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Halt in Kirpi line hinders terror fight, irks workers

You are really a weird person, you bring up something and when I answer it you get mad. What is wrong with you? Chill out! Whatever I said happened in our country and noone can denied it.
^nuff with the BS, either post here the latest mine-attack against EGM personnel or shut up.

Oblious gave you the example, but we do not need any example since PÖH fight terrorist in rural areas and on mountains.

Police vehicles get ambushed and attacked by assault rifles and other light-arms fire.

You are wrong. Terrorists first exploded mines and then attacked by assault rifles and RGPs. First check the report.

Don't be naive, Police and Jandarma has a clear division of labor, it's jandarma's job to provide security in rural areas and police' job to secure urban areas each has to adapt their own working areas. Trying to make one compete with other can only end-up damaging this country.

I guess you do not know the new concept. According to the new concept PÖH and JÖH will fight terrorist together. which means PÖH will be fighting terrorist in the rural areas and on mountain. Neither PÖH nor JÖH compete one another, but they collaborate. There is no need to say how new concept is successful to counter terrorism. Therefore, nothing will damage our country.

Right now police fighting KCK and the army fighting PKK there are different threats each need different solutions

You are right, but you miss something. EGM has different divisions and counter terror department (Terorle Mucadele) fight with KCK. But PÖH also fight terrorist on mountains according to new concept. In addition, no need to say EGM and JGK are responsible to Interior Minister. If they fight terrorism together, then they mush have similar equipments to fight terror.
^PÖH personnel mostly make their approach with S70 Blackhawks that is present in EGM inventory.

Their work-load is an entirely different subject, it's a bit of an auxillary role. They get their training and equipment from the army but they aren't commandos they are mostly there to support on-going operations but unless there's an offensive they do not stand in the field.
At least we agreed that PÖH fights terrorists like JÖH. Whatever you say is true but you again talking according to old concept. In the new concept, their role is not an auxillary role. They fight with JÖH shoulder to shoulder and even sometimes alone. That is why EGM wants Kirpis. Did you read this news below?

Hakkari'de 3 özel harekat polisi şehit oldu!

Hakkari'nin Kırıkdağ köyü yakınlarında yola döşenen mayının patlaması sonucu 3 özel harekat polisi şehit oldu, diğer yandan Van'da 3, Bitlis'te de 1 asker yaralandı.http://www.medyafaresi.com/haber/89415/guncel-hakkaride-2-ozel-harekat-polisi-sehit-oldu.html
At least we agreed that PÖH fights terrorists like JÖH. Whatever you say is true but you again talking according to old concept. In the new concept, their role is not an auxillary role.

:lol: just lol, who do you think JÖHs are? These are support teams, only difference is that PÖH gets paid by EGM but our standing forces are mountain commandos and they always were.

There's no old and new concepts, tactics in this area are always ...adaptive. Classes and departments are irrelevant after some point.
It is enough, your ignorance will not take us anywhere. You still can say there is no old new concept. Where do you really live? Do not you follow the media? When PKK killed our soldier in Holy month of Ramadan, Erdogan explained new concept

23 Haziran 2010 Çarşamba
Özel Harekat, yeniden sahaya iniyor

2010'un ilk yarısında sayısı 6 bin 500'i bulan polis özel timleri şehrin dışına çıkarak, kırsalda askerle birlikte terör örgütüne dönük operasyonlara katılacak. İçişleri Bakanlığı, PKK'nın korkulu rüyası özel timlerin sayısını yıl sonuna kadar daha da artırmayı hedefliyor. Özel Harekat, yeniden sahaya iniyor Haberi

23 Temmuz 2011

Terörle mücadelede yeni konsept zirvesi - Yenisafak.com.tr - 27.07.2011

5 Aralik 2012

Yeni konsept PKK'y


Amamoslarda k

ENOUGH? or Do you want more?
Are you even reading me? :D I can't seem to get through your thick skull

So called "new concept" is a product of 1990s Tansu Çiller government. PÖH and JÖH are practically the same things only difference is that PÖH's get paid from EGM but their training and equipment are provided by THE ARMY. That's right, they get their training from maroon berets

I've already explained to you that either teams are paramilitary AUXILLARY forces they are NOT stationed in the area unless there are on-going operations. So you can't see these guys cruising around, patrolling the area on a routine. They approach the area, join the operations and they leave the area once their operations are over. They aren't commandos.

What have i said? "Classes and departments are irrelevant after some point." It means you can see a Jandarma or land forces' helicopter dropping off PÖH personnel. Got it? Police Department not having Kirpi MRAPs is hardly a problem for them.
Let me summarize what we have discussed for you;

I said: EGM will get Kirpis

You said: EGM does not need Kirpis, they are overkill for EGM and no need Kirpis in urban area

I said: EGM wants Kirpis for PÖH and PÖH fight terrorists in rural areas and on the mountains.

You said: Show me the latest mine-attack against EGM personnel and you also said it's jandarma's job to provide security in rural areas and police' job to secure urban areas, compete with other can only end-up damaging this country.

I said: There were mine attacks against PÖH and showed the evidence. I also said said that according to new concept PÖH and JÖH fight terrorist together. There is no compete but collaboration and nothing will damage our country.

You said: PÖH get trained by army and they have a kind of auxillary role and they are mostly there to support on-going operations.

I said: You are wrong their role is not auxillary role. According to new concept PÖH fight terrorists with JÖH shoulder to shoulder and even sometimes alone.

You said: There's no old and new concepts, tactics in this area are always ...adaptive. PÖH and JÖH are similar only paid by EGM.

I said: There is a new concept and showed you the evidence

You are now saying: So called "new concept" is a product of 1990s Tansu Çiller government. It is not new and PÖH can get help from the army.

Listen now, it is really obvious not you but I am the one who cannot get through your thick skull. You are ballydancing now. Whatever you said against my arguments was disproved.

I proved that PÖH get ambushed and EGM wants Kirpis for them. I also proved that PÖH fights in rural area and on mountains according to new concepts. I also proved there is a new concept.

You are saying the concept was already exists. Then tell me, Did PÖH fight terrorist like today in rural areas and on mountains from 1997 to 2010? The idea or concept using PÖH and JÖH may not be new, but IT HAS NOT BEEN APPLIED FOR 13 YEARS. YOU GOT IT. The government wants professional soldiers to fight terrorists and that is why today PÖH and JÖH fight together. If EGM could use Army equipments, then they would not want Kirpis to protect its polices.

yenilen pehlivan gurese doymaz hesabi daha zamanimi harcamam senin icin.
You want to turn it into a pissing contest it's your problem, not mine. Sending in another department for the SAME job doesn't count as a new strategy or a "new concept" It's just what owner's voice Turkish media telling you. As you dumb sht yourself have said JÖH and PÖH do combine. Because they are practically the fvcking same, professional paramilitary groups that is meant to support infantry and commando units constantly present in the area.

I have searched all major newspapers in Turkey in order to find details of that attack and there's no record of a bomb blast killing three PÖH members. Even though I'm hangover as fvck and still drinking I can divide the truth from the BS.
Zaman (yeah even Zaman)
Next time try not to come here with falsified news from "medya faresi" my arse

They all say there was a firefight between terrorists and PÖH which left our three men dead. Again confirms my theory that EGM needs ballistic protection in higher numbers and wider spectrum.

As i have told your moronic azz numerous times JÖH and PÖH units are not standing forces in the area. They go in, preform their given tasks in operations and out. Suffice to say infantry and commando units who spend all of their time in hot-zone has the priority.
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