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Hagel to tour China's new aircraft carrier

Studio interview: Chuck Hagel: first foreigner to visit Liaoning carrier - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

04-07-2014 20:35 BJT

For more insights, we’re joined in the studio by Zhao Xiaozhuo, Deputy Director of the China-US Defense Relations Department at the Academy of Military Sciences.

Q1: Why is the Liaoning aircraft carrier the first stop for Chuck Hagel?

Q2: What is the US Defense Secretary hoping to achieve in China during his visit?

it is hilarious
you guys have been arguing with an indian posturing as a vietcong!
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Aren't they say Diaoyu belongs to them? Then enforce their law. If this is our administer territory and other comes to violate it, we shoot. Ask your Vietnamese if that is true. LOL.

China has no idea on what's Diaoyu during 20th century ?
During 1 century of Japanese occupation of the islands, there's no protest from China, isnt it ?
Studio interview: Chuck Hagel: first foreigner to visit Liaoning carrier - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

04-07-2014 20:35 BJT

For more insights, we’re joined in the studio by Zhao Xiaozhuo, Deputy Director of the China-US Defense Relations Department at the Academy of Military Sciences.

Q1: Why is the Liaoning aircraft carrier the first stop for Chuck Hagel?

Q2: What is the US Defense Secretary hoping to achieve in China during his visit?

it is hilarious
you guys have been arguing with an indian postering as a vietnamese!

He gave chance for China to be normalized the relation with Japan.
China invited US not Japan, then US denied to send their warship to Qingdao to demonstrate ...

China made propaganda for their Liaoning as most achievement of Chinese Navy and technology seem close to US Navy, the visit of Hagel seem to be the honor to them ...
He gave chance for China to be normalized the relation with Japan.
China invited US not Japan, then US denied to send their warship to Qingdao to demonstrate ...

China made propaganda for their Liaoning as most achievement of Chinese Navy and technology seem close to US Navy, the visit of Hagel seem to be the honor to them ...

Hagel to China: US Committed to Defense of its Asia Allies

FILE - US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (L) and his Chinese counterpart Chang Wanquan (R) listen to the Chinese national anthem during a welcoming ceremony at the Chinese Defense Ministry headquarters, prior to their meeting in Beijing, April 8, 2014.

VOA News
April 08, 2014

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is warning that the U.S. will defend its Asian allies in the event of any conflict with China.

The Pentagon chief made his comments Tuesday after meeting in Beijing with his Chinese counterpart, Chang Wanquan.

Hagel said Washington is "fully committed" to treaties obliging it to protect its longtime allies Japan and the Philippines.

Japan and the Philippines are among several Asian countries that accuse China of using intimidation to advance its maritime claims.

Hagel also renewed U.S. criticism of the air defense identification zone set up by China last year that covers islands also claimed by Tokyo.

"The United States has been very clear on this issue. And that is that, first, every nation has a right to establish air defense zones, but not a right to do it unilaterally, with no collaboration, no consultation. That adds to tensions, misunderstandings, and could eventually add to, and eventually get to, dangerous conflict," said Hagel.

At a joint news conference, Chang stood firm on the Chinese position, vowing Beijing will "make no compromise, no concession" on the disputes.

He said while China is always ready to use force if necessary, it "will not take up the initiative to stir up troubles" with its neighbors.

"As to territorial disputes over islands and reefs and maritime borders, China stands ready to resolve the issues through negotiations with the countries directly involved," said Chang.

The territorial disputes, and corresponding tensions, have been a main focus of Hagel's three-day visit to China.

On Monday, Hagel visited the Chinese port city of Qingdao for a two-hour tour of the nation's only aircraft carrier, the Liaoning.

The move was praised by U.S. defense officials who have long called for China's military to become more transparent.

The China visit is part of Hagel's 10-day tour across the Asia-Pacific to reassure allies that the U.S. is committed to their defense.

During a stop in Tokyo, Hagel said Washington plans to send two more missile defense warships to Japan to counter the North Korean threat.

Many Chinese officials are skeptical about expanded U.S. military involvement in Asia, fearing it is an attempt to contain Beijing's rise.
1. Build Nuke is not as simple as ur simple thought, Even has enough nuclear materials Japan still need nuke explode tests, first, Japanese didn't have their own uraniumen richment plant and thousands of centrifuges. Even Japanese can get few weapon-level nuclear materials by their nuclear power plants, it's supervised by U.N and American.

