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Happy Independence Day - Southern Sudan

I really hope this country became successful, and DOES NOT get ruled by some dictator or one party rule.


good video

It seems after they fought the north, some are now fighting themselves.
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The Western colonialists just divided up Africa like a jigsaw puzzle, with no care or consideration of different ethnic groups, religious groups, cultural and language affiliations. That is one of the biggest reasons why Africa is not doing so well today.


I mean just look at the top of the country, it looks like some colonialist just took a ruler and drew a line straight across. It didn't bother them that the top half of the country was filled with Muslim Arabs and the bottom half with Christian Blacks.

And a variety of ethnic groups, who all want to kill each other. Never in their history have these groups considered each other as "fellow countrymen".
The systematic oppression & religious persecution of Black Christian South by Muslim Arab North lead to this.
good luck for them, I hope that the new born state won't suffer from civil war or any kind of war
like other African countries.

My only hope is that they respect the Muslim minority in southern Sudan and treat them as part of their own
and not to discriminate any one whats so ever.

South is Christian
actually it's a mixture of pagans, Christians , and Muslims .
which one is the christian majority south or north ???? as far as i know a referendum was held and most people voted for two separate states.so why are you guys so pissed ???? the christian and muslim population couldnt live togather so they separated.

Brother won't quote anyother thing only will want to ask if all must follow your advice then same logic should apply for Kashmir aswell which is predominantly Muslim, then why still India has occupied it since 1947. Can you answer realistically without going defensive/ just for the sake of an argument.

Guys without hurting anyone's feeling just need to raise some points of concern for the readers;
UN is always active when there independence movements are taking place within any muslim country by an minorities i.e. East Timor (Independence within 3 months of major uprising), North Sudan. But when any muslim population in a region within a non-muslim country are struggling of independence then their freedom struggle are completely ignored/ falling on deaf ears i.e. Palestine (More than 60 years old issue), Kashmir (More than 60 years old issue), Chechniya (Decades old issue), Bosnia (Non acceptance of Muslim state within Europe resulting in mass genocide against muslims & creation of a nation with Christian neighbours who were involved in that genocide) etc. These are only some examples. What the world has to say about it. No proper or acceptable justifications except 'HYPOCRACY' at its best.

I disagree. Too many dividing in Africa nations after Kosovo.

Western including black Obama unable to sustain Africa growth and develop but dividing every pieces.



Darfur will be divided soon. Where is UN peacekeepers?
Guys without hurting anyone's feeling just need to raise some points of concern for the readers;
UN is always active when there independence movements are taking place within any muslim country by an minorities i.e. East Timor (Independence within 3 months of major uprising), North Sudan. But when any muslim population in a region within a non-muslim country are struggling of independence then their freedom struggle are completely ignored/ falling on deaf ears i.e. Palestine (More than 60 years old issue), Kashmir (More than 60 years old issue), Chechniya (Decades old issue), Bosnia (Non acceptance of Muslim state within Europe resulting in mass genocide against muslims & creation of a nation with Christian neighbours who were involved in that genocide) etc. These are only some examples. What the world has to say about it. No proper or acceptable justifications except 'HYPOCRACY' at its best.


I think for a Muslim, it might appear so as you see.

However, the flip side is that the Serbs feel that in an area of Christian majority, the US and other Christian allies have sided with Muslims and have created a whole lot of Muslim States.

It is all a question of location. econmic and strategic interests.

If you notice, wherever the colonialists have gone and then had to leave, they have left problems of ethnic/religious warring.

If you observe the Middle East, which is all Muslim, the British drew arbitrary boundaries to suit their convenience and put their favourites in power. The resultant is that there is continuous infighting and problems.

Kuwait, for instance, is actually a part of Iraq and Saddam was not wrong in invading to make a wrong into a right.

But then, by creating Kuwait, the British ensured that there are areas of conflict.

Even the Division of India into India and Pakistan, was deliberately left vague so that there a fights, and being in the UN, they would still be able to manipulate both and they are doing it even now!

This is what is called realpolitik! ;)
Its good for Sudan's X-tians hope they can develop like South Africa now and lead peaceful life ahead...
And 1 More point:- It does not make sense living as Minority in Muslim Dominated areas it's better to get independence.. They will have to suffer.. its natural
I always thought the time for creating new countries was done by 1950's and every country is independent now.

But anyway congrats to South Sudan. Hope independence actually brings benefit to the common man.
I really hope this country became successful, and DOES NOT get ruled by some dictator or one party rule.


good video

It seems after they fought the north, some are now fighting themselves.

After seeing this documentary, I genuinely feel that oil is a curse. Other than Gulf & Western countries oil has brought nothing but death & destruction .
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Guys without hurting anyone's feeling just need to raise some points of concern for the readers;
UN is always active when there independence movements are taking place within any muslim country by an minorities i.e. East Timor (Independence within 3 months of major uprising), North Sudan. But when any muslim population in a region within a non-muslim country are struggling of independence then their freedom struggle are completely ignored/ falling on deaf ears i.e. Palestine (More than 60 years old issue), Kashmir (More than 60 years old issue), Chechniya (Decades old issue), Bosnia (Non acceptance of Muslim state within Europe resulting in mass genocide against muslims & creation of a nation with Christian neighbours who were involved in that genocide) etc. These are only some examples. What the world has to say about it. No proper or acceptable justifications except 'HYPOCRACY' at its best.


U forgot Bangladesh ..... International community supported their independence movements and accepted as a new state
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