Isn't it interesting how westerners try so hard to validate their crumbling empire by living vicariously through China and Chinese people.
Chinese Immigrants Are Fleeing Back To China Because 'The American Dream Is Dead'
Chinese Immigrants Are Fleeing Back To China Because 'The American Dream Is Dead'
Migration and business: Weaving the world together | The Economist
More Chinese people live outside mainland China than French people live in France, with some to be found in almost every country.
John Riady, Mochtar Riady’s grandson, says Chinese contacts “really make us feel at home.” The government in Beijing has set up a ministry to deal with the overseas Chinese.
Small wonder. Most of the foreign direct investment that flows into China is handled by the Chinese diaspora, loosely defined. Of the $105 billion of FDI in 2010, some two-thirds came from places where the population is more or less entirely ethnic Chinese (see chart). That includes Hong Kong and Taiwan, which are officially part of China. But these two places operate as if they are part of the diaspora.