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Has Imran Khan Successfully Destroyed the Institution of Army too?

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Although I don't agree fully with the OP I do agree that more than needed attention is being given to politics and internal policy than actual work.
Such an over reaction to casualties.

Definitely every Pakistani is sad for the loss. Some are blowing it out of proportion due to their ignorance or unawareness about wars.
Wars demand sacrifices and blood not roses or comforts.
Time and again whenever some bad happens in Pakistan. Such people blames armed forces of Pakistan, though armed forces nothing to do with it. Seems they are only towing their party lines.
All of our government institutions were in shambles

Police, Railway, Education, Health, Revenue, Judiciary. Literally everything

Imran Khan came in power with the lie that he would make things right and would correct insitutions. That never happened

Now looking at the way Pak army was thrashed by BLF in Kech district and the way army is trying to hide it can we say that Imran Khan has successfully destroyed this last functioning institution of Pakistan too

After all it was Imran Khan who gave longest extension to someone like General Bajwa who never deserved it in the first place and opposed giving extension to someone like Raheel Sharif saying giving extensions destroys institutions

So by Imran Khan's own words has he destroyed Pakistan army institution by giving extension to people who never deserved it?

yes he has destroyed the Pakistan Army

You are right, actually, the Armed Forces of Pakistan are the most disciplined institute left alone and that is due to their internal infrastructure of training;

Yes, in many ways Pak Army reminds me of the legendary Prussian Army of the 18th and 19th century. Prussia was lucky in the sense that the civilian leadership of the KOP was also often of a great calibre- Frederick the Great, von Stein, Hardenberg, Bismarck and the likes and they building enduring civilian institutions as well. Sadly, Pak's civilian side has invariably let it down.

Not to forget they are a place where a commisioned soldier retiring in his early 40s is able to find work and put food on the table.
the said soldier receives monthly pension. also, the said soldier is no longer a soldier, and should and must look for a job like any other member of the public would do in a similar situation. its all made from tax money, it all belongs to the public and not to commissioned soldiers only.

You are right, actually, the Armed Forces of Pakistan are the most disciplined institute left alone and that is due to their internal infrastructure of training; else the political crooks like Bhutto and Nawaz did not leave any stone unturned to politicize that institute in their own/party favor. Even the blind could sense how they planned to govern Pakistan even through their generations to come - a lust for money and power.
keep giving extensions, and one day, the generals who are not receiving their rightful promotions will get irritated. the internal structure wont matter much after that.
Bajwa needs to go urgently. He is still the COAS till November 2022. The government needs to announce right now the new COAS. Bajwa needs to do the hand over and get out in a couple of months.

Will you be kind enough and use standard font size. Using large size is nothing less than spamming.
Definitely every Pakistani is sad for the loss. Some are blowing it out of proportion due to their ignorance or unawareness about wars.
Wars demand sacrifices and blood not roses or comforts.
Time and again whenever some bad happens in Pakistan. Such people blames armed forces of Pakistan, though armed forces nothing to do with it. Seems they are only towing their party lines.
please. war demands sacrifice? feel free to go balochistan.

armed forces have got everything to do with it. FC kpk got lucky with gen tariq khan, he turned it all around for them. need something like this to happen for FC balochistan as well. or else, you are going to keep on receiving news of more ambushes and death. FC balochistan upgrades were far more necessary than VT-4 tanks.
I don't want to sound like a political commentator but whether IK or Nawaz or anyone else, can't damage the institute unless, we are doing so by our own hands. Pakistan Army is not like the old days. Enough has been changed within the organization after having lessons from the past. As the OP used to refer to C. Christine Fair replying Indians about Pakistan Army that only people of Pakistan can weaken it and with the same logic; I see such knee jerk reaction after Kech attack is nothing less than a reaction in anger burning your own house. Sorry to say but many of us are playing into the hands as they want...... malign and defame the strongest pillar of state with mere political references & put blames unnecessarily.
All of our government institutions were in shambles

Police, Railway, Education, Health, Revenue, Judiciary. Literally everything

Imran Khan came in power with the lie that he would make things right and would correct insitutions. That never happened

Now looking at the way Pak army was thrashed by BLF in Kech district and the way army is trying to hide it can we say that Imran Khan has successfully destroyed this last functioning institution of Pakistan too

After all it was Imran Khan who gave longest extension to someone like General Bajwa who never deserved it in the first place and opposed giving extension to someone like Raheel Sharif saying giving extensions destroys institutions

So by Imran Khan's own words has he destroyed Pakistan army institution by giving extension to people who never deserved it?

So no attacks were taking place in Raheel Shareef time. Mr APS took place under Raheel Shareef so did several other attacks. Yes giving extension was a blunder but please stop posting stuff when we know what we faced and how many attacks used to take place daily and where we are now. Your posts only proves you actually deserved to be ruled by Altaf Butcher
So no attacks were taking place in Raheel Shareef time. Mr APS took place under Raheel Shareef so did several other attacks. Yes giving extension was a blunder but please stop posting stuff when we know what we faced and how many attacks used to take place daily and where we are now. Your posts only proves you actually deserved to be ruled by Altaf Butcher

When you guys would stop treating Imran Khan like your abbu???