Japanese build nukes, to threat Russia,China even U.S ?! Finding Death again.

2. U mean 20,000 "A.C“ ?! LOL, it's hard to say whether those LPD's deck can allow F-35B landing, even can how many F-35B can carry ? How many F-35B Japanese can buy from America ? Currently no way to sell F-22, F-22 also never land on those 20,000 LPD.

1. Japanese has their right to build nuke, because China ever threat them by Nuke. and I'm sure they could do that easily.
Who fool to underestimate their ability to do so ?

2. Without comparison to your Liaoning, making modern and advanced tech carrier is not challenging to Japan, you know.
Japan has their own program of stealth fighter gen 5th, they even could reach the final achievement before China.
During WW2, Japan built upto 70,000 ton carrier, and today without any restriction, Japan could build 100,000 ton carrier.
27,000 ton Izumo is what Japan can make right now without protest of outside, 42 of F35B ordered ... anyway outnumber Chinese J15 small quantity.
China keep protesting Japan rising, but no one could doubt about Japan ability to build giant ship incl. aircraft carriers.
1. Japanese has their right to build nuke, because China ever threat them by Nuke. and I'm sure they could do that easily.
Who fool to underestimate their ability to do so ?

2. Without comparison to your Liaoning, making modern and advanced tech carrier is not challenging to Japan, you know.
Japan has their own program of stealth fighter gen 5th, they even could reach the final achievement before China.
During WW2, Japan built upto 70,000 ton carrier, and today without any restriction, Japan could build 100,000 ton carrier.
27,000 ton Izumo is what Japan can make right now without protest of outside, 42 of F35B ordered ... anyway outnumber Chinese J15 small quantity.
China keep protesting Japan rising, but no one could doubt about Japan ability to build giant ship incl. aircraft carriers.
1. LOL. We are very confident that we take our chance to survive over an all-out nuclear exchange with the tiny island Japan. But you see, my little friend, building nuke is not as simple as some of you Vietnamese believe. You need the right ingredient and delivery system and you need to ensure of 2nd strike capability. Do you even understand what's 2nd strike capability implies in military term??? LOL.

2. Oh righttttttttttt. Japan is ONE OF THE MOST, if not the MOST overrated country in the world. What happen to their F2? A freaking overprice piece of shit. That what it is. LOL So bad that F-15/F16 becomes their main "flagship" aircraft. 5th gen aircraft? LOLOLOL You mean a wood model and test model? Even Iran can field those wood model better than Japan. LOL The latest the Japan can field their own indigenous 5th is 2030s and that is using the US's engine import. LOL

Their best Izumo "fake aircraft carrier" is a gas turbine. LOL Not even a nuclear-power AC. Currently UK/US possess nuclear AC. We do have the blueprint and technology to build one but we don't have the manufacturing capability yet, or better yet, our supply is not yet maturing enough. It will take us 5-10 years to sort out our manufacturing capability to mass produce nuclear AC. Look for 2020s at the decade we will match the US in AC. Just as 2020s is the decade we will showcase the world our real development and manufacturing capable MONSTER!

China has no idea on what's Diaoyu during 20th century ?
During 1 century of Japanese occupation of the islands, there's no protest from China, isnt it ?
This is why it is so pointless and worthless to argue with you Vietnamese. You lack intelligence and historical knowledge to debate over anything! Go learn some more and not wasting my time to repeat again. But for your information, the US did not pass administrative right to Japan until 1970s. We expect the US to pass administrative right to us or at least Taiwan in 1970s but they didn't and that led to the start of protest in the 1970s. Get it, my little Vietnamese friend?
Sunzi, don't call me little friend, or I will call you the same ...
1. You tell us all of nonsense things. Do you build yourself a complete aircraft carrier , even old fashion one? No. But Japanese did build several ... with large and medium before/after restriction

nuclear-powered AC is not what you have next 10 year. Why you said like that you are in position to talk bad about Japan, who could build the nuclear powered carrier right after approved ? 2020 China is still nothing in AC

2. What is your main jet fighter ? Su27 / Su30 from Russia and some clone of them which is not good quality. What is your point ? J10 ? that's a fool ... compare to large quantity of Made in Japan Mitsubishi F15J Kai or Mitsubishi F2 .. all with Japanese jetturbo engine ...

