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Hair loss

romaine… used it for six months… i have a receding hairline and it worked a little so far..im still using it..

stop masturbating, and your won't fall out. Also put some olive oil in your head before you go to sleep at night.
Best is hair transplant,,,if wayne rooney can have hair,anyone can:lol::lol::lol:
Dude, if anyone makes fun of your thinning hair, just blame it on side effects of testosterone (true story bro..). Ask them why theirs are "not thinning yet...no testosterone, eh?"
Dude, if anyone makes fun of your thinning hair, just blame it on side effects of testosterone (true story bro..). Ask them why theirs are "not thinning yet...no testosterone, eh?"
r u being serious or r u pulling my leg??
dude ! honestly nothing happens due to masturbation. Tell me one thing... How does your scalp know that you had sex with a woman or just wriggled your toy ? seriously ! masturbation side effects are over blown by people's anecdotes and there is no scientific proof of eye sight loss and what not !

What i would suggest you is try to use some natural remedy to reduce dandruff ! and have a healthy diet with lots of vitamins. You would be alright ! Hair is something which keeps falling and growing. unless the hair roots are gone you can slowly regain back the hair with a good diet.
r u being serious or r u pulling my leg??
Serious. This here:
"Male pattern baldness (MPB) has a distinctive shape. The frontal hairline recedes, especially at the sides, forming an M shape. This is frontal baldness. The crown of the head, also known as the vertex, becomes bald as well. Eventually the two areas join into a “U” shape. MPB can even extend to chest hair, which can thin as you age. Oddly enough, hair in different locations on the body can react differently to hormonal changes. For instance, facial hair growth can improve while other areas become bald.

Your hormone levels may affect your exact MPB symptoms. According to a study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, men with high levels of testosterone are more likely to have vertex baldness. The same study suggested that men with higher levels of the binding protein SHBG may have thinner hair on their chests."

another source
"Hair loss in men and hormones are closely related. Men go through a similar decline and shift in hormones that women go through during menopause, for men, it's called andropause, also known as "the male menopause." Hormones regulated nearly every function in the body, including hair growth. Fluctuating levels of testosterone resulting from stress and poor diet can impact the body's ability to regenerate hair follicles. The relationship between testosterone and hair loss is due to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone. DHT can cause hair follicles to regress and die, resulting in premature balding. Specifically, DHT shortens the growth cycle of your hair and increases the resting cycle. So, over time, hair in these locations grows less and becomes shorter until it simply does not grow anymore. Genes can make certain hair follicles (usually in the front and crown of the head) especially sensitive to this hormone. Furthermore, excess levels of testosterone often result in higher levels of the DHT and hence the greater likelihood of hair loss or baldness. DHT is also partly responsible for adolescent and adult acne in men and for prostate enlargement in older men."

Happy now?
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