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He led IDF intel gathering on Iran, was ignored and fears Israel is now paying the price

Personally, with the new government in power, any Israeli act of aggression is nothing but excellent for Iran.
Now that we are mass producing IR-6 centrifuges, we now need excuses to faster develop IR-8, IR-8s, IR-9 centrifuges. When Iran can mass produce IR-9 centrifuges, no country on earth will be capable of stopping our enrichment program even if they can bomb all of our current nuclear facilities (which they can't. Fordow is so well fortified and so deep under tens of meters of concrete and granite that even US bunker busters and tactical nukes are not guaranteed to completely destroy it).

Iran is ready to test fusion-boosted nuclear weapons. We only need a real credible threat to do it. Trump's idiocy to pull out of the deal too early gave Iran the excuse to stop implementing the JCPOA while benefiting from the annulment of UNSC sanctions on Iran. We need more excuses like that.

Time will tell just how much of a disaster Israel's coercion of Trump into torpedoing the JCPOA will be for both nations (U.S./Israel).

They slaughtered their only means of keeping Iran in-check where nuclear issues were concerned and they killed any hope for dialogue outside of nuclear related topics since Iran cannot afford to keep them at their word on anything.
Time will tell just how much of a disaster Israel's coercion of Trump into torpedoing the JCPOA will be for both nations (U.S./Israel).

They slaughtered their only means of keeping Iran in-check where nuclear issues were concerned and they killed any hope for dialogue outside of nuclear related topics since Iran cannot afford to keep them at their word on anything.
We should thank God every night that Trump pulled out of the JCPOA.

The JCPOA was an extremely bad deal for us. But Trump thought they could force us to give more concessions by force. If we had pulled out of the JCPOA on our own, we might've ended up under Article 42 of Chapter VII and all previous 4 rounds of UNSC sanctions would've been reinstated automatically. Trump justified our violations of the JCPOA by pulling out of the JCPOA. If anything, if some day Iran builds the bomb, they should build the statues of Trump and Netanyahu next to our nuclear martyrs because without them, the treasonous bastards of the Rouhani administration had given everything we had without much in return and we had to abide by the agreement.
Personally, with the new government in power, any Israeli act of aggression is nothing but excellent for Iran.
I would have never thought that i would some day say this but i am really waiting for another insignificant Israeli/American sabotage attempt. We just need one more excuse and we can enrich up to 90% and reduce UN (read spy) inspector access. And honestly, the enemy despite all their resources and think thanks keep falling for our ploy. Just give us the excuse.
I would have never thought that i would some day say this but i am really waiting for another insignificant Israeli/American sabotage attempt. We just need one more excuse and we can enrich up to 90% and reduce UN (read spy) inspector access. And honestly, the enemy despite all their resources and think thanks keep falling for our ploy. Just give us the excuse.
The best trolling of the Ayatollahs was when they released some incomplete documents about Iran's nuclear progress and used Israel as a tool to show how advanced our nuclear weapons program was in early 90s.
Not only they established deterrence by showing how much they had already advanced nearly 3 decades ago, but they managed to do it without any consequence.
There is no definitive evidence as to which country invented Chess, it was either Iran or India ( India throughout its history was not a single country until the British invasion)... but I Find it really sad how instead of taking Iran´s side, some "Iranians" are trained to be traitors and bash Iran instead.
I wish these traitors to get lost to their beloved America, so they get a taste of the reality of the "American deam".
its not taking side blindly , and i don't want to be like some countries with no achievement of their own that are glad to steal others achievement , like some country who gladly steal poets of other countries or one certain county that several year ago tried to claim Avecina , .
and traitors are the ones who with their baseless and bogus claim reduce Iran credibility in the world
show me one source that claim its Iranian, for starter the great traitor (according to some people) Ferdowsi taught its Indian
And as we say in Pakistan, this is nothing but noora-kushti between Iran and its supposed adversaries...

If Iran was such an existential threat to Israel, why the latter hadn't directly taken out assets which enable the former to truly threaten Israel...

Answer is very simple, Israel doesn't want to disturb the power balance in ME, with Iran out of the way, Sunnis/Arabs will be empowered and that's the last thing Israel wants...
Yeah right! they couldn't even "invent" a toilet!!!
do you want me start posting interesting video of Iran.
if you can provide any proof for what you guys claim then please do so
And as we say in Pakistan, this is nothing but noora-kushti between Iran and its supposed adversaries...

