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Haqqanis were behind Afghan attacks, raises pressure on Pakistan

So Please STOP telling us what to do & what not to do as we know batter then you what is best for us , & GET THE HELL OUT of This Region .

Otherwise what can/will Pakistan do, potentially?
Well my friend at least we defeated them, even though we were not equipped & were so powerless according to you & still We held our own without any ones help , All US did was to attack civilians through Drones & make more terrorists for us to deal with , Thanks for the Big Help.

Now Lets see what US & it Allies did with all the best technology , Power , Equipment , manpower & Stronger Governament ,

Till today more then 60% Area is in Taliban Control after 10 years for pointless fight & after Killing half a million innocent Afgan civilians , GREAT JOB.

More then 80% Pakistanis Hate you now, since you did such a great job of getting us into this mess & Destabilizing our economy . GREAT JOB again.

Your Economy took a nose Dive into the Recession & you messed up the Who world's Economy , GOOD JOB

You attacked Iraq & killed half a million (innocent civilians) again (What a surprise) , and now you left them with all the mess to deal with . GOOD JOB.

And this list can go on & on & on.......

US has this bad habit of getting their nose stuck into the matter of others & then messing every thing up & then just fleeing the scene since it gets too messy .

For Me the BIGGEST TERRORIST in the world in AMERICA , your country alone have killed more people then the terrorists organizations of the world Combined , So who is the bigger Terrorist ????

So Please STOP telling us what to do & what not to do as we know batter then you what is best for us , & GET THE HELL OUT of This Region .

Maybe if Pakistan takes action and denies shelter to international terrorists like osama bin laden and not every global terrorist attack somehow leads back to Pakistan, then the situation will be different.

So once Pakistan takes action against international terrorists, denies them areas to operate from, removes them or kills them from its soil, then I will agree with you.

Till then, I will 100% support drone strikes to take out terrorists living in FATA, and support anti-taliban forces.

Thousands of Pakistani lives have been saved by these drone strikes. I look at the number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan vs Drone strikes and it reads like an economics graph. As Price Goes up, Demand goes down, that is the law of economics.

Same applied here. As drone strikes went up, terrorism in Pakistan went down. Just last year, the Terrorist who planned and executed the Ahmedi Mosque Bombing in Lahore which killed 140 people was taken out in a drone strike.

God knows how many more terrorist attacks and how many lives that monster would have taken if it were not for the Drone strike.
Terrorists are the main reason for unrest in the region, and that is the reality. Our stance is simple; get rid of all terrorists, as they can never be a part of the solution. Their agenda is just that of death and destruction. They have no value for human lives, nor do they respect peace in any way. The only language they speak is violence. Ambassador Crocker said it perfectly, “I don’t think it’s a question of going to war with Pakistan to solve this problem. It’s getting the Pakistanis to take the necessary action themselves to eliminate a threat not only to Afghanistan and the United States but also to Pakistan.” Does that not make sense?

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Maybe if Pakistan takes action and denies shelter to international terrorists like osama bin laden and not every global terrorist attack somehow leads back to Pakistan, then the situation will be different.

So once Pakistan takes action against international terrorists, denies them areas to operate from, removes them or kills them from its soil, then I will agree with you.

Till then, I will 100% support drone strikes to take out terrorists living in FATA, and support anti-taliban forces.

Thousands of Pakistani lives have been saved by these drone strikes. I look at the number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan vs Drone strikes and it reads like an economics graph. As Price Goes up, Demand goes down, that is the law of economics.

Same applied here. As drone strikes went up, terrorism in Pakistan went down. Just last year, the Terrorist who planned and executed the Ahmedi Mosque Bombing in Lahore which killed 140 people was taken out in a drone strike.

God knows how many more terrorist attacks and how many lives that monster would have taken if it were not for the Drone strike.

But it sure does undermine the sovereignty of the country if you ask another country to come and drone parts of your country isnt it
haven'tAmericans started talking like Indians? so fully of nonsense blames !!

One difference.. They have shown that they can and will do surgical strikes within Pakistan :)

Didn't the US and Afghan forces do a major attack on them on the Pakistani border?

So why complain when they hit back? Part of war.

Why do you complain when TTP hits at your military targets? You are hitting them as well.. Part of war.. Eh ??

Haqqani Phobia . People do and say crazy thing when they have phobia .

i am waiting to hear that a US soldiers has bad stomach and that is coz haqqani's put something in their food.............lolz
But it sure does undermine the sovereignty of the country if you ask another country to come and drone parts of your country isnt it

No it does not.

Because the areas where these drone strikes occur are not under Pakistani control. They are under the control of the Tribes who are harboring foreign terrorists and launching terrorist attacks in Pakistan and outside of Pakistan.

So if Pakistan is unable to take these guys out, then I have no qualms in USA sending drones to take these animals out.

Its like part of Sri Lanka under LTTE rule during the Sri Lankan Civil War. If hypothetically speaking, LTTE starts attacking India as well as Sri Lanka and India starts a drone campaign on those areas where LTTE has control, I highly doubt Sri Lanka would raise any objections and nor will it violate Sri Lankan sovereignty.

These terrorists roaming freely in Pakistan and using it as a base to plot terrorists attacks is a bigger violation of Pakistani sovereignty than US Drone Strikes.
No it does not.

Because the areas where these drone strikes occur are not under Pakistani control. They are under the control of the Tribes who are harboring foreign terrorists and launching terrorist attacks in Pakistan and outside of Pakistan.

So if Pakistan is unable to take these guys out, then I have no qualms in USA sending drones to take these animals out.

Its like part of Sri Lanka under LTTE rule during the Sri Lankan Civil War. If hypothetically speaking, LTTE starts attacking India as well as Sri Lanka and India starts a drone campaign on those areas where LTTE has control, I highly doubt Sri Lanka would raise any objections and nor will it violate Sri Lankan sovereignty.

