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Hasina flays Hifazat chief Ahmad Shafi

Theek hai but How do you explain the worship of Cow, Hanuman, Goonesh(Elephant), trees, fire and other things in 21 century? I mean why still holding values of past in the age of science?

Everything that is worshipped in Hinduism has some significance in Hindu scriptures or in Hindu mythology, you can read them to understand. And just like Islam which is practiced in different ways in different places/countries, Hinduism is also practiced in different ways in different places. Some Hindus don't eat beef and don't kill monkeys, some do. Hinduism is as scientific or unscientific as Islam or any other religion.

And we are in 21st century doesn't mean that all people in all places are in 21st century. Afganistan is in which century?
Lol......it just struck me....some of this guys views make Jamat look communist!

Err what? Communism may give birth to oligarchy and screw up economy but all communist states have had very high rate of literacy where females didn't lag behind. In fact male female equality is one of the strong point of communism. Also communism rids you of most of the social evil which stems from religious or tribal cultural phenomenon.

Only thing which communism has common with these loons is the mythical brotherhood. Communists would cry for their ummah brothers ten thousand miles away but put a blind eye towards issues at home.
Health care, literacy and equality are strong points of communism. Even in india, take Kerala as an example. West Bengal did particularly bad for a communist ruled state but still at over 80 percent literacy and moderate social indices it's ahead of many high profile rich states.

Check out the status of women in pre communist China or Russia.
Err what? Communism may give birth to oligarchy and screw up economy but all communist states have had very high rate of literacy where females didn't lag behind. In fact male female equality is one of the strong point of communism. Also communism rids you of most of the social evil which stems from religious or tribal cultural phenomenon.

Only thing which communism has common with these loons is the mythical brotherhood. Communists would cry for their ummah brothers ten thousand miles away but put a blind eye towards issues at home.

That is what I meant.Communism is a form of ultra liberalism......Jamat is conservative....but they tend to stay politically correct so they do not make comments against female education in BD......But this guy is way over the top in far right conservatism....That's why Jamat's political correctness seems ultra-liberal compared to this guys anti-women rhetoric!It was just sarcasm!
And I know about the brotherhood bit....during the 70's they used to say,'Moscow te brishti porle Dhakar communist ra mathay chata dhore!'
That is what I meant.Communism is a form of ultra liberalism......Jamat is conservative....but they tend to stay politically correct so they do not make comments against female education in BD......But this guy is way over the top in far right conservatism....That's why Jamat's political correctness seems ultra-liberal compared to this guys anti-women rhetoric!It was just sarcasm!
And I know about the brotherhood bit....during the 70's they used to say,'Moscow te brishti porle Dhakar communist ra mathay chata dhore!'

O I see, I got your post wrong.
Shofi Hugur needs to learn the art of diplomatic articulation. When he said that the sap drips in the hearts of men seeing women, he must have meant those women with improper dress, not an woman with modesty/
Shofi Hugur needs to learn the art of diplomatic articulation. When he said that the sap drips in the hearts of men seeing women, he must have meant those women with improper dress, not an woman with modesty/

the whole thing went funnily wrong. Tetul dekhle lala pore :omghaha: anyway i don't see why them girls be getting excited on this. It is biologically quite correct. We are men after all :hang2:
Why the Islamic Mullahs do not teach the men how to behave with women? Mullahs are always asking to keep our women imprisoned within four walls. On the other hand, their lust for women make many of them take four or more times. Mullahs should, instead, teach the menfolk how the Prophet wanted them to look at the women.

Men Looking at Non-Mahram Women

Non-Mahram women are divided into two categories: Muslims and non-Muslims. As for those who are Muslims, they are further divided into those who correctly observe their hijab, and those who do not observe it.

1. Muslim women who observe the proper Islamic hijab.

9 Rule: If a Muslim woman is properly observing her hijab, then it is not a problem for a man to look at her face and hands, as long as the following conditions are met:

1. Her face and hands have no decorations (zinat) on them.

2. The looking is done without the intention of lust or falling into sin or corruption. ABK

According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at even the face and hands of a non-Mahram woman, whether she has any zinat on them or not. G

In every way, if the non-Mahram is a Muslim woman who observes the proper Islamic hijab; or even if she does not observe the proper Islamic hijab, but if she was told about hijab she would observe it, then to look at her face and hands without the intention of lust and falling into sin is not a problem. However, according to Ihtiyat Mustahab, it is better not to look at her face and hands.

