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Hanged bodies of three Taliban found

You think during curfew any one can come and hang people on the pole so easily? (note it take around 10-12 mins for whole process, and ofcourse sometime while moving the body to take it on the pole). Also, do you think same criminals (who are so brave that can move body around in curfew) and in pakistan needs any misguidance technique to escape?
Give the guy on patrol duty, a 1000 rps note to take a walk...

Masla solved?
police did it to give confidence to returning IDP"s that now talibs are history. remember in past talibs use to do it to create terror but now when tables have turned its reverse ie police doing it to talibs to bring back confidence of locals on the police
police did it to give confidence to returning IDP"s that now talibs are history. remember in past talibs use to do it to create terror but now when tables have turned its reverse ie police doing it to talibs to bring back confidence of locals on the police

BL sahib,

You say that with a lot of confidence - could you offer some reason for why you are so confident?

Some of your journalistic sources?
WHAT is WRONG with us....SERIOUSLY!!! i mean when "CIVILIANS" were being hanged we were having issues and so much commotion....


I MEAN SERIOUSLY people what is the difference between us and THEM if we are ok with hanging....

i thought we were human and they were animals....let's not go down to their level....hanging of anyone is wrong let's just maintain that...
Forgive my heartlessness but

3 of the bastards found hanged?

B R I L L I A N T ! ! ! !

Now let me read all the other posts !!!

JUst give me a few more minutes of virus-free, Police-free, security-services-free, monitoring free and Firewall-free, & IP ban free, & email-block free, & i/c email block free, Darwen library provided, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council goverbnment-server-provided, local wooden-top-plod-interfered-with free, trojan free, spyware free internet access.

Because I have finally got back on to www.defence.pk

Y I P E E !
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WHAT is WRONG with us....SERIOUSLY!!! i mean when "CIVILIANS" were being hanged we were having issues and so much commotion....


I MEAN SERIOUSLY people what is the difference between us and THEM if we are ok with hanging....

i thought we were human and they were animals....let's not go down to their level....hanging of anyone is wrong let's just maintain that...

With respect brother, i suggest that the difference is that they are fighting against your country & your people, using G_d as an excuse & their ignorance to save them from difficult dilemas - YOU are fighting for your country & your people.

Might i suggest that that is the only difference that counts?


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BATKHELA: Three bodies were found hanging from electricity poles in different areas of the Malakand Agency on Monday. Sources told The News that the body of Mustafa, a local resident and Taliban militant, was hanging from the electricity pole in the main square of Thana town.

A message and a verse from the Holy Quran written and translated in Pashto language was also recovered along the body.

“Anyone who tried to remove the body from the pole till 12:00 noon would meet the same fate. He was a Taliban militant and responsible for violence in the area and attacks on army,” read the message.

Despite curfew in the area, a large number of people gathered at the site to watch the body.It was learnt that relatives of the deceased later came over and took the body after the time specified by the killers.

Similarly, another dead body was found hanging from the electricity pole on the main road in Haibatgram village. The deceased was identified as Sarzamin Khan alias Kaki, a resident of Haibatgram.

Sources said that the body of an unidentified person was also seen hanging from the electricity pole in the main square of Dargai bazaar from early morning till late evening. The deceased, whose name could not be ascertained, was a resident of Garhi Usmanikhel and used to sell vegetables in Dargai. He was accused of spying for Taliban.
Hanged bodies of three Taliban found

At least somebody has got the right idea:cheers:......what goes around comes around.

I think we should not celeberate it, as army should not allow other factors to do otherwise these factors subsequently stands against the army as BAITULLAH mahsud has done
BL sahib,

You say that with a lot of confidence - could you offer some reason for why you are so confident?

Some of your journalistic sources?

I have seen the Reuters feed in which police men are conducting business as usual near the body of Talib. If its not their work they would have removed the corpse
btw this is necessary to win civilian confidence
I think we should not celeberate it, as army should not allow other factors to do otherwise these factors subsequently stands against the army as BAITULLAH mahsud has done

A bully only understands one language.....violence...so give him plenty off it so he never thinks about bulling anybody else ever again.

As i was told as a child if someone hits you once it might have been a mistake so forgive the person.......if he hits you a second time it might be the anger that has taken over and the person has lost self control so forgive him.....if he tries to strike you again break his arm and beat him that much that he remebers you for the rest of his life.

We tried sorting things out with this TTP scumdogs in a civil way....we got attacked.......we tried again and we got attacked.......now we have to kill all of them,no half house measures and compromises.

---------- Post added at 12:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 PM ----------

I have seen the Reuters feed in which police men are conducting business as usual near the body of Talib. If its not their work they would have removed the corpse
btw this is necessary to win civilian confidence

Am not bothered who strung these scumdogs up......put take my word for it this is the only thing they understand.

