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Happy Independence Day to all!!

Straight, I agree with your take and that's why I said "there was nothing left to salvage other than obvious – seeking independence". Which I am proud of and cherish that.

My concern and advocacy are that same players who were behind geo strategic game then are active now. Some with same (India) with same agenda and others with slightly different one. Hope we as people are more aware of that and can rightly identify who is friend and who are real foe.

...Oh! yes. You are on the right track, idune. I just wanted to put few words on "what was quoted", but then somehow slipped and veered side-ways (to ranting). Rgds.
A brief review on my earlier post on 05:07 pm
We should re-define our relationship

The relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan people---despite whatever had transpired till and in 1971—is special, and is based on principles of Islam. We are not allowed to nurse our grudge but should strive to solidify the Ummah by way of forgiveness & reconciliation. We both should set the best example in these critical days when Islam itself is so sadly misunderstood.

In the same token, Bangladesh & India and Pakistan & India have another set of special relationship and that is of neighbors. Neighbors’ right is a prominent and sensitive issue--in the eyes of Islam. If we (B & P) are proud of Islam, we must act on Islam, and we---before others---need to set up an example in that regards, too.

I find this forum an appropriate stage, and this month of Independence the right time to put a further step.

For obvious reasons, many stalwart entities (outside the sub-continent) wish that we go on bickering and weakening each other, and thus serve their purpose at our cost rather than ours.
wish you Happy Independence Day to All Bangladeshi's

i wish we become one country again and that is in the benefit of our both countries i believe, more economy, more defence power, more stronger, more ways to look for each other, i truly wish this happens once again i know most of the Pakistani's wants this to happen but can't say about Bangladeshi's..... it's sad due to few politicians two brothers have been seperated.... it's really sad

I share you feeling full heatedly. This is the best way to encounter Indian hegemonic design for S. Asia and our sovereign existence. Its not even necessary to become one country. I propose a strong Union between Pakistan and Bangladesh. India will be surrounded with nukes and Islamic army from both side. End of story...

What say brothers???:smokin:
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A brief review on my earlier post on 05:07 pm
We should re-define our relationship

The relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan people---despite whatever had transpired till and in 1971—is special, and is based on principles of Islam. We are not allowed to nurse our grudge but should strive to solidify the Ummah by way of forgiveness & reconciliation. We both should set the best example in these critical days when Islam itself is so sadly misunderstood.

In the same token, Bangladesh & India and Pakistan & India have another set of special relationship and that is of neighbors. Neighbors’ right is a prominent and sensitive issue--in the eyes of Islam. If we (B & P) are proud of Islam, we must act on Islam, and we---before others---need to set up an example in that regards, too.

I find this forum an appropriate stage, and this month of Independence the right time to put a further step.

For obvious reasons, many stalwart entities (outside the sub-continent) wish that we go on bickering and weakening each other, and thus serve their purpose at our cost rather than ours.

Well thought out input sir. :tup:

I think Pakistan side isn't the problem. They would like to establish stronger ties with us through forgiveness & reconciliation. You can even get the feeling in this forum. I think general mass of Bd wouldn't mind either however the Main object and blockage are the Tagore loving Islamic named Musrik intellectual backed by Indo-Zion that constantly inject venom of hate to our new generation with the help from media against Pakistani and Islamic Ummah.

There must be way to corner them son of hiwan. Aren't there?????

They should all meet the fate of Taslimah and daud haider.:smokin:
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Well thought out input sir. :tup:

I think Pakistan side isn't the problem. They would like to establish stronger ties with us through forgiveness & reconciliation. You can even get the feeling in this forum. I think general mass of Bd wouldn't mind either however the Main object and blockage are the Tagore loving Islamic named Musrik intellectual backed by Indo-Zion that constantly inject venom of hate to our new generation with the help from media against Pakistani and Islamic Ummah.

There must be way to corner them son of hiwan. Aren't there?????

They should all meet the fate of Taslimah and daud haider.:smokin:

...No way denying your very practical observation.

You are also correct on this vulgar segment of West Bengal-tilted & Tagore-loving intellectuals being a stumbling block. These vicious germs have seriously invaded the new generation. A curse like that at our own home, make us handicap in most ways.
This thread was intended for well wishing for the people BD as well as the people around the world including PK who we faught against and Indians who sided with us in 1971. Lets forget all the difference for this special day and say Thank You for having to live for 22 years with us and share good and bad to all Pakistanis and thank you to all Indians who came forward in help of Bangladesh when we needed them most. Also thank you to the people around the world who came forward to our cause and did whatever little or big they could. I also like to thank you to those little school children who collected tiffin money for the cause of the children of Bangladesh in 1971. I also like to thank you George Harrison for supporting us. Thank you to the people of USA and USSR who came forward despite their GOVT's different role. I also like to thank you to the US congress who sided with BD in 1971. I also like to thank you Bhutan who is always forgotten and the first country to recognize Bangladesh.

