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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

They can't declare bounty on some one just like that.
The U.S. doesn't "declare bounty on some one just like that." Here's the release:

Rewards for Justice - Lashkar-e-Tayyiba Leaders Reward Offers

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

April 3, 2012

The U.S. Department of State has authorized a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT) founder Hafiz Mohammad Saeed and a reward of up to $2 million for information leading to the location of LeT’s second in command, Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki.

Hafiz Mohammad Saeed is the founder of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, which was designated by the U.S. Department of State as a Foreign Terrorist Organization on December 20, 2001. Saeed participated in the planning of the 4-day-long terrorist assault on Mumbai in November 2008 that left 166 individuals dead, including six U.S. citizens. Saeed and his organization continue to spread ideology advocating terrorism, as well as virulent rhetoric condemning the United States, India, Israel, and other perceived enemies.

On December 10, 2008, Saeed was listed at the UN 1267/1989 al-Qa’ida Sanctions Committee as an individual associated with the al-Qaida terrorist organization and, thus, subject to international sanctions. Saeed was born on June 5, 1950 in Punjab province, Pakistan. He has red hair and brown eyes and currently resides in Lahore, Pakistan.

Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki is Saeed’s deputy and head of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba’s political affairs department. Makki previously served as head of LeT's foreign relations department and has helped raise funds for LeT.

In early 2007, he provided approximately $248,000 to an LeT terrorist training camp and approximately $165,000 to an LeT-affiliated madrassa. On November 4, 2010, the U.S. Treasury Department designated him a “Specially Designated National,” which subjects him to U.S. sanctions. Makki was born around 1948 in Punjab province, Pakistan. He has a dark beard, is balding, and wears glasses.

Information about Saeed and Makki is located on the Rewards for Justice web site at Rewards for Justice-main - english and Rewards for Justice-main - english. We encourage anyone with information on these individuals to contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, any U.S. military commander, or the Rewards for Justice office via the website (Rewards for Justice-main - english), e-mail (RFJ@state.gov) or mail (Rewards for Justice, Washington, DC 20520-0303, USA). All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Since its inception in 1984, the Rewards for Justice Program has paid more than $100 million to more than 70 persons who provided actionable information that put terrorists behind bars or prevented acts of international terrorism worldwide.

I hope that GoP wont cave in to these unjust demands by USA.
In what way are they unjust?
You argument still doesn't justify American involvement. We have credible judicial system, so it shall deal with it. There are no legal grounds for America to intervene. Such ludicrous claims that ''an article says so'', ''your judiciary has failed'',''other countries security at stake'' are only based on pre-conceived assumptions nothing concrete.

Well America got involved because US citizens were killed in Mumbai..
terrorism has no boundaries, Besides you guys love to say it's state less actors. But now somehow your stateless actors are your protected lot? which side of the fence do you guys want to stand in? This guy has hands in some international failed schemes per the article. How long before he , who mocks your laws and constitution decides to attack another country again?

With your preferred doctrine, Tamilnaidu, Delhi and few other places in india should expect similar operation and bounty for indian state sponsor terrorist.
KARACHI: Jamaatud Dawa (JuD) has decided to challenge United States (US) announcement of placing a bounty on the group’s chief, Hafiz Mohammad Saeed and Lashkar-e-Taiba co-founder Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki, in international courts. The group has initiated legal consultations in this regard.
It's obvious that won't work because, as the U.S. points out, the U.N. declared Saeed a terrorist subject to international sanctions three years ago. link What HAS worked, obviously, is that Saeed continues to mess up the minds of Pakistani members here on PDF who are duped into believing that what he did was innocent, permissible, or somehow praiseworthy.
Why does it feel like if this guy isn't handed over to America it might become an American excuse to attack Pakistan "bacause it was sheltering this "terrorist""? And why does it feel like if this guy is handed over to America it'll be like literally selling our people?

What has this guy even done to deserve a bounty?
terrorism in India.........founded LeT........killed 166 people in mumbai.............attack on parliament......
Yeah right simple logic is conspiracy theories these days. You haven't really given me a reason as to what India or the US would get out of implicating "a random old man who runs a charity NGO", guess you don't have an answer for my "childish", "overly simple" logic thats why you are resorting to personal attacks.

Why Hafiz Saeed out of all people? Why not Abdul Sattar Edhi? He also runs a charitable organization why isn't UN declaring him a terrorist:lol:

Too many terrorist sympathizers.

I just gave you a reason. :lol: Read my post again.

Try using that logic against a professor of logic and argumentation, as I said. They'll laugh at you as some mentally retarded person. Your argument is a basic case of hasty generalization fallacy.

