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Haqqanis were behind Afghan attacks, raises pressure on Pakistan

Sher Malang

Aug 3, 2010
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By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, April 19, 3:15 PM

KABUL, Afghanistan — The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan said Thursday that there is “no question” that the Haqqani network was behind this week’s brazen attacks on Kabul and other eastern cities and said Pakistan needs to do more to clamp down on the group’s safe havens.

The comments were the strongest yet from a U.S. official blaming the attacks on the Haqqani network, an insurgent group based in neighboring Pakistan that is allied with the Taliban and al-Qaida and has been described by American officials as the most dangerous in the Afghan war. Sunday’s coordinated assault included near-simultaneous attacks in the three parts of the capital and three other eastern cities. Eight policemen and three civilians were killed in 18 hours of fighting, along with 36 militants, according to Afghan officials.

“There is no question in our mind that the Haqqanis were responsible for these attacks,” U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker told reporters in Kabul. “We know where their leadership lives and we know where these plans are made. They’re not made in Afghanistan. They’re made in Miram Shah, which is in North Waziristan, which is in Pakistan.”

“We are pressing the Pakistanis very hard on this,” Crocker said, echoing statements from Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton earlier this week. Clinton said on Tuesday that there were indications that the Haqqanis were involved.

Washington has long demanded that Pakistan target the Haqqani network, which is based in northwest Pakistan and allegedly has ties to the country’s spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence. Islamabad has firmly rejected the accusations, and has condemned Sunday’s attack.

The Haqqanis have become one of the most difficult Taliban factions to figure out how to deal with in a plan to bring the insurgents to the negotiating table with the Afghan government.

They are seen as more ideologically tied to al-Qaida than some of the other militant groups, and they have been particularly adept at sophisticated strikes like the one this week. The group was also blamed for a similarly audacious attack in September in which militants took over a half-constructed high-rise in the capital and opened fire on the nearby NATO headquarters and U.S. Embassy with heavy weapons.

Crocker described the Haqqanis as “a group of killers, pure and simple,” and said they may be a faction of the Afghan insurgency that is irreconcilable. He argued that the solution to the Haqqani problem would be found in Pakistan.

“I don’t think it’s a question of going to war with Pakistan to solve this problem. It’s getting the Pakistanis to take the necessary action themselves to eliminate a threat not only to Afghanistan and the United States but also to Pakistan,” Crocker said.

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Source: US Ambassador says Haqqanis were behind Afghan attacks, raises pressure on Pakistan - The Washington Post
There is no question in our mind that the Haqqanis were responsible for these attacks,

haven'tAmericans started talking like Indians? so fully of nonsense blames !!
No, U.S don't occupies the whole world, niether india..
Nor does most of Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central/South America, Central Asia, Russia, Oz(Oceania) SE Asia & the Far East so besides Antarctica pretty much the rest of the world knows what you're upto.
Well This is becoming a Joke now .

When India Cant find the Culprits they Blame the ISI , Now following the great Example of india , When US dont know what hit them they Blame the Haqqani Network.

I would say it is really pathetic.
^^ Because that will De-stabilize Pakistan even more to the breaking point and that will be an absolute hellish scenario for the whole world.

I think USA has to realize that Pakistan will never take action against the Haqqanis. Pakistan has become like Lebanon. A Weak central government and both are powerless to take action against militia groups like Hezbollah or Haqqanis and they continue to pursue their own policy and embroil the whole country into disastrous wars.

The Pakistani Army is not designed for this kind of Counter-Insurgency combat. It took the Pakistani Army over 3 years to defeat the weaker Meshud Tribe at the cost of thousands of lives. Haqqanis are a much more powerful tribe and are a strategic asset for Pakistan to counter the supposed Indian influence in Afghanistan once USA withdraws and then funnel those same fighters to wage proxy wars with India.

USA in my opinion should get China and Saudi Arabia to put pressure on Pakistan to take action against the Haqqanis, with economic incentives, and at the same time guarantee that Pakistan will have a major role in post withdrawl Afghanistan and at the same time be given access to advanced US Weaponry like better Attack Helicopters to combat these Tribal militants.
Well I am more interested in knowing, and us should be worried too , that how did those people if they did indeed come from Pakistan , travel hundred and fifty kilometres right into the heart of diplomatic zone and capture the parliament and a whole five story building
@Sher Malang , no matter what you say bro the truth is that the taliban and haqqanis have tremendous public support
after all they are fighting occupation forces. No resistance can survive without public support.You can't expect people to detest a org which is actively fighting for their freedom.
^^ Because that will De-stabilize Pakistan even more to the breaking point and that will be an absolute hellish scenario for the whole world.

I think USA has to realize that Pakistan will never take action against the Haqqanis. Pakistan has become like Lebanon. A Weak central government and both are powerless to take action against militia groups like Hezbollah or Haqqanis and they continue to pursue their own policy and embroil the whole country into disastrous wars.

The Pakistani Army is not designed for this kind of Counter-Insurgency combat. It took the Pakistani Army over 3 years to defeat the weaker Meshud Tribe at the cost of thousands of lives. Haqqanis are a much more powerful tribe and are a strategic asset for Pakistan to counter the supposed Indian influence in Afghanistan once USA withdraws and then funnel those same fighters to wage proxy wars with India.

USA in my opinion should get China and Saudi Arabia to put pressure on Pakistan to take action against the Haqqanis, with economic incentives, and at the same time guarantee that Pakistan will have a major role in post withdrawl Afghanistan and at the same time be given access to advanced US Weaponry like better Attack Helicopters to combat these Tribal militants.

Well my friend at least we defeated them, even though we were not equipped & were so powerless according to you & still We held our own without any ones help , All US did was to attack civilians through Drones & make more terrorists for us to deal with , Thanks for the Big Help.

Now Lets see what US & it Allies did with all the best technology , Power , Equipment , manpower & Stronger Governament ,

Till today more then 60% Area is in Taliban Control after 10 years for pointless fight & after Killing half a million innocent Afgan civilians , GREAT JOB.

More then 80% Pakistanis Hate you now, since you did such a great job of getting us into this mess & Destabilizing our economy . GREAT JOB again.

Your Economy took a nose Dive into the Recession & you messed up the Who world's Economy , GOOD JOB

You attacked Iraq & killed half a million (innocent civilians) again (What a surprise) , and now you left them with all the mess to deal with . GOOD JOB.

And this list can go on & on & on.......

US has this bad habit of getting their nose stuck into the matter of others & then messing every thing up & then just fleeing the scene since it gets too messy .

For Me the BIGGEST TERRORIST in the world in AMERICA , your country alone have killed more people then the terrorists organizations of the world Combined , So who is the bigger Terrorist ????

So Please STOP telling us what to do & what not to do as we know batter then you what is best for us , & GET THE HELL OUT of This Region .
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