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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 - PDF members!

What will Pakistan do in 2013 new year? any promising?
What will Pakistan do in 2013 new year? any promising?

ask for more debt, elect another corrupt leader may be worst than zardari (hint: bilawal) , increase prices of commodities, more load shedding , more tax, no cng, charge 10 lacs for suzuki mehran, eradicate the prepaid sims instead of terrorists, issue repetitive statements that US is against us killing our people yet will extend hands for donation/funds, another so called revolution by some other people calling for tsunami , PIA will be flying same old aircrafts with rats inside and one engine less, railway will be bankrupt and will be using donkey carts on railway lines....what else mate?
ask for more debt, elect another corrupt leader may be worst than zardari (hint: bilawal) , increase prices of commodities, more load shedding , more tax, no cng, charge 10 lacs for suzuki mehran, eradicate the prepaid sims instead of terrorists, issue repetitive statements that US is against us killing our people yet will extend hands for donation/funds,another so called revolution by some other people calling for tsunami , PIA will be flying same old aircrafts with rats inside and one engine less, railway will be bankrupt and will be using donkey carts on railway lines....what else mate?

Lol, I am hoping better change in Pakistan from same old habits. If it doesn't change, what else we celebrate new year?

Bilawal wouldn't win in election, let's focus on economy in our top priority next year.
Lol, I am hoping better change in Pakistan from same old habits. If it doesn't change, what else we celebrate new year?

Bilawal wouldn't win in election, let's focus on economy in our top priority next year.

mate i was born an optimist but this nation turned me into a pessimist ....don't expect anything from these people....until and unless some miracle from ALLAH happens and save this nation and country ...otherwise feudal gonna rule the roost and nothing gonna change
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