If Iran was such an existential threat to Israel, why the latter hadn't directly taken out assets which enable the former to truly threaten Israel...

Answer is very simple, Israel doesn't want to disturb the power balance in ME, with Iran out of the way, Sunnis/Arabs will be empowered and that's the last thing Israel wants...
very simple because each action have consequences and sane people tends to think about those consequences
And as we say in Pakistan, this is nothing but noora-kushti between Iran and its supposed adversaries...

If Iran was such an existential threat to Israel, why the latter hadn't directly taken out assets which enable the former to truly threaten Israel...

Answer is very simple, Israel doesn't want to disturb the power balance in ME, with Iran out of the way, Sunnis/Arabs will be empowered and that's the last thing Israel wants...
very simple because each action have consequences and sane people tends to think about those consequences
And as we say in Pakistan, this is nothing but noora-kushti between Iran and its supposed adversaries...

If Iran was such an existential threat to Israel, why the latter hadn't directly taken out assets which enable the former to truly threaten Israel...

Answer is very simple, Israel doesn't want to disturb the power balance in ME, with Iran out of the way, Sunnis/Arabs will be empowered and that's the last thing Israel wants...
very simple because each action have consequences and sane people tends to think about those consequences
It's more difficult to decipher Iran than Israil.....
To goh khordi mihanforush :)
Azinast ke rooye mokhe. Karisham nemishe kard.
Dar in morede shatranj albate ta jayi ke midoonam dare dorost mige, amma kollan kose sher ziyad mige.
Az kesi ke migoft Barjam behtarin gharardad hast va har kase dige ham biyad hamin kar ro mikone che entezari dari.
Azinast ke rooye mokhe. Karisham nemishe kard.
Dar in morede shatranj albate ta jayi ke midoonam dare dorost mige, amma kollan kose sher ziyad mige.
Az kesi ke migoft Barjam behtarin gharardad hast va har kase dige ham biyad hamin kar ro mikone che entezari dari.
Hala nemidoonam chera yehoyi behesh barkhord darbore kamboode toilet dar hend. mikhad taaze videoha eftezah az iran bezare ke saabet kone hend tanha intori nist. yani adam bayad cheghadr khak bar sar bashe.
Hala nemidoonam chera yehoyi behesh barkhord darbore kamboode toilet dar hend. mikhad taaze videoha eftezah az iran bezare ke saabet kone hend tanha intori nist. yani adam bayad cheghadr khak bar sar bashe.
Emrooz mizaan-e mihanparasti ya doshmani ba Iran kheyli roshan hast.
Har kas ke ba sabke gharardad-hayi chon Barjam hamsoo hast doshman hast.
Man ham ishoon ro az hamoon rooz fahmidam koja istaade.
And as we say in Pakistan, this is nothing but noora-kushti between Iran and its supposed adversaries...

If Iran was such an existential threat to Israel, why the latter hadn't directly taken out assets which enable the former to truly threaten Israel...

Answer is very simple, Israel doesn't want to disturb the power balance in ME, with Iran out of the way, Sunnis/Arabs will be empowered and that's the last thing Israel wants...

Law of Unintended Consequences.

America is dumb enough to not to care about it. Took out Iraq and unintentionally made Iran more powerful.

Israel on the hand is not dumb. Taking out Iran will just make Arabs stronger.

So, the strategy is to make gulf Arabs friends and destroy Levant Arabs and then ask America and Arabs to take out Iran, join in partially in the war and then declare yourself as the soul victor(which they would be anyway, lol)
How I see it shaping up:

Israel will dominate Arabs of Arabia and Iran will dominate Arabs of Levant..They will reach an understanding that neither one can go to war with the other side and will co-exist and live happily ever after. As for the US .. they will be happy to leave middle east and get busy with China..

As for Turkey they will be busy with their Ottoman 2.0 empire in Caucasus dealing with Russia..

China will buy all of Pakistan and Afghanistan and become Iran's neighbour.

Egypt will become King of Africa and make sure Neil water never gets diverted..
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