I mean -- 26 countries do not recognize Israel. There must be a good reason why, no? Why are they recognizing all other countries except Israel?

I mean -- US is trying to or has tried to destroy the regime Ahmedinijad, Castro, Hugo Chavez, and several other. There must be some good logical reason, no? Why are they not trying to destroy regimes of other countries?

My god - I just found out something new - it's called interests! What a discovery. Apparently it turns out each nation has some interests.

Now logic is a terrorist sympathizer as well. :lol:

Keep going.

The ISI masterminded and controlled and executed Mumbai. The ISI is an arm of the Pakistani Army.

You cannot pull off an operation like that and keep it from the top brass.

Its as silly as saying that Osama was hiding in the backyard of your top military training institutes and the top guys of the Army knew nothing.

No one is buying such infantile naivete.

No one is buying it... oh with the exception of all the states in the world, perhaps besides bharat. :rofl::rofl:

On you go on your way with your conspiracy theories.
I got a chuckle early hours this morning when i saw this headline.

Whats the deal with this sudden bounty, that too after more than 3 years? Its not that some important evidence has been unearthed recently.

Some interesting things are going on. MMS hinting to visit Pakistan, ready to export "valuable power" (while they face their own shortages). Then MR. 10% and his "unofficial" visit to hindustan scheduled sometime soon, and now another "dead or alive" type bounty which they are good at putting together.

Hafiz Saeed from my understanding is a member of this so-called "Difa e Pakistan" political movement....in line with their goals (whatever they all are) they have put pressure and caught the government off-guard; they managed to ensure that the NATO supplies remain blocked.

The U.S. applied simple mathematics here and figured they'd be killing 2 birds with one stone......do something about this thorn on their side, and also do something that may please the hindustanis.....

now i'm not exactly a fan of HS since he offers little solutions to Pakistan --- but he is a Pakistani citizen, and as he is currently in Pakistan it means Pakistani courts have the jurisdiction to address any proceedings or procedures vis-a-vis HS and his legal status.

if there is any issue that either parties (US or india) have -- they can take the issue to the ICJ. I dont see "bounty" tactics as anything more than a cheap publicity stunt -- it's more symbolic in value and nothing else.

my 2 cents....
Why are you making fun of mentally retarded people? You both demean yourself AND it's off-topic, yes?

It's relevant to the topic if you read my post and not cherry pick once sentence.
Whats the deal with this sudden bounty, that too after more than 3 years? Its not that some important evidence has been unearthed recently.
Exactly the question to ask. Apparently after HS's very open grand tours and speeches of the past few weeks the State Dept. concluded that Pakistanis do nothing about seeking justice for others unless they can count on receiving money for it.
Try using that logic against a professor of logic and argumentation, as I said...I mean -- 26 countries do not recognize Israel. There must be a good reason why, no?
If you know anything about it you should be able to tell us exactly how a professor of logic would pick apart this argument.
terrorism in India.........founded LeT........killed 166 people in mumbai.............attack on parliament......

Wow, one man alone is doing that? Or it burns your ***** that he's speaking against Shining India? What proof do you have that he's done all of that?
What about Narendra Modi? How come he didn't get a bounty? Modi alone incited the murder of 1000+ people, I feel his bounty should be roughly 5x the bounty of this guy

Whats the deal with this sudden bounty, that too after more than 3 years? Its not that some important evidence has been unearthed recently

Political Games. If you speak against Holy Zion or Holy "God-Bless" America, you're bound to get fcuked one day, one way or another.
I just did. Read my post.
No you didn't. The "26 countries do not recognize Israel. There must be a good reason why" is an Argumentum ad populum type fallacy, a type of Red Herring. It's like arguing that just because the majority of ancient peoples believed the Sun rotated around the earth that made their belief true.

Will you continue to laugh at mentally retarded people, SMC?
Exactly the question to ask. Apparently after HS's very open grand tours and speeches of the past few weeks the State Dept. concluded that Pakistanis do nothing about seeking justice for others unless they can count on receiving money for it.

well that logic goes counter to your claim that government ("elements") knew of OBL's alleged presence in A-bad.

what was the bounty for his head? (before being "thrown to sea")

as implied in my previous post, i dont think bounty shmountys will make much a difference. They have greater symbolic value. The courts with jurisdiction (i.e. the Lahore High Court) will have the final say over the man's fate.

i could care less about HS, but procedures and protocol should not be violated just because the American government wants relief (or leverage of any kind) over the resumption of NATO supply (if it happens)

but America's main miscalculation here is that they are actually implying that Difa e Pakistan (for whatever it's worth) is actually a huge thorn in their side and that it's driving them nuts
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