Let us all work for a better future and a strong south asian relationship where borders will be irrelevant and we all will progress together.
Thanks everybody for coming to this and wishing us good...
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This thread was intended for well wishing for the people BD as well as the people around the world including PK who we faught against and Indians who sided with us in 1971. Lets forget all the difference for this special day and say Thank You for having to live for 22 years with us and share good and bad to all Pakistanis and thank you to all Indians who came forward in help of Bangladesh when we needed them most. Also thank you to the people around the world who came forward to our cause and did whatever little or big they could. I also like to thank you to those little school children who collected tiffin money for the cause of the children of Bangladesh in 1971. I also like to thank you George Harrison for supporting us. Thank you to the people of USA and USSR who came forward despite their GOVT's different role. I also like to thank you to the US congress who sided with BD in 1971. I also like to thank you Bhutan who is always forgotten and the first country to recognize Bangladesh.

Let us all work for a better future and a strong south asian relationship where borders will be irrelevant and we all will progress together.
Thanks everybody for coming to this and wishing us good...

I agree with you. People should realize just being neighbours does not mean you have to be foes. Canada and USA had wars long ago and they guard each other's borders and airspace from their common enemies now! There are plenty of other examples too. South Asian countries, regardless of religious objectives should learn from these examples. and Look at Europe. They have been fighting with each other since the start of the....HISTORY! Yet they can come together and form NATO and specially EU, something that reminds one of Islamic Khilafat. Sadly, it seems Muslims are the last ones who'd want to unite in the present scenario, and main culprit for that are none other than ourselves. Muslims have done more harms to Muslims than any others.
Two rare letters of 1971
The daily Star : Saturday, Apri 4, 2009
(Abdur Rouf alias Bobin from Sector 6 wrote this letter to his mother Rafia Khatun on 16 July 1971. At that time he was on the Indian border near Panchagarh, Bangladesh.)

I am writing from the Freedom Fighters' camp. It is raining very heavily outside now. I can see it through the opening of the tent that the whole horizon is overcast with clouds. Every so often thunderbolts flash. Since it's been raining all morning, I haven't been feeling well. Listen, Ma, have you noticed how, when the scarlet sun rises in the eastern sky after heavy showers the whole night, its fresh light is so iridescent, isn't it? Right now my thoughts are going back to my childhood. You would not allow me to go out in the rain; one day I sneaked out without telling you and slipped and fell down and hurt my leg, at which you screamed out and shed tears. Our table was covered with medicines I can clearly remember it. After that I wouldn't dare to go out alone, I would feel scared of falling down again. But today, today I am fairly courageous!. I have learnt to how to handle rifles. I have to spend night after night in bunkers, and yet I do not feel at all frightened. In the face of enemy attacks and in the midst of our counterattacks my veins and arteries throb with rising blood pressure. Ma, I really can't make you understand. When I recall my childhood days I find it impossible to express how I feel. But I feel an amazing change in me, this love I feel for my motherland, this love for my Bangla language. Ma, when I was a teenager Father one day took me to Syedpur, to show me a special train. There I got lost. Then, all alone, by myself, I wandered around a long time. Slowly the evening darkness began to descend, and for unknown reasons somehow I felt like crying. I felt I was lost. I thought I would perhaps never return to you. Then, crying, wet with tears, I began to walk towards to the station. That day, finding me on the street, Hye from Hazari Belpukur took me to his home. Sometime later I saw Father coming there. The next day no sooner had you listened to the whole story that you cuddled me in your lap and wept. But you didn't cry the day, Ma, that I left for the battlefield. My life is spent with bullets, shells, mortars. We have taken oaths to resolutely stand up against the heinous genocidal atrocities of Yahya. Now we have to pass sleepless nights in bunker after bunker. Or from time to time in the dead of night launch fierce attacks against enemy camps. This war is a war for justice, Ma, and victorious we will be.

Oh, Mother, I remember very well that evening. It was not cloudy and overcast like it is today. The whole sky was full with stars. You were sitting in the kitchen slicing vegetables. I told you, “Ma, I am going.” You looked up at my face. I said, “Ma, I am going to join the Muktijoddhas.” By the light of the stove's fire I could see plainly see your face. Your two eyes shone. You stood up and looked at me in a gesture of benediction. A few leaves of the wood-apple tree behind my room frolicked in the breeze for a while before stopping. Ma, that very evening you bade me goodbye with a smiling face. Ma, it seems as if ages have gone by; each day seems to be a page from history. So many hopes, so many wishes have been turned into ashes by the fires of injustice.

