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Harbiyar Marri-interview! (Independent Balochistan hallucination)


Mar 31, 2008
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Listen to this dude who is living on illusions!

Harbiyar Marri's interview where he just demands an Independent Baluchistan and nothing short of it, even if all their demands are met!

(Short of time, see part 4 only)

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too much dope leads to hallucination ! .... This guy is a traitor and i dont he is any leader they are self imposed sardars who are scared that they will loose the power soon.
i don't understand they want INDEPENDENCE from PAKISTAN...ok...but then there people will still be UNDER these SARDAR rule....if they care so much about their people give land reforms to your people you morons stop your propaganda and drama!!!!

i hate all these god damn sardars who live with all the luxuries and money from royalty if they really cared then disperse the royality amongst their people!!!!
These people can't win seats, don't allow schools or hospitals built and seek outside help. Musharraf didn't get a chance to sort this issue out I wish he comes back.

In the mean while we can ask Nawaz Sharif to stop supporting these traitors just like he reduced his support for the terrorists.
The only way to take care of people like Harbiyar is that those politicians, officials and people who overtly or covertly support them should also be dealt on the similar terms as the actual offenders are being take care of!
In the mean while we can ask Nawaz Sharif to stop supporting these traitors just like he reduced his support for the terrorists.

Nawaz wants Pakistan to stay as a whole however if we ignore Baluchistan it will not be possible to do so hence I feel they should stand in the parliament if the people of Baluchistan vote on having independence then it has to be respected it is not something we can keep from people.
i would have given a shoot at sight order for people like him if had the power.:sniper:
is sethi his surname?
sethi is a hindu surname...bewildering!.....maybe something I don't know about.
There is a great deal of excitement over Balouchistan among Afghan and Indian Intelligence circles, but also for the English, the American are a hedging their bets -- much depends on the political stability within Pakistan - of course with the upcoming lynching of Musharraf, this stability will be sorely tested.

Mr. Marri is simply a stooge, a cut out, behind him are the agencies mentioned above.

Please trust that none of these can effect Pakistan, in the sense that these are just obstacles thown in the road because of what Balouchistan can mean for Pakistan, that is to say a economic shift of strategic proportions - however; Pakistani politicians and policy makers are simply not serious. Whenever they talk amongst themselves, it is a honor among theives kind of thing, they divide Pakistan among themselves - the long term strategic vision and importantly, WILL, is not apparent and this emboldens those think that they cannot rely on Pakistan and it is like a cat that has outlived it's 9 lives.
These people can't win seats, don't allow schools or hospitals built and seek outside help. Musharraf didn't get a chance to sort this issue out I wish he comes back.

In the mean while we can ask Nawaz Sharif to stop supporting these traitors just like he reduced his support for the terrorists.

Killing Baloch Leaders. Who can ever forget Pakistan's darkest moment when Mush orders to kill Akbar Bugti a patriot of Pakistan.
What do you expect people to do when their leaders are killed, it makes them take ill decision it makes them move towards extremism. Which thrived through out the Mush rein.
Akbar Bugti a patriot of Pakistan.
A few more such patriots and we would have no worry of the outsiders!
What do you expect people to do when their leaders are killed, it makes them take ill decision it makes them move towards extremism. Which thrived through out the Mush rein.

Yes you are right, dumb people who consider these Sardars as heroes and patriots have no other option other than making ill decisions and taking a step towards extremism.
there is no point in killin these leaders. that will only spread hatred for pakistan amongst our baloch brothers. we have seen wat happened after uncle musharraf decided to kill bugti. for gud or bad but it only left a negative mark. recently three other baloch leaders were murdered and that also started a massive protest. kill few more and there goes balochistan.
a much better way is to empower baloch ppl by providin them education, health and jobs. once they stop dependin on these sardar they will stop listenin to them as well. baloch know that these sardars are not of their use but rit now they are their only support. GoP so far has not cared much about ghost schools in this province of ours. recently this gov has opened three new cadet colleges and 3 other are in the process of construction. though not enough but atleast we are seein some kind of a start.
killing Baloch Leaders. Who can ever forget Pakistan's darkest moment when Mush orders to kill Akbar Bugti a patriot of Pakistan.
What do you expect people to do when their leaders are killed, it makes them take ill decision it makes them move towards extremism. Which thrived through out the Mush rein.

you think akbar bugti was a patriot????!he used all the funds to build his army....kept his people illitrate so that they cannot realise the facts and keep serving him ...to execute him was the best option!a few more of these leaders and balochistan will be doomed...!!!!:tdown:
Brief little bit about Marri tribe and this guys...when Russian occupied Afghanistan this tribe migrated to Afghanistan and settle their and use launching pad against Pak govt with help or Russian and Indians. Now after Taliban take over they all ran away back to Pakistan. Because they know Pak govt feel mercy but Taliban won't . So this prove they are just verbal warrior, can do some act of sabotage on bases of money and help of foreign agents..
Moreover their education from Russia did wonders with the help of KGB!

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