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Haryana’s biggest khap panchayat allows inter-caste marriages

CHANDIGARH: Scripting history by bringing about changes in the norms pertaining to marriages, Haryana's biggest khap panchayat called by Satrol khap in Hisar on Sunday gave a go-ahead to inter-caste marriages that have in the past triggered bloody killings in the state and surrounding regions.

The khaps, in the name of tradition, have been opposed to inter-caste marriages, inter-village marriages (that is, within a radius of 42 villages) as well as same-gotra marriages. With Sunday's meeting, a substantial swathe under Satrol khap will henceforth allow inter-caste marriages as well as weddings between families from villages within the radius of 42 villages — though marriages within the same village and immediate bordering villages remain banned. Same-gotra marriages too remain barred, and the weddings can take place only with parental consent.

The reform is significant and represents the first moderation in the hitherto unyielding opposition of khaps to inter-caste and inter-village marriages. These rules have led to persecution of couples, suicides, honor killings and caste conflicts in rural belts, and even forced bachelors to get brides from other states. The largest number of killings has occurred owing to inter-caste marriages, followed by same village (42 village radius) marriages, followed by same-gotra marriages.

Satrol panchayat covers 36 castes in 42 villages spread over 250 sq km area of Narnaund village of Hisar district and has 60 per cent population of jats, who would be able to marry into different castes subject to parental approval. Barring members of Petgaon tapa (a cluster of villages), all delegates unanimously approved the resolution redefining jurisdiction and permitting inter-caste marriages.

"This is the only way out to keep our old traditions alive. Instead of getting a bride from outside the state who takes time to adjust, we preferred to prune the jurisdiction of prohibited areas. This will bring revolutionary change in Haryana," said Satrol khap president Inder Singh Subedar.

Bibipur sarpanch and president of Nogama khap Sunil Jaglan, who was a special invitee, termed the step "revolutionary". "Now, khaps will be seen in positive sense. We really appreciate this; it will usher in more changes," said Jaglan, who also represents the voice of youth.

Neelam Jain, a research scholar in Delhi University who has worked in several Haryana villages, termed it a progressive decision and an initiative to weed out social wrongs created by misunderstandings and misconceptions.

Dr Om Parkash Dhankar, Sarv khap panchayat coordinator and Haryana Dhankar khap president welcomed the decision. "This will further strengthen our fight for amendment in Hindu Marriage Act to bar same-gotra and same-village marriages," he said.

Haryana’s biggest khap panchayat scripts history, allows inter-caste marriages - The Times of India

so can the jaats is Hisar now marry dalits from Hisar?
Never took you for a prude...but the reality is that you do not respect others choice for inter species marriage when it goes against your sensibilities.

Not stopping you or anyone else from any inter-species activity though marriage might require a demonstrable ability to consent by both parties. Certainly not about to kill on the issue.:)

My last post here.
Not stopping you or anyone else from any inter-species activity though marriage might require a demonstrable ability to consent by both parties. Certainly not about to kill on the issue.:)

My last post here.

How about Necromancy sex ? What if the dead gave permission for it ? Bizzare as it may seem, there are people out there asking for it. By your own logic, that too should be legally allowed.

You see you are hiding behind your sensibilities while denying others the same right.

Stop spinning the "killing" strawman. No Khap has ordered it, nor do they have any moral, ethical, social, cultural or legal sanction for ordering it.
By pressure, I don't mean from government but from within the followers themselves.
That is also Dude till now more peoples are in support with Khap in Hissar and in Haryana. Maybe large amount of youth from Hissar city is not supporting Khap but large amount in villages is supporting Khap. That's why i am saying that i will take 20-30 years to change this things. And if now Khap done this now this credits only go to Khap itself.

Does female foeticide occur among Dalits in Haryana?
Female Foeticide occur in all part of Haryana and in all Castes. But this days Female Foeticide is decreasing very fast in all parts of Haryana.

Female Foeticide also occur in many other state its not only Haryana. UP, MP, Rajasthan are also in this
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Inter species marriage ? :rofl: where has the conversation gone ??
Inter species marriage ? :rofl: where has the conversation gone ??

Which part of exercising free will and choice in choosing your life partner of "any species" did you not understand ? .... why does the law restrict itself to human partners ?

For all those who espouse the benefits of exercising freedom, why provide restrictions on others freedom or choice ?
Which part of exercising free will and choice in choosing your life partner of "any species" did you not understand ? .... why does the law restrict itself to human partners ?

Inter species marriage ???? do you want to give people the freedom to marry animals , monkeys etc... ?? :lol:
Which part of exercising free will and choice in choosing your life partner of "any species" did you not understand ? .... why does the law restrict itself to human partners ?

For all those who espouse the benefits of exercising freedom, why provide restrictions on others freedom or choice ?
Because other species are not capable of expressning their consent to humans. But adult humans are capable of informed consent, and expressing it.
I've been told by relatives that same gotra marriage is the equivalent of incest, is there any truth to this?
If so then the Haryanvis have reason to be hostile to it but killing people isn't how you deal with it lol.
this is an historical decision .... if any intellectual want to have a debate on this topic I am here ... I belong this particular khap
this is an historical decision .... if any intellectual want to have a debate on this topic I am here ... I belong this particular khap

If you are from khap tell me what made the khap change its mind? And what took so long?
If you are from khap tell me what made the khap change its mind? And what took so long?
change of mind was not due to ... change of heart. let me be clear about it. it was necessity for them to change the rules. there is no virtue in the decision they took it was out of necessity. but still its a welcome step.

If you still interested in knowing how khaps influnce lives in our part of country. buzzz me. but if you have a prejudice mindset ... I cant help you.
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