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Hasina wants Islam as Bangladesh state religion

Now what would one say if one says the following:

1. Islam is the most tolerant religion. The ground situation does not suggest so. And what is surprising is that the Prophet is One and the Quaran is One and yet they kill each other. Where is the tolerance?

2. Islam is not a Religion Islam is a deen which is it deals with all aspects of Life and gives Law concering how goverments and economy should be run.
Now that is as per the scriptures. But to justify everything through scriptures including all aspects of life as if events that cannot be justified like the AQ or the raid on Osama happening there is a Law in the scripture covering it is not only taking things beyond, it is also doing down the religion!

It is true that none classified LTTE as Hindu terrorists. The reason is simple. The Indian Hindus did not subscribe to them and they condemned it as a whole. When Pirabhakaran was killed did you find any Hindu prayer meetings all over the world? No. In fact, the Government supported the action of his killing. But look at the mastermind of terrorism, Osama's death. All over the world the Muslims are holding prayers and calling him a 'hero'.

That is the difference.

There is no fear of Islam as a religion.

The worry is that instead of controlling the Islamic fundamentalist, they are encouraged as is being done over Osama being killed and being called a hero and holding of prayers and so on.

The fear of uncertainty.

No one fears any religion.

I did see and heard Naik. He was a trifle disingenuous.

Do not forget about another teaching of Islam. It says to fight back. This is what the Islamic people are doing. USA, Israel and Europe combinedly take advantage of Islamic countries' weaker position and attack them at ease. The govts cannot protect the countries' sovereignty. So, the people come out to supersede the govts and attack the enemies.

Like the enemies these people do not have airforce and naval force. What they can do is to harm the enemies, and to kill and destroy them wherever they find opportunities? Their land based fighting causes many unnecessary deaths. But, their fight will continue until Qayamat. Terrorist is a new term invented by the non-Muslims to defame the freedom fighters.
Do not worry about our Bangladesh. We will not become a fanatic country. Either we accept fanatism or you will brand us munafiq, what a great religious prescription by an illiterate Mullah! Allah should send you to Habia Dozakh so that you can enjoy time with other infidels who do not understand a word of religion. You guys have made your country a curse on earth and all in the name of a great religion.

Just get off from this thread. We do not like to hate people. But, guys like you make us angry and make us hate you.
brother go read Islamic History and read how munafiqs used to act I am really very sorry but people who you are calling fanatics you will foung to be very close to Sahabas and people who you are calling moderates you will found out that they are more close to munafiqs and traitors
One has to just take off the blindfold to see.

The terrorists are the result of the US and USSR?

So, they were asked to jump into a well and these poor chaps jumped into the well?

Will you jump into the well, if someone tell you to do so?

You would if you had some personal interest or else you would not.

Another apologist and state of denial explanation.

The chap Zraver or whatever.

Must you have to be spoonfed?

Do you not read the posts or do you just jump into the fray just because you are seized with some itch?'

If it is means that everything of life has been covered, then how come Muslims are killing Muslims, surely that is not covered or is it?


So, we should also admire Al Capone, the Mafia head. He killed a lot of innocents, but he also sorted out the USA!!

The issue is simple, there is no hero worshipping of any terrorists like Pirabhakaran unlike hero worshipping of a terrorist like Osama or many others. The Muslims are holding prayers all over the world for Osama. Such acts lead many to believe that terrorists are heroes of the Muslim world and hence the labels like Islamic terrorists and all that.

Your buying or not buying is not material. Show me prayers being undertaken amongst the Hindus for Pirabhakaran, who you exemplify.

How droll!

if a religion is perfect doesnt mean people will be perfect second thing is what the hell it has to do with muslims killing muslims if they are doing than there are orders for muslims Muslims of whole world will sit and will see who started this and will fight with opresser group of muslims
brother go read Islamic History and read how munafiqs used to act I am really very sorry but people who you are calling fanatics you will foung to be very close to Sahabas and people who you are calling moderates you will found out that they are more close to munafiqs and traitors

Like all other fanatics, you have also the habit of seeing everything either in black or in white. There are things in between. If any one does not accept your opinion you give a Fatwa proclaiming him to be a Munafiq. But, I find people like you to be the real traitors and Munafiqs. If you do not want to learn things in between and moderate your opinion, why are you then here in this discussion forum?

