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Is that supposed to refute what I wrote? You actually reinforced what I wrote. Lol.

this part? In East Asia, the swastika is a Chinese character, defined by Kangxi Dictionary, published in 1716, as "synonym of myriad, used mostly in Buddhist classic texts",[1] by extension, the word later evolved to represent eternity and Buddhism.
The symbol has a long history in Europe reaching back to antiquity. In modern times, following a brief surge of popularity as a good luck symbol in Western culture, a swastika was adopted as a symbol of the Nazi Party of Germany in 1920, who used the swastika as a symbol of the Aryan race.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/247070-happy-birthday-hitler-10.html#ixzz2R1sRarXM
@curioususer why of course just like anyone self proclaims themselves the victor ...Defeated in Iraq: How America Lost the War | Alternet

Well, for you... THIS is what you know...
@Dillinger @curioususer

The swastika is by no way exclusively ours..just as much as the term "dharm/dharma" isn't. Who used it first is another issue. BUT for some inordinate reason its predominately associated with Hinduism by academics outside India. You might want to bare in mind that Buddhism originated in an ancient Hindu kingdom and was propagated by Ashoka first..so carry over of symbols from Hinduism and into Hinduism from other religions was common place.
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Stalin would have either way won..even during the cold war NATO knew they would not be able to stop the Warsaw Pact forces..they would have to go first on the nukes. The Soviets scared Churchill sahib so much that he was cool with Hitler if our Aryan brother stuck to messing around only with the slavs and russkies.

Uncle Joe was a much brutal man than Uncle Addie no doubt. Sheer size of Soviet Union should have been a deterrent for Nazis. But I believe the turning point was Op Typhoon, it came too late. They shud've gone for Moscow from the start. Wonder why the useless Japs didnt help 'em out. You cannot win a battle of attrition against such a large foe.
I didnt say first stealth AC was German but the first balliatic missiles were German and they wreck havoc on England....as for the B2 design, I have provided the pic let people judge it themselves.

You really out to read more. The flying wings design is as old as the Wright brothers. The Germans weren't even the first to use rockets for war.
If we are going to argue with links then heres one for you
V-2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps you should read this part too from the above link.

The German V-weapons (V-1 and V-2) cost $3 billion (wartime dollars) and was more costly than the Manhattan Project that produced the atomic bomb ($1.9 billion).[13]:178 6,048 V-2s were built, at a cost of approximately 100,000 Reichsmarks (GB£2,370,000 (2011)) each; 3,225 were launched. SS General Hans Kammler, who as an engineer had constructed several concentration camps including Auschwitz, had a reputation for brutality and had originated the idea of using concentration camp prisoners as slave laborers in the rocket program. The V-2 is perhaps the only weapon system to have caused more deaths by its production than its deployment.[44]
"… those of us who were seriously engaged in the war were very grateful to Wernher von Braun. We knew that each V-2 cost as much to produce as a high-performance fighter airplane. We knew that German forces on the fighting fronts were in desperate need of airplanes, and that the V-2 rockets were doing us no military damage. From our point of view, the V-2 program was almost as good as if Hitler had adopted a policy of unilateral disarmament." (Freeman Dyson)[45]
The V-2 consumed a third of Germany's fuel alcohol production and major portions of other critical technologies:[46] to distil the fuel alcohol for one V-2 launch required 30 tonnes of potatoes at a time when food was becoming scarce.[47] Due to a lack of explosives, concrete was used and sometimes the warhead contained photographic propaganda of German citizens who had died in Allied bombing.[18]
The V-2 lacked a proximity fuse, so it could not be set for air burst; it buried itself in the target area before or just as the warhead detonated. This reduced its effectiveness. Furthermore, its early guidance systems were too primitive to hit specific targets and its costs were approximately equivalent to four-engined bombers, which were more accurate (though only in a relative sense), had longer ranges, carried many more warheads, and were reusable. Moreover, it diverted resources from other, more effective programs. Nevertheless, it had a considerable psychological effect because, unlike bombing planes or the V-1 Flying Bomb (which made a characteristic buzzing sound), the V-2 travelled faster than the speed of sound, with no warning before impact, no possibility of defence and there was no risk of attacking pilot and crew casualties.
With the war all but lost, regardless of the factory output of conventional weapons, the Nazis resorted to V-weapons as a tenuous last hope to influence the war militarily (hence Antwerp as V-2 target), as an extension of their desire to "punish" their foes and most importantly to give hope to their supporters with their miracle weapon.[18] The V-2 had no effect on the outcome of the war, but its value, despite its overall ineffectiveness, was in its novelty as a weapon which set the stage for the next 50 years of ballistic military rocketry, culminating with ICBMs during the Cold War and modern space exploration.

It was a near useless weapon BUT it did provide inspiration and broad basis for the ballistic missile systems that came afterwards.
I was not commenting on migration but it's proof. And talking of migration talon, Punjabis today irrespective of what a most of pakistani thinks, they are not descendants of Müller's Aryans but hitties which are anatolian in origin.
@anonymus proof?
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this part? In East Asia, the swastika is a Chinese character, defined by Kangxi Dictionary, published in 1716, as "synonym of myriad, used mostly in Buddhist classic texts",[1] by extension, the word later evolved to represent eternity and Buddhism.

The symbol has a long history in Europe reaching back to antiquity. In modern times, following a brief surge of popularity as a good luck symbol in Western culture, a swastika was adopted as a symbol of the Nazi Party of Germany in 1920, who used the swastika as a symbol of the Aryan race.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/247070-happy-birthday-hitler-10.html#ixzz2R1sRarXM

China and the rest of east Asia came to know about it by Buddhism, which was adapted from Hinduism. What was European's name of that symbol? Fact is it is known by a Sanskrit word who knows maybe Europeans came to know about by trade with India.
China and the rest of east Asia came to know about it by Buddhism, which was adapted from Hinduism. What was European's name of that symbol? Fact is it is known by a Sanskrit word who knows maybe Europeans came to know about by trade with India.
@curioususer since no one knows you shouldnt throw accusations...who knows the Aryans who ACTUALLY CAME FROM EUROPE brought it to India...like you said NO ONE KNOWS...
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@ExtraOdinary do u think that germans would have made the A-bomb in time if the allies hadnt destroyed the heavy water factories in the Norway?
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No, B2 has no relation to german design and there was no overriding concern for stealth during WWII.

And Since you have talked about visual similarity, why not trace B2 origins to this


Well even in this case Germans still have an upper hand for incorporating boomerang design into an AC
@ExtraOdinary do u think that germans would have made the A-bomb in time if the allies hadnt destroyed the heavy water factories in the Norway?

The Virus house project was a bit flawed technically so maybe not..but who knows..Can you imagine if it was Hitler who'd ended up saying the following words rather than Oppenheimer, " Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. ":fie:
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