A rabid dog has to be put down.....its the humane thing to do:cheesy:...it would be better if convicted scumdogs are handed over to the locals and they get to string up high.
With respect brother, i suggest that the difference is that they are fighting against your country & your people, using G_d as an excuse & their ignorance to save them from difficult dilemas - YOU are fighting for your country & your people.

Might i suggest that that is the only difference that counts?


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ok now let me ask you one thing WHO CREATED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE....secondly they are our ENEMY....however we are FIGHTING FOR AN IDEOLOGY

an IDEOLOGY for a FREE THOUGHT A CIVILIZED SOCIETY.....and that my friend means we hate "BARBARISM" in all forms!!

KILLING AN ENEMY IS A DIFFERENT THING hanging his body from tress is another....:pakistan:
ok now let me ask you one thing WHO CREATED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE....

some foreign agencies such as CIA, Mossad, and some what india RAW

secondly they are our ENEMY....however we are FIGHTING FOR AN IDEOLOGY

an IDEOLOGY for a FREE THOUGHT A CIVILIZED SOCIETY.....and that my friend means we hate "BARBARISM" in all forms!!

sorry, we are not fighting for this, we are fighting with them since they challenge the writ of the state. We are fighting them since they are involve in terrorism. we are fighting them since they are trying to destabilize pakistan. If they would stay in their barks, don't challenge the writ of the state, then the peace agreement might continued.

KILLING AN ENEMY IS A DIFFERENT THING hanging his body from tress is another....:pakistan:

There are many tactics of the war, TTP used in camera "Zubah" of the SSG officers, so they try to put terror in pak officers heart, and then pak army used to pick talib in the helicopter and leave them down from the sky's on his head in front of their TTP friends, which put terror in those TTP
Had Pakistan ever found the political courage to do what was required as far Madressah Reform was concerned, we may not have had these insurgencies, suicide bombings and the like:

Pakistan madrassa reforms in tatters

* Education Ministry official says government could not utilise US-aided Rs 5,759 million for reforms programme
* Says programme to expire in 2010 since no more madrassas being included

ISLAMABAD: The government has virtually shelved a US-aided, multi-million dollar plan to reform madrassas considered nurseries of terrorism, as it has failed to garner the support of clerics.

The government initiated the project in 2002 in a bid to introduce a more secular curriculum in madrassas.

The project sought to introduce computer skills, science, social studies and English into the overwhelmingly religious curriculum at thousands of madrassas across the country

Utility: “We had a huge budget of Rs 5,759 million ($71 million) to provide madrassa students with formal education but we could not utilise it,” Education Ministry spokesman Atiqur Rehman said.

“The Interior Ministry held talks with various madrassas... but many of them refused to accept the government’s intervention,” said Mufti Gulzar Ahmed Naeemi, a senior official of the mainstream Sunni clerics alliance, Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat.

As a result, the government has failed to meet the target of reforming around 8,000 religious schools within five years.

“We reached 507 madrassas only, spending Rs 333 million and the rest of the [money] – Rs 5,426 million has lapsed
,” Rehman said.

According to government records, there are at least 15,148 madrassas in Pakistan with more than two million students – around five percent of the 34 million children in formal education.

But officials suspect many more remain unregistered, becoming the only source of education for thousands of impoverished children across the country.

A majority of the madrassas get the required funds from local businessmen and traders, along with religious foundations, charities and Pakistanis living abroad.

The Education Ministry says it introduced the “latest computer technology” to 30 madrassas and paid the salaries of 950 teachers on a three-year scheme.

Expiry: “We will pay these teachers until June 30 in 2010 and then this project will be closed because no more madrassas are being included in the reform project,” the ministry spokesman said.

Teachers who participated in the scheme are desperately worried about the future of their pupils if their new lessons are scrapped.

“This programme must be continued. The madrassa students are getting real benefits out of it and are entering the field of formal education and computer technology,” one of the teachers said. “I’m paid 3,000 rupees by the government for this job. My contract ends on June 30 in 2010 but I plan to continue this duty. This is really national service,” he said.

In Rawalpindi, Syed Haseenuddin Shah recalled one of his students who switched from religious studies to computer science and ended up with a degree.

“There are so many students following him who regularly attend computer classes in the madrassa,” Shah said.

Some analysts believe the government’s military onslaught against the Taliban could improve prospects for reviving plans to reshape the role of madrassas.

“Any effort by the government at this point will show they are determined to curb terrorism by all ways and means,” defence analyst Talat Masood said, calling on Islamabad to re-launch the programme and provide free education. afp
it may sound gud but its not. if police or army has done this then its fine. but if some other independent group then its something to worry about. later they might go around killing everyone and leave a letter sayin he was a taliban
Exactly. Taliban has hanged many others like this in Afghanistan and left a note on it where the victim was even insulted after his death. It's fairly possible Taliban has done this and keep doing it to give the people a secure feeling, but attack at the moment people realise nothing. But if they indeed were murderers and got killed by the police or army then it's good at least few murderers on earth got less. But I doubt the army would even do such a thing, don't know why.
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