Is it to take us to the road of fanatism that kills Muslims in your country even in the mosques? Do you really think, a person with a black fanatic faith can influence other people's minds like us? You are very wrong at that. Uneducated and superstitious fanatics should be annihilated everywhere, so that the Muslims can educate themselves with modern science and technology, and go up the ladder of earthly prosperty. You guys want us to be the slaves of the Christians by prohibiting a free thinking liberal societry in the Muslim world.
Like all other fanatics, you have also the habit of seeing everything either in black or in white. There are things in between. If any one does not accept your opinion you give a Fatwa proclaiming him to be a Munafiq. But, I find people like you to be the real traitors and Munafiqs. If you do not want to learn things in between and moderate your opinion, why are you then here in this discussion forum?

Is it to take us to the road of fanatism that kills Muslims in your country even in the mosques? Do you really think, a person with a black fanatic faith can influence other people's minds like us? You are very wrong at that. Uneducated and superstitious fanatics should be annihilated everywhere, so that the Muslims can educate themselves with modern science and technology, and go up the ladder of earthly prosperty. You guys want us to be the slaves of the Christians by prohibiting a free thinking liberal societry in the Muslim world.

you are being rough on him
Like all other fanatics, you have also the habit of seeing everything either in black or in white. There are things in between. If any one does not accept your opinion you give a Fatwa proclaiming him to be a Munafiq. But, I find people like you to be the real traitors and Munafiqs. If you do not want to learn things in between and moderate your opinion, why are you then here in this discussion forum?

Is it to take us to the road of fanatism that kills Muslims in your country even in the mosques? Do you really think, a person with a black fanatic faith can influence other people's minds like us? You are very wrong at that. Uneducated and superstitious fanatics should be annihilated everywhere, so that the Muslims can educate themselves with modern science and technology, and go up the ladder of earthly prosperty. You guys want us to be the slaves of the Christians by prohibiting a free thinking liberal societry in the Muslim world.

sir I am not against Scinence and Technology very much favour of it but you can study science by keeping your beard you can study science by wearing Hijab you can even progress by not dealing in Hijab and becareful about this word liberal thought because it only ends up people promoting vulgarity and other theories among Muslims
sir I am not against Scinence and Technology very much favour of it but you can study science by keeping your beard you can study science by wearing Hijab you can even progress by not dealing in Hijab and becareful about this word liberal thought because it only ends up people promoting vulgarity and other theories among Muslims

In liberal society there is no bar to have beard and burka. YOU are free to do. The same is expected if somebody does not want to keep beard or does not want to wear burka. Thats fair aint it?
if a religion is perfect doesnt mean people will be perfect second thing is what the hell it has to do with muslims killing muslims if they are doing than there are orders for muslims Muslims of whole world will sit and will see who started this and will fight with opresser group of muslims


Just my point.

Yet, Islam is bandied around as if those who are adherents are 'three no Trumps' call!

all religions are good.

it is those who misuse it are wrong!
sir I am not against Scinence and Technology very much favour of it but you can study science by keeping your beard you can study science by wearing Hijab you can even progress by not dealing in Hijab and becareful about this word liberal thought because it only ends up people promoting vulgarity and other theories among Muslims

Sorry for the outburst. One thing, beard is not compulsory in Islam. I have no grievance against someone with beard. But, like hair on his head, he should keep it trimmed. A person should keep himself upkept in his dress, hair and also beard, this is what I think.

I think, I am right about liberalism. A person's mind must be free himself from religious dogma. A man of letter who studies and believes in earthly progress of mankind is related to the progress of science, should live behind what his religious script says or what the Mullahs interpret on one particular topic. I was talking about this kind of liberalism, a liberalism of mind.

But, you might have misunderstood my point thinking that I am of opinion to liberlize the Muslim society from all the Codes of conduct written in our Holy Qura'n. God knows I did not mean it. Liberalism that pushes the society towards vulgarism should not be promoted in our society.

Rather, a time has already arrived when many of the western people are already considering to accept Islamic Codes. Their too much of freedom has destroyed family life. I know a few europeans in Japan, who would like a society whereby family values would be re-set on the basis of Islamic thinking.
But, you might have misunderstood my point thinking that I am of opinion to liberlize the Muslim society from all the Codes of conduct written in our Holy Qura'n. God knows I did not mean it. Liberalism that pushes the society towards vulgarism should not be promoted in our society.