But Ma, at the end of an exhausting day won't that evening return again?

Yours with affection
(ABM Mahbubur Rahman of Chand Bualmari, Faridpur, dated 5 April, wrote this letter from Bashirhat Subdivision, the headquarters of Sector 8 in 24 Parganas. He returned home alive from the war to a free and independent Bangladesh.)

5 April 1971
Dear Ma,
By the time you get this letter, I will be very, very far away from you. Ma, I know you wouldn't have allowed me to go and so I left surreptitiously without telling you. But the day when I have avenged fully the disgrace visited on my mothers and sisters, when I have freed my motherland Golden Bengal from its enemies, that day will your son return to your lap.

Pray for me, Ma, that my wish be fulfilled.

Your luckless son
This,letters r like gems.........u can visualise da struggle and fearless wars fought by dis patriot........... da only place where he succumbs is on da lap of his ma.........absolutely grt.....
TO: M_Saint and all others

Let us not lessen the value of our hard-earned Independence. Certain myths might have dissolved the absolute value of Independence in some Bangladeshis’ mind. I am afraid, M_Saint, that your comment might have stemmed from such a myth.

Among these myths are:

1. AL hatched this independence among Bangladeshi people

2. People of Bangladesh went for independence, not spontaneously but upon serious political cultivation—among them—of nationalism, democracy, secularism and socialism by AL or other left-leaning political leadership

3. Some even go back to 1947 : Root of Independence was sowed in the very creation of Pakistan—a state based on religious affinity comprising 2 pieces of land 1000 miles apart

Facts are :

1. 99% of 82% population (ie 99% of entire Muslim population) of the-then-East-Pakistan decided to go for Independence within a time-space of one single month ie March of 1971. 99% of entire population did not even understand what really these 4 words truly mean : nationalism, democracy, secularism and socialism.

2. Even Sk. Mujib wanted---very rightly----to keep Pakistan together till the last minute, and definitely on the 7th March. He closed his speech—short of proclaiming Independence in very wisely and carefully selected words—that maintained a precarious balance of general mass’ actual thought and aspiration of those conspirators who were indeed hatching independence but within a limited circle of their own.

3. Sk. Mujibar Rahman—no matter whatever BAL says to day—was asking for, and he deserved rightfully---to become premier of entire Pakistan, not of a broken Pakistan. 99% of entire Muslim population supported this stance that he should try for that till the last moment.

4. Meta-formation of general mass towards Independence occurred in following manner:

•Disparity turned the people of Bangladesh against Pakistani rulers : Till Election
•Denial to accept Sk. Mujib & BAL and related political deceit & blunders by Pak Army & politicians triggered irreversible distrust, and caused Bangladeshis to take a non-negotiable stance : “Accept Sk. Mujib as Premier or else” : Till end February
•Police action triggered and crystallized the thought for “Independence”—yet people desired to submit the “Last Bid” on 7th March : till negotiation broke on 24th March
•Upon experiencing the 25th night carnage, came the nation’s equivocal decision : “NO WAY : INDEPENDENCE AT ANY COST” [JI and Rejakars amounted to be a too tiny %]

It is really the unfortunate faults of Pakistan’s politicians and its Army—perhaps not their people altogether—that prompted people of Bangladesh to go spontaneously for Independence.

Nevertheless, congratulation from Pakistani & Indian fellows on the eve of our Independence day is well appreciated. It is foolish to nurture mistakes for ever and not coming to terms together for mutual benefits. In the same token, Bangladesh and India also should have friendly relationship.

But BAL and India—each made serious mistakes of own that failed to create a truly working relationship between people of these 2 countries:

1. They thought that Bangladeshis have become truly ‘secular’ by fighting Pakistan. They failed to understand that Bangladeshis in fact fought ‘Pakistan’—not Islam. Indians—while they themselves are not secular and never want to be so—expected Bangladeshis to become and remain ‘more so’. In addition, they undertook one after another ‘Action Plan’ to put a permanent wall of hate & distrust between Bangladesh and Pakistan

2. India—not fully satisfied with all material & political gains in the war entailing the Freedom War & ultimate breakage of Pakistan—wanted further an eternal subservient role from Bangladesh. They overlooked the reality of Bangladeshis’ thirst for Independence—not only from Pakistan but, any other country, for that matter. Bangladesh gave a super gift to India for its assistance : A broken Pakistan. That should be enough.

