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Hangor Class Submarine Project | Updates & Discussions

There is a new submarine simulator for anyone interested in Submarine operations

It’s catching up with what navy’s are using to simulate in the training of officers. Potentially a good home simulator for people aspiring to join the navy just like DCS maybe a decent simulator for those looking to join the air force

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I really do hope we have naval nuclear capability abroad these submarines

PN cant afford SSBN

we should stick to SSK+ Nuclear missiles only
Exactly..we have to look at cost..
We cannot ignore conventional difference despite nuclear deterance..

Regional conflicts might not escalate enough to involve nuclear weapons and nuclear threat might not be enough to stop war
I'm sure PN will be looking to acquire some N-Subs from China too.
I'm sure PN will be looking to acquire some N-Subs from China too.

Probably best to lease one, to better refine the capabilities we need on our SSK. Endurance, depth, speed, and how many and what type of weapons to carry. A single Type 093 With VLS tubes which can fit the Babur SLCM and a small diameter SLBM. All of this to refine the doctrine.

With battery technology advancing so much, the Hangors could be made to have the exact requirements to meet our needs, just like the Barracuda SSK are being tailor made for the Australian navy to have enough of the SSN capabilities to fit their needs.
better than boomer would be to have the Chinese SSK equipped with submarine launched nuclear capable missiles like Israel does

that would be the first step before SSBN

SSBN is a something that Pakistan cannot afford right now too costly for construction and operation total waste of manpower and resources

SSK + nuclear warhead delivery defiantly should be a must

that way we have army, airforce and navy with nuclear weapons
No boomer! They will have SLCM launch capability which is what we require for precision strike to take out coastal naval comms, ports, & radar installations. Nuclear second strike through SLCM's can be achieved.

The major Nuclear strike capability will be through land based mobile launchers of med. ranges and air launch tactical nuclear strike delivered by the Air force.
No boomer! They will have SLCM launch capability which is what we require for precision strike to take out coastal naval comms, ports, & radar installations. Nuclear second strike through SLCM's can be achieved.

The major Nuclear strike capability will be through land based mobile launchers of med. ranges and air launch tactical nuclear strike delivered by the Air force.
What on earth are we buying. We ordered Type 54 A in 2017, and as China was already using them, even with some changes still we are getting second Type 54, and soon will have third one also and then fourth. We ordered our so called Type 39 B in 2015. If they were really Type 39 B we would have at least gotten two by now. But we don't even have one in fact not even news of where construction is. So I am pretty sure what we have ordered is not Type 39 B or even close to it. Like seriously what on earth are we buying. Why we haven't even gotten our first sub.

@Rashid Mahmood @Thorough Pro @Maarkhor @Path-Finder @The Eagle @Arsalan
Subs from China will be delivered well ahead of the schedule. PN is acquiring two different types of subs.
Did anyone ever ask why two types while getting all 8 of the same type would have made more logistical sense? Without going in to details, PN is getting some serious capabilities and it knows how to put a lid on loose lips unlike Airforce, which has more showboating individuals
Subs from China will be delivered well ahead of the schedule. PN is acquiring two different types of subs.
Did anyone ever ask why two types while getting all 8 of the same type would have made more logistical sense? Without going in to details, PN is getting some serious capabilities and it knows how to put a lid on loose lips unlike Airforce, which has more showboating individuals
I mean it's safe to assume what we are buying is not Type 39 B or its slightly upgraded model.
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