About your gen 5th, what if we called that a test of gen 5th shape ... and internal is gen 3rd ? what is about your engine of your gen 4th ?
Even basic element as jet engine you cannot make sure while Japan could make yourself everything for their aircrafts

That's why we believe they are developing their gen 5th, gen 6th ... as they have ability.
To you, your development is stuck because your stealth aircraft still need some more stolen items from Russia and USA ... even jet engine ..

Anyway, China is hurry up, because Japan could make sure they have 42 of F35 and maybe their own stealth aircraft, planned 1st flight 2014, imported engines for 2 prototypes but domestic IHI engine for mass production

About Diaoyu, what's it, I never heard about that name until recently ? , USA didnot control Senkaku for 1 century ...
If what you expect to get some islands by waiting for US mercy, then never get Taiwan after over 60 years
We simply never wait for that, so we fight for our reunited country.
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Sunzi, don't call me little friend, or I will call you the same ...
1. You tell us all of nonsense things. Do you build yourself a complete aircraft carrier , even old fashion one? No. But Japanese did build several ... with large and medium before/after restriction

nuclear-powered AC is not what you have next 10 year. Why you said like that you are in position to talk bad about Japan, who could build the nuclear powered carrier right after approved ? 2020 China is still nothing in AC

2. What is your main jet fighter ? Su27 / Su30 from Russia and some clone of them which is not good quality. What is your point ? J10 ? that's a fool ... compare to large quantity of Made in Japan Mitsubishi F15J Kai or Mitsubishi F2 .. all with Japanese jetturbo engine ...

About your gen 5th, what if we called that a test of gen 5th shape ... and internal is gen 3rd ? what is about your engine of your gen 4th ?
Even basic element as jet engine you cannot make sure while Japan could make yourself everything for their aircrafts

That's why we believe they are developing their gen 5th, gen 6th ... as they have ability.
To you, your development is stuck because your stealth aircraft still need some more stolen items from Russia and USA ... even jet engine ..

Anyway, China is hurry up, because Japan could make sure they have 42 of F35 and maybe their own stealth aircraft, planned 1st flight 2014, imported engines for 2 prototypes but domestic IHI engine for mass production

About Diaoyu, what's it, I never heard about that name until recently ? , USA didnot control Senkaku for 1 century ...
If what you expect to get some islands by waiting for US mercy, then never get Taiwan after over 60 years
We simply never wait for that, so we fight for our reunited country.
LOL You are truly my little friend. This is why I take time to taught you.

1. We can easily build an aircraft carrier using conventionally powered engine but what is the point when there is an option for longer operation range with nuclear AC? We already made breakthrough in electric propulsion technology.

Chinese shipbuilder reveals breakthrough technology - China.org.cn

Nuclear is where we are headed and we're on the right path..

Song Xiaojun , a Beijing-based warship expert, said China was capable of developing nuclear-powered carriers because its navy had at least eight nuclear-powered submarines.

"Both France and the United States developed nuclear-powered submarines first and then carriers," he said. "I think we can follow them too."

We purchased the Liaoning and refit them to try out traditional AC system. That is equivalent of knowing WWII AC technology. Again, I want to remind you that Izumo class "Fake AC" of Japan is not nuclear power. I guess their American friend didn't share the technology with them, right? LOLOL If they can build a nuclear AC, why didn't they do that in the Izumo? You see, my little friend, Japan hadn't mastering that capability just as they haven't master high-thrust turbofan engine for 5th gen fighter. AC engine and aircraft engine are not the same as car engine. LOL! Please go to google and type in "China and nuclear aircraft carrier". LOL!

2. Little friend, trust me when I taught you something. J-10 is currently our flagship fighter and it is completely now fitted with domestic WS-10A engine and complete internal and weapon system are done domestically. The aircraft is 100% China. I cannot say the same for fake Japan aircraft. All are US's license build. Their F2 is only half or 1/5 indigenous. All engines import from the US. Their 5th gen "test model" will also import from US's engine. There is no indication that the US will share sensitive 5th gen technology with Japan. The US didn't even sell F22 to Japan despite Japan begging for it. This is why Japan forced to build their own 5th gen stealth to scare the US but the US will not bug. Instead the US will sell the watered-down F35 and it won't deliver until at least 2018-2020s. By that time, we will also service our J20 and hopefully J-31 with completely domestic WS-15 engine. There is many websites devoted to 5th gen. Please go learn some more. LOL!