EastWatch : Tell me, can you define Vulgarism? ... By Clothing? ... Public display of affection? .... How would you define it? . If i go by your post, you define it by how the Quran prescribes the moral code of conduct .. Is that correct ?

Rather, a time has already arrived when many of the western people are already considering to accept Islamic Codes. Their too much of freedom has destroyed family life. I know a few europeans in Japan, who would like a society whereby family values would be re-set on the basis of Islamic thinking.

Maybe have a look at the whole history of mankind. From the time since religion become part of us. Would you say it is sufficient time to have decided on what/which/why religion is best for us?.... Would you say the Scandinavians were smart enough to realize this earlier than us :
Beliefs - Scandinavian Nonbelievers, Which Is Not to Say Atheists - NYTimes.com

None the less, it has always been interesting to hear, what people believe makes a good society : Socio economic's or Religious Faith?
I think in a hot climate too much of clothing makes a person sweat.

It does damage to the olfactory balance of those in the vicinity.

That possibly is one input of what could be termed as being vulgar to society at large.
In liberal society there is no bar to have beard and burka. YOU are free to do. The same is expected if somebody does not want to keep beard or does not want to wear burka. Thats fair aint it?

Islam doesnt accept these kind of Liberal Societies if you are Muslim you will have to follow some rules Islam totally reject the westarn Liberalism Islamic Govermnet can even force Islamic Dress weather you like it or not it is there
Sorry for the outburst. One thing, beard is not compulsory in Islam. I have no grievance against someone with beard. But, like hair on his head, he should keep it trimmed. A person should keep himself upkept in his dress, hair and also beard, this is what I think.

I think, I am right about liberalism. A person's mind must be free himself from religious dogma. A man of letter who studies and believes in earthly progress of mankind is related to the progress of science, should live behind what his religious script says or what the Mullahs interpret on one particular topic. I was talking about this kind of liberalism, a liberalism of mind.

But, you might have misunderstood my point thinking that I am of opinion to liberlize the Muslim society from all the Codes of conduct written in our Holy Qura'n. God knows I did not mean it. Liberalism that pushes the society towards vulgarism should not be promoted in our society.

Rather, a time has already arrived when many of the western people are already considering to accept Islamic Codes. Their too much of freedom has destroyed family life. I know a few europeans in Japan, who would like a society whereby family values would be re-set on the basis of Islamic thinking.
Frist Beard is farz on Muslims second thing is Muslim have to keep beard according to way HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW and he didnt trimmed beard and Islam has its own Social and Economic Rules and Islam clearly reject these so called Liberalism described by west

Just my point.

Yet, Islam is bandied around as if those who are adherents are 'three no Trumps' call!

all religions are good.

it is those who misuse it are wrong!
ALLAH doesnt say that ALLAH has clearly said he only sent one DEEN that is ISLAM any one who follows other than Islam will end up in Hell ALLAH will only accept Islam on the Day of Judgement
Well TTT, sorry to say that you are the one brininging religion in everything. If there is a Muslim terrorist then you blame Islam for it. Look at Tamil Tigers, they made terrorist attack half of the total attack made by every other terrorist group in the world. Did we ever say Hindu Terrorist? Did we ever said Maoist attack as Hindu attack or Ulfa as such so.
It is your fear factor abour Islam which is working behind your mind. And you are not the only one in that club. Islam was heck of a religion for the last 1400 years and was always ahead of its time. May be there is downtime going on right at this moment but will come back strongly as the BASICS are right. Muslims all over the world are taking this seriously and reshaping itself. If you just listen to the muslim scholars you will know. We just need to teach Islam to the muslim. Thats all.

LTTE did not attack in the name of Hinduism. Some of the prominent LTTE men including Prabhakaran and Andon Balasingam were christians. LTTE fought for ethnicity and not religion. Maoists are mostly tribals, many of whome are christians. They don't fight in the name of religion but a political ideology. But muslim terrorists fight in the name of religion. They hold the jihad flag, chant quranic verses and attack in the name of islam.
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