Why not accept the reality that Imran Khan is a failure. He is all talk and no to little action

He is a munafiq who has done every single thing that he made haram for others

He has damaged institution of army to the extent that army is getting hammered by a bunch of charas smoking nobodies for hours

Tum bas J10 dekh kar khush hotai raho. Yahan maaon k betai mar rahai hain
I don't want to sound like a political commentator but whether IK or Nawaz or anyone else, can't damage the institute unless, we are doing so by our own hands. Pakistan Army is not like the old days. Enough has been changed within the organization after having lessons from the past. As the OP used to refer to C. Christine Fair replying Indians about Pakistan Army that only people of Pakistan can weaken it and with the same logic; I see such knee jerk reaction after Kech attack is nothing less than a reaction in anger burning your own house. Sorry to say but many of us are playing into the hands as they want...... malign and defame the strongest pillar of state with mere political references & put blames unnecessarily.

Nobody is abusing army. Neither I abused army nor most of other members

We are angry at the leadership of the army or of this country in general and for right reasons

General Bajwa never deserved an extension. But still not only he accepted an extension but also worked actively from behind to get it. He made the whole institution of army to get blackmailed by the likes of PML(N) and PPP for his own extension

His incompetence has made army lost all the prestige and goodwill that it gained during Raheel Sharif tenure. We all are sad to see this happening but these are facts. Hundreds and hundreds of soldiers have died in his tenure. Soldiers died waiting for backups and support. This is unacceptable

Not to forget enemy deaths are at an all time low in Kashmir despite what it did on 5 August 2019

I don't want to say much. But I hope we manage to make it to November 2022 without much losses.

Allah reham karai hamarai jawanon par. Aameen
No one else can destroy the army as a institution but only army itself ,I don't know what right word for mukafat e ammal but it is the true example, The greed by the top brasses have ruined the sacrifices of the lower rankers and the service men, the Punjab was considered most pro army but now it doesn't render such respect and love for army, situation in Balochstan ,Sindh kpk doesn't need to be told, the reason behind this is not solely the support of Imran but the dubious behavior of institution at large they had the capacity and chances to eliminate corruption and bad governance but they deliberately didn't because they are afraid of their own corruptions at top levels how can one corrupt and morally down person select morally upright person for the top level they never let the competent honest and upright persons to reach the power corridors only morally ill corrupt to the core vulgar sexual abusers womanizers are sitting in the Parliament and making the decisions for the future of the nation and one can anticipate what they can do they are the assets of establishment they are not only ruining the society but are also prone to becoming foreign puddle agents due to the crimes corruption they have done,. General perception of public about army is fast deteriorating because now public and masses know that it is the army whose duty is to safeguard not only the physical boundaries of the nation but also the morals and ethical ideology but they are doing just opposite and harvesting what they have sown , just see what they have groomed and imposed on nation to rule, Hazrat Asif Ali zardai, the messni yahavay ty manji na hilaway Mian sahib's, the don the murderer Altaf , the dubious character less womanizer munafiq Imran, the core to corrupt disowned buy his own father Fazal ,ex Mi6 assets Pagharas , the police murderer TLP and suni tehreek ,the ransomerS the kings of feudals Bugties,the crown less kings of their area choudharies, add as much as you want these all characterless corrupt to the core are the big spinny horny trees cultivated by the establishment and groomed by them and nation is helpless and have no other options but to sit under the shades of these filthy horny trees , these 200 families are assets of establishment and are playing musical chair game with nation, it is the establishments the establishments the establishments duty to cut these all filthy spinny tress at once and burn them if they wants to save their own institution and nation،mulk salamat ty jernailian v qaim ,mulk brbad sub brbad,, now army should not ask nation to stand with them they should stand with nation and rectify their all previous mistakes public will automatically start loving them ,
Nobody is abusing army. Neither I abused army nor most of other members

We are angry at the leadership of the army or of this country in general and for right reasons

General Bajwa never deserved an extension. But still not only he accepted an extension but also worked actively from behind to get it. He made the whole institution of army to get blackmailed by the likes of PML(N) and PPP for his own extension

His incompetence has made army lost all the prestige and goodwill that it gained during Raheel Sharif tenure. We all are sad to see this happening but these are facts. Hundreds and hundreds of soldiers have died in his tenure. Soldiers died waiting for backups and support. This is unacceptable

Not to forget enemy deaths are at an all time low in Kashmir despite what it did on 5 August 2019

I don't want to say much. But I hope we manage to make it to November 2022 without much losses.

Allah reham karai hamarai jawanon par. Aameen
This has become a weekly occurrence losing FC and army personnel in Balochestan. The fellas sat at the top just do not want to do anything, rather keep their eyes closed and pretend everything is all well.
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