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Head of Sri Lankan Buddhist group calls on Modi to rule India like Ashoka

WTH are you serious man?......your statement may lead to the conclusion that what he did in his previous avatar gone lost in vain. Respect every religion don't always show them part of your religion while i believe nor Hinduism nor Buddhism are hostile towards each other.
Not every religion is perfect but yes we can learn from every religion to be a good human being.

I never said ANYTHING like that, all I was referring to is the relationship these two religions had. Ofcourse Buddhism is a different religion.

Common held belief. He was most probably a Buddhist for some 3 years before the Kalinga war.

Can you give me some references? I would love to read about that.
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Thats why I referred to "earlier" hindus. As far as ancient texts, marking in temples concerned, there is no denial that he was accepted as a God in hindu culture. A proof of which still evident, when you visit temples that are relatively older and from teh same point of time.

The earlier texts aren't flattering to Buddha. The reversal to a benign avatar of Vishnu took place much later (8th century onwards....along with Hinduism incorporating many Buddhist thoughts)
I never said ANYTHING like that, all I was referring to is the relationship these two religions had. Ofcourse Buddhism is a different religion.
If not then what with the Buddha was a avatar of lord vishnu.?
please explain.
The earlier texts aren't flattering to Buddha. The reversal to a benign avatar of Vishnu took place much later (8th century onwards....along with Hinduism incorporating many Buddhist thoughts)

They wouldn't be flattering.

Buddha was considered a rebel by the orthodoxy at the time.
WTH are you serious man?......your statement may lead to the conclusion that what he did in his previous avatar gone lost in vain. Respect every religion don't always show them part of your religion while i believe nor Hinduism nor Buddhism are hostile towards each other.
Not every religion is perfect but yes we can learn from every religion to be a good human being.

according to Hindu belief - the purpose of a incarnation is to re-establish their Vedic religion. Buddha , an atheist rejected the Vedas' authority, so Hindus fundamentalists need to reconcile these glaring contradictions before bestowing avatar-hood
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If not then what with the Buddha was a avatar of lord vishnu.?
please explain.
Itrs not me buddy, its the "Dashavatar" slokas, from the book 10 incarnations, that is still read in many temples. its not something i braught it out of nothing, its the vedas which say that. and its something I have been reading since I was kid.

a link for you..Bhajans Slokas Devotional Stories: Dash-avatar

The earlier texts aren't flattering to Buddha. The reversal to a benign avatar of Vishnu took place much later (8th century onwards....along with Hinduism incorporating many Buddhist thoughts)

Agree, Buddha first rejected and then accepted. but that happened only at the intellectual level with no direct interferance or impact on daily Hindu culture.
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Itrs not me buddy, its the "Dashavatar" slokas, from the book 10 incarnations, that is still read in many temples. its not something i braught it out of nothing, its the vedas which say that. and its something I have been reading since I was kid.
So the question is do u believe it?
it doesnt matter for me to believe it. for me I am a vedic guy than a Hindu. For me it doesnt matter.
Bro, don't take it wrong but what i wanted to say here is this thing gonna create unnecessary insecurity between too in future. who ever put that in this way did really wrong..i hope everyone will be wise like u to at-least give a thought or ignorance to that.
See, you need to understand something. 'Religion' is not an Indian concept. It is an Abrahamic concept originating in the sandy deserts of Arabia with the old testament. The concept of Dharma is different from religion but because the Christian British couldn't understand what it meant, they categorized it as religion.

Today since we follow British given systems, we are called 'religions'. People have been brainwashed into believing that we are 'different religions' and the whole 'unity in diversity' concept. It was a divide and rule policy that the Nehru dynasty inherited from their foreign masters and implemented in our education system.

Dharma is like a tree. With different branches, Hindus, us, Sikhs and Jains follow paths that they feel right from the core of our culture.

It is like imagine the foreigners saying that 'Shaivite' is a different religion from 'Vaishnav' in you guys. Imagine if they had broken it down that way.