You see, my little friend. The new future military battle will consist of these 5 fields.
1. Stealth
2. Supersonic missile and vehicle
3. Space weapon like anti-satellite
4. Nuclear 2nd strike capability technology
5. Drone

None of these fields the Japanese are in contention. Guess who compete in these 5 areas the most? USA/China! We are in the race in all fields. Even Russia only in the race for 3/5 or 4/5. We are in 5/5. We are truly a monster in the making. LOL!

Unlike your Northern VN who love to kill the Southern VNese. We still have a soft heart toward our little brother, Taiwan. We believe we can re-unified with this little brother peacefully but if this little brother decides to break motherland's break, then we are no longer blood brother and we will seek to kill at all cost. That is the difference between us and you Vietnamese.
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LOL You are truly my little friend. This is why I take time to taught you.

1. We can easily build an aircraft carrier ( you cannot foolish us by this ) using conventionally powered engine but what is the point when there is an option for longer operation range with nuclear AC? We already made breakthrough in electric propulsion technology.

Chinese shipbuilder reveals breakthrough technology - China.org.cn

Nuclear is where we are headed and we're on the right path..

We purchased the Liaoning ( why purchase when you could easily build ) and refit them to try out traditional AC system. That is equivalent of knowing WWII AC technology. Again, I want to remind you that Izumo class "Fake AC" of Japan is not nuclear power. I guess their American friend didn't share the technology with them, right? LOLOL If they can build a nuclear AC, why didn't they do that in the Izumo? You see, my little friend, Japan hadn't mastering that capability just as they haven't master high-thrust turbofan engine for 5th gen fighter. AC engine and aircraft engine are not the same as car engine. LOL! Please go to google and type in "China and nuclear aircraft carrier". LOL! Chinese isn't good at even conventional engine ... while Japanese mastered on nuclear power plant.

The fact that even a conventional AC still in the restriction to Japan. That's why no nuclear power AC for Japan.
Because AC is an attack weapon ...

The only restriction is their Constitution, and now they revised it ... it's time for Japan to rise .. with their Asian ally ...

2. Little friend, trust me when I taught you something. J-10 is currently our flagship fighter and it is completely now fitted with domestic WS-10A engine and complete internal and weapon system are done domestically. The aircraft is 100% China. I cannot say the same for fake Japan aircraft. All are US's license build. Their F2 is only half or 1/5 indigenous. All engines import from the US. Their 5th gen "test model" will also import from US's engine. There is no indication that the US will share sensitive 5th gen technology with Japan. The US didn't even sell F22 to Japan despite Japan begging for it. This is why Japan forced to build their own 5th gen stealth to scare the US but the US will not bug. Instead the US will sell the watered-down F35 and it won't deliver until at least 2018-2020s. By that time, we will also service our J20 and hopefully J-31 with completely domestic WS-15 engine. There is many websites devoted to 5th gen. Please go learn some more. LOL!

You hope for J20, J31, but Japan has the plan for their gen 5 first flight in 2014. All Japanese aircrafts use Mitsubishi engine,
gen 5, only 2 prototypes would use imported engines by purchasing, mass production using domestic engine ...

You see, my little friend. The new future military battle will consist of these 5 fields.
1. Stealth ( Japanese has better submarines and China still has no stealth fighter )
2. Supersonic missile and vehicle ( Japanese could launch the satellite by a single computer with Epsilon, is it not supersonic ? )
3. Space weapon like anti-satellite
4. Nuclear 2nd strike capability technology
5. Drone

None of these fields the Japanese are in contention. Guess who compete in these 5 areas the most? USA/China! We are in the race in all fields. Even Russia only in the race for 3/5 or 4/5. We are in 5/5. We are truly a monster in the making. LOL! It's lucky that you are not real Xunzi ... because you even don't know yourself

Unlike your Northern VN who love to kill the Southern VNese. We still have a soft heart toward our little brother, Taiwan. We believe we can re-unified with this little brother peacefully but if this little brother decides to break motherland's break, then we are no longer blood brother and we will seek to kill at all cost. That is the difference between us and you Vietnamese.
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LOL You are truly my little friend. This is why I take time to taught you.

