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Has Pakistan lost $ 68 billion due to war on terror?

My 40 billion figure is after discounting those factors you mentioned (tax collection, privatization, etc).

I don't care if no one bought it. Who has to "buy" it? American government only, no other country is relevant to those figures. And of course US won't buy those figures - it can easily afford to do that with the government we have. If the Americans think we haven't lost 68 billion, well how much do they think have we lost? You can't just say that we haven't lost 68 billion and not give your own reasonable estimate. My reasonable estimate is 40 billion.

No we reached to the figure of $40 Billion after getting rid of all claimed losses between 2001 and 2008, which added up to some $28 Billion because, according to the article in the OP, Pakistan's economy(export, fdi, industrial output) grew at a decent pace between uptil 2008, implying that the WOT didn't affect the Pakistani economy, and even you agreed on that.

Out of the remaining $40 Billion(between 2008-2011), when you get rid of the factors (tax collection, privatization, etc) equalling 40% of the total estimate, you are left with a figure of $24 Billion. So the most generous estimate would be a loss of ~ 25 Billion, mind you this figure is based on the wishful thinking that Pakistan's economy would have continued growing at the same pre WOT pace, irrespective of the global economic downturn. :rolleyes:

Look, all this talk that you guys and the OP is doing is just technicalities of how much the figures overestimated. The fact that gets not mentioned or ignored is that we DID lose ~40 billion.

In logical terms, what I am saying is, just because the losses may have been overestimated by the government, that doesn't mean we didn't have any significant losses.

Thats not a fact. In logical terms yes Pakistan did incur some loss, but you have also received $20 Billion in aid( I would like to see some source for your claim that half of it went towards reimbursing the services provided to ISAF) , and just recently $2.2 Billion as part of the Kerry Lugar bill. That along with the military equipment that Pakistan received pretty much evens out any monetary loss that Pakistan incurred.

The only significant loss for Pakistan is the loss of innocent life.
No we reached to the figure of $40 Billion after getting rid of all claimed losses between 2001 and 2008, which added up to some $28 Billion because, according to the article in the OP, Pakistan's economy(export, fdi, industrial output) grew at a decent pace between uptil 2008,

I am not even using the government's figure. I have my own figures based on my own estimates, and I believe Pakistan has lost 40 billion since 2008.

I believe the government has botched this up big time. They've overstated some of the things, but I believe they've understated things such as loss in FDI and economic growth.

implying that the WOT didn't affect the Pakistani economy, and even you agreed on that.

No, if you read my post carefully, I didn't agree with that. I just didn't argue for or against it at that time. I'll tell you why we should count the 2001-2007 numbers. The reason is simple: The growth in those years would've been even higher than what they were if we weren't in WoT. Yes, we had explosive growth in most of that decade, but our growth would've been even higher had we not made the losses we did due to WoT.

Out of the remaining $40 Billion(between 2008-2011), when you get rid of the factors (tax collection, privatization, etc) equalling 40% of the total estimate, you are left with a figure of $24 Billion. So the most generous estimate would be a loss of ~ 25 Billion, mind you this figure is based on the wishful thinking that Pakistan's economy would have continued growing at the same pre WOT pace, irrespective of the global economic downturn. :rolleyes:

The impact of global economic downturn is already taken into account separately. The combined impact of both economic downturn AND WoT would be much higher than WoT's impact. I am merely mentioning just the WoT's share of the impact.

Thats not a fact. In logical terms yes Pakistan did incur some loss, but you have also received $20 Billion in aid( I would like to see some source for your claim that half of it went towards reimbursing the services provided to ISAF) ,

You can watch Musharraf's interview with Fareed Zakaria, where he clearly mentions that half of the "aid" we recieve is not actually aid. And this is not something Fareed Zakaria disagreed with.

Here's an articl that mentions this explicitly. Lawmakers debate Pakistan aid, conditions | Reuters

Congress has approved $20 billion over the past decade for Pakistan, making it one of the biggest U.S. aid recipients, with about half to reimburse Pakistan for help in fighting extremists.

and just recently $2.2 Billion as part of the Kerry Lugar bill. That along with the military equipment that Pakistan received pretty much evens out any monetary loss that Pakistan incurred.

1. The 2.2 billion you're mention IS already part of the 20 billion aid. Rather, 10 billion. Going forward let's use the correct figure - 10 billion.
2. We've barely received any of that aid, and even the reimbursements.
3. The military equipment is something we've paid for at premium prices. Very little of it was any aid, certainly not in the billions figure.

The only significant loss for Pakistan is the loss of innocent life.

You're basically mocking us here. The net losses would be at least 15 billion (if we go by your figures) or 30 billion to arrive at actual losses. And keep in mind I am not even counting the 2001-2007 figures here.

And can we please quite the charade of "Pakistan is blaming it's failures on USA"? What do you want us to do, not call a spade a spade? Should we ignore the reality in favour of rhetorical arguments?
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