadership and sagacity. Mush is a non-issue. Let him go where he pleases.Nawaz should overcome the pressures within his party seeking revenge. Not many of them were honest or had served their constituents faithfully.
You should just ask from Sarfaraz Bugti ... He will better tell you Balochistan situation ...........

Or i can ask an urdali what is Pakistan army's policy in Baluchistan
what is, the policy of politicians in baluchustan?
to liberate & give power to BLA.,?

dont put too much pressure on your brain soldier, Baluchistan; now that people with brain are in power not people with guns; is getting better and in a year or two there will be peaceful Baluchistan.

You should just ask from Sarfaraz Bugti ... He will better tell you Balochistan situation ...........

Dr. Afia didn't arrested from Pakistan ... And I think you forgot Aimel Kansi .............

Kindly ask to PPP & ANP goon who eventually turned against Iftekhar Chaudhry in their regime ...........

really she wasnt, so you believe US version that she was in Afghanistan and attacked US soldiers
lets believe whatever is convenient for our leaders
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really she wasnt, so you believe US version that she was in Afghanistan and attacked US soldiers
lets believe whatever is convenient for our leaders

I believe on Musharraf's words ... He is not a liar like NS :lol:
Furthermore Dr. Afia was fundamentalist ... His father was associated to JI in Karachi ... Therefore no wonder JI may have prepared to her to go to Afghanistan ...............
I believe on Musharraf's words ... He is not a liar like NS :lol:
Furthermore Dr. Afia was fundamentalist ... His father was associated to JI in Karachi ... Therefore no wonder JI may have prepared to her to go to Afghanistan ...............

ok i rest my case
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