1. We can easily build an aircraft carrier ( you cannot foolish us by this ) using conventionally powered engine but what is the point when there is an option for longer operation range with nuclear AC? We already made breakthrough in electric propulsion technology.

Chinese shipbuilder reveals breakthrough technology - China.org.cn

Nuclear is where we are headed and we're on the right path..

We purchased the Liaoning ( why purchase when you could easily build ) and refit them to try out traditional AC system. That is equivalent of knowing WWII AC technology. Again, I want to remind you that Izumo class "Fake AC" of Japan is not nuclear power. I guess their American friend didn't share the technology with them, right? LOLOL If they can build a nuclear AC, why didn't they do that in the Izumo? You see, my little friend, Japan hadn't mastering that capability just as they haven't master high-thrust turbofan engine for 5th gen fighter. AC engine and aircraft engine are not the same as car engine. LOL! Please go to google and type in "China and nuclear aircraft carrier". LOL! Chinese isn't good at even conventional engine ... while Japanese mastered on nuclear power plant.

The fact that even a conventional AC still in the restriction to Japan. That's why no nuclear power AC for Japan.
Because AC is an attack weapon ...

The only restriction is their Constitution, and now they revised it ... it's time for Japan to rise .. with their Asian ally ...

2. Little friend, trust me when I taught you something. J-10 is currently our flagship fighter and it is completely now fitted with domestic WS-10A engine and complete internal and weapon system are done domestically. The aircraft is 100% China. I cannot say the same for fake Japan aircraft. All are US's license build. Their F2 is only half or 1/5 indigenous. All engines import from the US. Their 5th gen "test model" will also import from US's engine. There is no indication that the US will share sensitive 5th gen technology with Japan. The US didn't even sell F22 to Japan despite Japan begging for it. This is why Japan forced to build their own 5th gen stealth to scare the US but the US will not bug. Instead the US will sell the watered-down F35 and it won't deliver until at least 2018-2020s. By that time, we will also service our J20 and hopefully J-31 with completely domestic WS-15 engine. There is many websites devoted to 5th gen. Please go learn some more. LOL!

You hope for J20, J31, but Japan has the plan for their gen 5 first flight in 2014. All Japanese aircrafts use Mitsubishi engine,
gen 5, only 2 prototypes would use imported engines by purchasing, mass production using domestic engine ...

You see, my little friend. The new future military battle will consist of these 5 fields.
1. Stealth ( Japanese has better submarines and China still has no stealth fighter )
2. Supersonic missile and vehicle ( Japanese could launch the satellite by a single computer with Epsilon, is it not supersonic ? )
3. Space weapon like anti-satellite
4. Nuclear 2nd strike capability technology
5. Drone

None of these fields the Japanese are in contention. Guess who compete in these 5 areas the most? USA/China! We are in the race in all fields. Even Russia only in the race for 3/5 or 4/5. We are in 5/5. We are truly a monster in the making. LOL! It's lucky that you are not real Xunzi ... because you even don't know yourself

Unlike your Northern VN who love to kill the Southern VNese. We still have a soft heart toward our little brother, Taiwan. We believe we can re-unified with this little brother peacefully but if this little brother decides to break motherland's break, then we are no longer blood brother and we will seek to kill at all cost. That is the difference between us and you Vietnamese.
This little friend is too funny. So I take it that you don't actually know anything about 5th generation classification and engine development. Stop wasting my time with your nonsense. You're obviously have no glue about any military affair, especially military technology. I repeat again, none of the fields Japan have a hand in. Zip, nada, none!

China hails first test of hypersonic nuclear missile carrier

In 2010, the US tested the Lockheed HTV-2 - a similar delivery vehicle capable of reaching speeds of up to Mach 20.

China has flight-tested a hypersonic missile delivery vehicle capable of penetrating any existing defence system with nuclear warheads, according to the Pentagon.

The hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV), dubbed the "Wu-14" by the United States, was detected flying at 10 times the speed of sound during a test flight over China on Thursday, a Pentagon official told the Washington Free Beacon, an online newspaper. A Pentagon spokesman later confirmed the report but declined to provide details.

"We routinely monitor foreign defence activities and we are aware of the test," Marine Corpsc spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jeffery Pool told the Beacon.