1. Initially they truly wanted to make Bangladesh a secular state---most probably also now. In that zeal, they depicted even Khudiram and Surja Sen & similar others as the pioneers of Freedom Struggle in Bengal. In fact, these Hindu youths died fighting, albeit valiantly, the British ruler—not for independence of Bengal—but to stop ‘Division of Bengal’ that would have benefit Muslim Bengal at that time. They borrowed the National Anthem from Tagore who, too, was against ‘Division of Bengal’. They always were afraid of Islamic attitude of common Bangladeshis—with only exception of Sk. Mujib himself who upon return from Pak jail became captive of his own guilty feelings for not ‘thinking’ of independence till earlier-than-the last moment, and his willing surrender to Pak army, in stead of leading ‘suddenly’ a freedom struggle hitherto unplanned.

Being afraid of Islam again—that once created Pakistan—BAL always raised the “Anti-liberation” slogans, and depict any one Islamic to be a “pro-Pakistan” element, and thus divided the nation too deeply. Bangladesh never require Pro-India or Pro-Pakistan people, but only Pro-Bangladesh.

2. To keep Hindus in their Voter Bank, and for other lesser & selfish benefits, they always played a subservient role to India—in most cases, even to the detriment of Bangladesh’s interest. Any one criticizing such heinous efforts are also immediately branded as “Pro-Pakistan” / Islamic Militant by BAL.

These follies caused distrust on BAL and India—jointly and severally—to be permeated in the hearts of Islamic-minded people of Bangladesh. In that perspective, this actually made each of both the other’s liability. This ultimately blocked out all possibilities to develop a warm relationship between India and Bangladesh—though it actually should be otherwise.

On the occasion of our Independence day, we all—people of Bangladesh and India and Pakistan—should pledge to play our respective roles so that mutual trust and regional co-operation in its true form build up. That should not over-shadow the under-lying sincerity—even if a special relationship based on pure Islam anytime emerges among Islam-loving people of Bangladesh, India & Pakistan.

Praising your sheer analytical ability and patriotic zeal, I wanted to response comprehensively as I promised but got knocked out several times from the website due to some unavoidable problems. Anyway, what I found in your write up wasn't uncommon and known to me as 'Lost in details'. I was sure that you didn't hear 22 W Pakistani officer's murder from 18-22 March, 71 in different Cantonments in the then E PAK. Perhaps you didn't know about 100s of Bihari, Urdu speaking people's murder and rapes by AL goons from Late DEC.70 to March 24th 71. How about SK Mujib hinting A S M RAB about coming army crack down? See, I was saying this to let you know that operation 'Search Light' wasn't a mindless or spontaneous action. It took place to stop to ALer, Commie's anarchy, vandalism, murder and rape. But that being said, no unjustified killing by PAK army would pass my conscience, even knowing that situation was very complicated for W Pakistani army to conduct operation. And an empirical study would prove that 'CREATIVE CHAOS THEORY' was applied in great extent to break PAK up. For instance AL was made landslide winner by a farcical election in E PAK & people's party was made similar winner in the Western front and both party's leaders were put in political wrestling for premiership. LFO issue came up in equation as insurance of PAK's integrity but SK Mujib denied fulfilling his early promise that made Yahiya hesitant to handover power to Mujib, especially when Mujib was convicted for Agartala conspiracy. At that juncture, it was natural for Yahiya to take Bhutto's side but why Bhutto tore 'Polish proposal as a last effort to save PAK' off in UN was mystical.

Ironically Peoples Party and AL happened to be secularists and seemed like both of its leaders played in empire/IND's hands like Iraqi Bathists did in Westerner's hands. And fooling Yahiya for surrender by Kissinger even after a day of Niazi's defiance to fight up to the last soldier along with Nixon Admin's quick acceptance of Indira's cunningness, proved that hodge-podge of sending carrier was a big drama and was staged by yanks to keep W Pakistani rulers in hand just to fix China against Ruskies. So, the break up of PAK was infect a part of 'Imperial project' that started with the break up of Sub-continent and continued up until now to ghettoize Muslims further. Coming Pashtunistan, Bhanga Bhume are the next to suffocate us further, thanks.

I.E. Two books that I have referred would give you insight and if you dig the memory of recent scheming to bring AL in power could show the similarities of two 'GREAT GAMES'.
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Few more dirty tricks like spreading Bengali's annihilation by W Pakistani soldiers from Akash Bani, W Bengal and W Pakistani's murder by AL/Muktis through Adhikrit Kashmir radio station for W Pakistani audience were repeatedly played to put Bengali and W Pakistani against each-other's throat. So, the engineering of BD resembled the scheme of putting Shias and Sunnis in Iraq against each-other that ensured division thus ruling/conquest part became easy. Even the dead Bihari's bodies were made as Bengalis just to fan on the hatred-fuel.
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