Since they couldn't do that, they separated us on broader pictures. We are no different from you. Our core learnings are very much a part of the wider Hindu philosophy. Unlike what Abrahamic and cultural marxists think, Dharma is not only worshipping Brahma, Vishnu or Shiv. It is deeper than that and has a teaching behind it.

That is what the many Buddhas (yes, there are many Buddhas and Siddhartha Gautama is technically not the first, just like Mahavira was not the first tritankara of Jains) taught humanity. Hindus call it Godhood is present within atma. We call it nirvana . Today, these concepts are seen differently but are essentially same. :)

Balance. Peace. Realization. Humility. Service. Honour. Courage. Kindness. Compassion. Dedication. These are our teachings.

Now tell me where and how you and we are different? Tell me, how are you, we and Sikhs different here? :)

I don't want to deviate any further but it is a deep philosophy which will take time to make you and many other fellow Indians here.

We Buddhists traditionally are not different from. Please don't call those Ambedkarite politicians as Buddhists. They are nothing close to our faith. Traditionally, we were, we are and we will always be supportive of you people and with you Hindus.

1. Thank you. Of course "Dharama" is not religion as defined in the dictionary - but here are we not talking of Sanatan Dharma? Hinduism is a loose confederacy of various cultures, practices, customs and even beliefs.But then over centuries there have been attempts at unifying which necessitated codifying and a form of bureaucracy crept in. These priests or upper class caste Brahmins have for ever endeavored to strengthen their hold/power.Several teacher/reformers arrived - many from Bengal. But eventually not much was achieved.Deviationists also came. Jains,Sikhs and the Brahmos being the major ones.The British Christians were really misled, as many others, by these bureaucrats or the priest class with all their paraphernalia that go to make a "religion" as defined in the dictionary.

2. Buddhism is the oldest surviving among the great faiths. Time has taken its toll as has local customs and culture.Are you aware there is a research group led by a Pakistani retired air force officer investigating into similarities between Buddhism and Islam? Both preach peace, equality and universal brotherhood. We Muslims believe,unknown to modern history, many of our early prophets were sent down over millenniums in various societies to reform mankind. In the Holy Quor'an there is mention of one of them, from the east, sitting and meditating under a great tree.Could that have been Prince Gautama Buddha? Researchers from China, Burma, Thailand and other shave joined Wing Comdr Jalaluddin Akbar's research team.

3. Although Islam is an Abrahamic faith we are also not a"religion" as defined in the dictionary. We are a revolutionary movement that continues to reform societies towards peace and goodness. Priesthood is disallowed. Usury is forbidden. These are some of the reasons why Christianity,Judaism, and in recent centuries, MNCs/Money Barons/International Bankers target us.

Oye a sad miah; some alleged "professional's" brains have got subsumed by absurd inanities. :lol:
Idiotic posts do not provoke me.
But many sources suggest that 9th avatar of Vishnu i.e Buddha was actually pandurang of pandharpur.
I dont know about that. @Sam Manekshaw I was just stating what I had read in a book about Buddha being considered/adopted by Hindus (whether it is right or wrong I do not know nor do I care since I am pretty much an agnostic) as one of the avatars of Vishnu :rolleyes:
They wouldn't be flattering.

Buddha was considered a rebel by the orthodoxy at the time.

Agree, Buddha first rejected and then accepted. but that happened only at the intellectual level with no direct interferance or impact on daily Hindu culture.

Ya, which is why people must wonder how it is that he got to be avatar of Vishnu.

Hint: He was made an avatar by those who detested him.....
according to Hindu belief - the purpose of a incarnation is to re-establish their Vedic religion. Buddha , an atheist rejected the Vedas' authority, so Hindus fundamentalists need to reconcile these glaring contradictions before bestowing avatar-hood
Incorrect. Let not the prejudice blind you. You can refute the Vedas and still call yourself Hindu. The actual term is nastik - you can read about it on your own, if interested.
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