Chinese military experts yesterday hailed the test as a breakthrough.

It makes China the second country after the US to have successfully tested a hypersonic delivery vehicle capable of carrying nuclear warheads at a speed above Mach 10.

Such a weapon has long been seen as a game-changer by security experts as it can hit a target before any of the existing missile defence systems can react. Once deployed, it could significantly boost China's strategic and conventional missile force.

It is designed to be carried by an intercontinental ballistic missile. Once it reaches an undisclosed sub-orbital altitude, the vehicle jettisons from the rocket and nose-dives towards the target at a speed of Mach 10, or 12,359km/h.

Russia and India are also known to be working on such a weapon.

In 2010, the US tested the Lockheed HTV-2 - a similar delivery vehicle capable of reaching speeds of up to Mach 20.

Last week's test shows that China has managed to close the gaps with the US. Chinese scientists said China had put "enormous investment" into the project.

More than 100 teams from leading research institutes and universities have been involved in the project.

Purpose-built facilities test various parts of the weapons system. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, for instance, has recently built one of the world's largest and most advanced hypersonic wind tunnels to simulate flights at up to Mach 15 at the Institute of Mechanics in Beijing.

Professor Wang Yuhui , a researcher on hypersonic flight control at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said she was not surprised by the test last week because China was technologically ready.

The objective of hypersonic vehicles was to outmanoeuvre and penetrate a missile defence system, she said.

"With a speed of Mach 10 or higher, it cannot be caught or tracked because defence systems don't have enough time to respond," Wang said.

She said the US remained the indisputable leader in the field but no country was ready to deploy the first practical hypersonic missile as many technological challenges remained. One outstanding issue was how to achieve precise flight control at such high speeds.

Scientists are also trying to develop a better "super material" that can withstand the high temperatures during hypersonic flights.

"I am sure many tests will be carried out after last week's flight to solve the problems," Wang said. "It's just the beginning."

Li Jie , a Beijing-based naval expert, said hypersonic weapons were of strategic and tactical importance to China.

"Many technical issues have not been solved and no country has made it ready for use in the field," he said.

"But it is a challenge we must surmount, and we are throwing everything we have at it."

Ni Lexiong , a Shanghai-based naval expert, said China might still need some time to catch up with the US but the day could arrive sooner than many expect. "Missiles will play a dominant role in warfare and China has a very clear idea of what is important."
This little friend is too funny. So I take it that you don't actually know anything about 5th generation classification and engine development. Stop wasting my time with your nonsense. You're obviously have no glue about any military affair, especially military technology. I repeat again, none of the fields Japan have a hand in. Zip, nada, none!

You know that China bought at least 4 old aircraft carriers, and be honor to have 1st aircraft carrier after nearly 2 decades of learning from scraps ... then a wiseman said that "easily build an AC"

I know that a Chinese made contactor show 45A means 30A in real
You know that China bought at least 4 old aircraft carriers, and be honor to have 1st aircraft carrier after nearly 2 decades of learning from scraps ... then a wiseman said that "easily build an AC"
I'm talking about now, my little friend. Pay attention to what I said and stop wasting my time. Today, we can easily build conventional aircraft carrier but we want to match the US by building nuclear-power AC because we don't want to lack behind too far. By 2020s, we will complete our modernization and we will show the world what we are made up. A MONSTER! I do not want to get into a nonsensical talk with you because of your lack of military knowledge. You talk big but lack basic military understanding. LOL.
Some Vietnamese are high on drugs. There is a certain tolerant for sprouting rubbish. Today some Vietnamese shown us a level of BS that even surpass Indians. :lol:
So it is us vs the WORLD combine, isn't? LOL We are truly a monster!

I want to remind you my little friend. If Japan fires the 1st shot at us, they are finished!
I want Vietnam or japan to fire the first shot. I can't wait.
Some Vietnamese are high on drugs. There is a certain tolerant for sprouting rubbish. Today some Vietnamese shown us a level of BS that even surpass Indians. :lol:
The problem with the Vietnamese is that they watch too much cartoon and gundam from Japan that they lose sight and a touch of reality. They think making 5th gen or hypersonic missile or deploy nuclear powered AC is just a matter of pulling shit out of their ***. LOL! little do these Vietnamese understand is that state of the art weapons not only required brain power, money, but most importantly time to achieve desire outcome.
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