If the zinat on the face and hands consists of an ordinary ring, the removal of facial hair or applying Surma, even if these things are common among old women, then it is not wajib for the women to cover them, and also, it is not a problem for the man to look at them as long as this look is not with the intention of lust.

Therefore: Men are not permitted to look at the face and hands of women who do not observe proper hijab; for example, those women who have an amount of hair showing, have short sleeves on, or those women who have not covered their arms, wrists or hands.

10 – Rule: It is haram for a man to look at the hands of a non-Mahram woman who has a ring, bangles or bracelet on, long fingernails, nail polish applied, or who has beautified herself in any other way – whether the non-Mahram is a close relative or a non-family member. ABKG

In the event that the non-Mahram woman is wearing an ordinary type of ring on her hand, then it is not a problem to look at her hand. However, in all other instances, if she has any other type of zinat on her hands, then it is not permissible to look at this. T

Note: Shop owners whose products are usually of the type that mostly only women use, for example, jewelry or clothing accessories; and those shops that sell cosmetic items and items for beauty and skin care, etc… are most susceptible to falling into this sin (mentioned in rule 10), and more than others, must be careful in observing the correct Islamic rules and regulations.

11 – Question: In public and other schools, there are some practicing Muslim men, who teach Muslim girls. Naturally, it is necessary for the teacher to write something on the board, and as it is normal, the girls look at the hands and face of the teacher without the intention of lust and sexual pleasure. Is this type of looking permissible?

Answer: It is not a problem for women to look at the face and hands and other parts of the body that men normally do not cover, as long as it is not with the intention of lust or fear of falling into sin. AGKLMS

Answer: According to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is haram for a woman to look at the body of a non-Mahram man. However, the permissibility for a woman to look at the parts of the body of a non-Mahram man that are commonly left open, for example, the head, etc… is not free from doubt, unless this type of looking leads or helps one in committing a sin.B

12 – Question: Is it permissible for a man to look at the face and hands of a non-Mahram woman who is in the Taqlid of a Marja‘ who says that it is permissible to keep these open?

Answer: There is no connection between the permissibility of keeping the hands and face open and looking at these parts.G

13 – Rule: It is not permissible to look at a non-Mahram woman who has any kind of beauty on her, even if it is something such as a woman trying on some clothing, a ring, a bracelet, a belt, or anything else to see if it fits. AKG

If the zinat on the face and hands consists of an ordinary ring, or the removal of facial hair or applying Surma, even if these are common among old women, then it is not a problem for a man to look at these parts as long as it is done without the intention of lust. However, as for other types of zinat, for example, bracelets and bangles, these must be covered from non-Mahram men and in addition to this, non-Mahram men are not allowed to look at such things either. T

14 – Question: Is it permissible to look at the sole, top, heel of the foot or the calf of a non-Mahram Muslim woman if she has not covered it properly, and if it is without the intention of lust?

Answer: No, it is not allowed, and with the exception of the face and hands, a man is not permitted to look at any other part the body of a non-Mahram woman. ABK

Answer: It is haram to look at the body of a non-Mahram woman in any way, and according to Ihtiyat Wajib, it is not permissible to look at her face and hands either. G

Answer: In the event that the woman is among one of those who observes her proper Islamic hijab, or if she was told about the hijab, she would follow it, then it is not permissible to look at those parts, otherwise it is not a problem. S

Answer: According to Ihtiyat, it is not allowed to look at the feet (top and the bottom of the feet up to the ankle)T

15 – Rule: If a man fears that in the event that he looks at a non-Mahram woman he will fall into sin, then he must not look at her. AKLMS

He must not look at her. B

16 – Rule: It is haram to look at a non-Mahram woman with the intention of lust. or to bring about sexual pleasure, even it may be her face and hands, or the shape of her body.ABGKLMST
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