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Happy ending for Pakistani-Kuwaiti love saga

The only attractive girl in Kuweit is Shams !

or so I thought !!


is this pic real or computer generated..

A couple of years back, i was in UK, dating this hot British-desi chick. I would come back from my part time job at 11, and she would want me to go to Dixy Chicken to fetch her a burger. I was like, hain? WTF.
chavs are very particular about their chicken.. :pop:
Rejoice oh people for today love has won! lol jk,

For a lawyer to think that a Pakistani could be a suit to a Kuwaiti only through fraud or witchcraft is very unfortunate. We South asians need to have some shame, should improve our image around the world.

Unfortunately you need to be rich in this world to be respected, whether as a country or an individual. If we were rich or middle income at least, we wouldn't be stereotyped as menials or taxi drivers.
Damn nukka get your eyes checked :D

Ak-Bakra milling al halal hoing :woot:

Tch tch ...

For every man his own ...


Real pic .. see the video too !

catchy song.
They are not.
All a girl wants from a boy is his undivided loyalty.
Those who fail are the ones who fail to deliver on that. And i'm not saying that its easy by any means, its not.
But is it worth it?
All things in life are subject to Murphy's law. There is no surety of success as success itself is a relative term. From what i've learned is that its utterly worth a shot!

You just figured out the age old Question: "What Do Women Want?" :enjoy:

Unfortunately you need to be rich in this world to be respected, whether as a country or an individual. If we were rich or middle income at least, we wouldn't be stereotyped as menials or taxi drivers.

Regardless of socio-economic status a Pakistanis is quite the respected immigrant. While Eastern Europeans have gone to Western European Nations and engaged in crimes; Prostitution, human trafficking, robbery, etc. Pakistanis have largely kept away from crime and held respectable jobs. At most the worst a Pakistani has done is false immigration papers or citizenship marriage.

And that goes to the vast majority of Immigrants from Asia.
Those pesky Pakistani rouges. :devil::devil::chilli:
Regardless of socio-economic status a Pakistanis is quite the respected immigrant. While Eastern Europeans have gone to Western European Nations and engaged in crimes; Prostitution, human trafficking, robbery, etc. Pakistanis have largely kept away from crime and held respectable jobs. At most the worst a Pakistani has done is false immigration papers or citizenship marriage.

And that goes to the vast majority of Immigrants from Asia.

Yeah Pakistanis are not much into crimes, but we still get stereotyped as Taxi drivers who're desperately seeking white girls to get permanent residency :P The day per capita income of Pakistan rises to $10,000, these stereotypes would change. Unfortunately we can't reach that target until 2030 or something.
A couple of years back, i was in UK, dating this hot British-desi chick. I would come back from my part time job at 11, and she would want me to go to Dixy Chicken to fetch her a burger. I was like, hain? WTF.

why not? if you expect her to treat you at 11 despite all her engagements then are you khassi enough not to fetch her a burger ? :P
Who can resist us Pakistani men ? :azn:
pakistani women
@madokafc @Akheilos @NarThoD @Mugwop @tanti and other ladies....( I hope @Arabian Legend included... :rolleyes:)

Your comment please....... :D

Lol, Madokafc is a female member? I have been calling her brother for quite a while. :tongue:
Lol, Madokafc is a female member? I have been calling her brother for quite a while. :tongue:

Check her first thread (member introduction) and then she also admit several times in different thread
Happy Ending and now girl turns into a wife the most scary creature on face of the earth the WIFE
Kuwaiti woman weds Pakistani electrician

KUWAIT CITY, Aug 12: The Personal Status Court has approved the marriage of a 29-year-old Kuwait woman to a 33-year-old Pakistani electrician, reports Al-Shahed daily. According to reports the woman is a senior employee in a very important ministry and holds a degree in engineering. The woman said she has known the Pakistani for a long time and is in love with him. The daily added, after the marriage proposal by the Pakistani was turned down by the woman’s family on more than one occasion, she sought the help of the judiciary and the judge gave his approval. The daily did not give more details.
Kuwaiti woman weds Pakistani electrician
Jab larka larki razi to kia kary ga qazi?
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