These terrorists roaming freely in Pakistan are a bigger violation of Pakistani sovereignty than US Drone Strikes.

Worth a million bucks... :tup:
Terrorists are the main reason for unrest in the region, and that is the reality. Our stance is simple; get rid of all terrorists, as they can never be a part of the solution. Their agenda is just that of death and destruction. They have no value for human lives, nor do they respect peace in any way. The only language they speak is violence. Ambassador Crocker said it perfectly, “I don’t think it’s a question of going to war with Pakistan to solve this problem. It’s getting the Pakistanis to take the necessary action themselves to eliminate a threat not only to Afghanistan and the United States but also to Pakistan.” Does that not make sense?

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

CENTCOM, you need to get the Saudis and Chinese on board with your plans. Saudi Arabia, China and USA are the tripod legs that keeps Pakistan standing. Chinese Weaponry, US Economic Assistance, and Saudi Energy and Religious blessings.

What you should do is hold a conference with all these parties where a grand package to Pakistan will be developed.

If Pakistan forcefully cracks down on this jihadi militants that it has bred for the last 25 years, USA will back it with major arms sales to boost the fledgling Pakistani Army, while China will make major investments in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will bless the operation religiously and as pro-Islamic.

India can be brought up on board later on for a final settlement of the Kashmir issue.

That is the only way to convince Pakistanis.
CENTCOM, you need to get the Saudis and Chinese on board with your plans. Saudi Arabia, China and USA are the tripod legs that keeps Pakistan standing. Chinese Weaponry, US Economic Assistance, and Saudi Energy and Religious blessings.

What you should do is hold a conference with all these parties where a grand package to Pakistan will be developed.

If Pakistan forcefully cracks down on this jihadi militants that it has bred for the last 25 years, China and USA will back it with major arms sales to boost the fledgling Pakistani Army while Saudi Arabia will bless the operation religiously and pro-Islamic.

That is the only way to convince Pakistanis.

How dare you call Pakistani army as fledgling.. You will get dumped upon :)
How dare you call Pakistani army as fledgling.. You will get dumped upon :)

It was state of the art during the 1960's...and for a brief period during the 1980's when we absorbed the Reagan package of F-16's.

Pakistani Military Forces are in need of a major upgrade. Especially its Army Aviation such as Cobra Gunships.

The new Super Vipers will be a great boost.
Maybe if Pakistan takes action and denies shelter to international terrorists like osama bin laden and not every global terrorist attack somehow leads back to Pakistan, then the situation will be different.

So once Pakistan takes action against international terrorists, denies them areas to operate from, removes them or kills them from its soil, then I will agree with you.

Till then, I will 100% support drone strikes to take out terrorists living in FATA, and support anti-taliban forces.

Thousands of Pakistani lives have been saved by these drone strikes. I look at the number of terrorist attacks in Pakistan vs Drone strikes and it reads like an economics graph. As Price Goes up, Demand goes down, that is the law of economics.

Same applied here. As drone strikes went up, terrorism in Pakistan went down. Just last year, the Terrorist who planned and executed the Ahmedi Mosque Bombing in Lahore which killed 140 people was taken out in a drone strike.

God knows how many more terrorist attacks and how many lives that monster would have taken if it were not for the Drone strike.

Yeah well why not bomb a good part of Mexico because drug cartels are there eh???
Yeah well why not bomb a good part of Mexico because drug cartels are there eh???

Maybe because Mexico is fighting the Drug Cartels instead of seeding territory to them and those Drug Cartels are not giving shelter to foreign terrorists who are plotting global terrorist attacks.

Your analogy makes no sense.
^^ Because that will De-stabilize Pakistan even more to the breaking point and that will be an absolute hellish scenario for the whole world.

I think USA has to realize that Pakistan will never take action against the Haqqanis. Pakistan has become like Lebanon. A Weak central government and both are powerless to take action against militia groups like Hezbollah or Haqqanis and they continue to pursue their own policy and embroil the whole country into disastrous wars.

The Pakistani Army is not designed for this kind of Counter-Insurgency combat. It took the Pakistani Army over 3 years to defeat the weaker Meshud Tribe at the cost of thousands of lives. Haqqanis are a much more powerful tribe and are a strategic asset for Pakistan to counter the supposed Indian influence in Afghanistan once USA withdraws and then funnel those same fighters to wage proxy wars with India.

USA in my opinion should get China and Saudi Arabia to put pressure on Pakistan to take action against the Haqqanis, with economic incentives, and at the same time guarantee that Pakistan will have a major role in post withdrawl Afghanistan and at the same time be given access to advanced US Weaponry like better Attack Helicopters to combat these Tribal militants.

is that enough for you kid...why dont you add "and at the same time US should give 100 billion dollars to Pakistan free while giving the technology for thermonuclear weapons and F-22 fighter aircraft for free so that we can use stealth to combat terrorists in Pakistan"
if haqqanis attacked in afganistan then most probably they were in afghanistan, but uncle sam failed to track the terrorists, capture them, so now its pakistan's problem :what:

India can be brought up on board later on for a final settlement of the Kashmir issue.

this guy is omer shareef

bhai, if US wanted to help in kashmir issue, it would have used its influence long time ago,when it was not bankrupt, that time it didnt use its influence,

now when uncle sam is filled with all fart gas, a fart gas balloon, you want the fart balloon to use its influence for kashmir solution??

Maybe because Mexico is fighting the Drug Cartels instead of seeding territory to them and those Drug Cartels are not giving shelter to foreign terrorists who are plotting global terrorist attacks.

Your analogy makes no sense.

when did taliban plotted global terrorist attack?? this guy is fullon bharathi bhung?
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