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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

US has in all purposes become a nonviable country to have diplomatic relations with. Either Pakistan government admits to having a culture of sponsoring hits against people or cut of ties with US.

In normal merging of threads, the thread created earlier gets precedence.. Right??

There is no such enforcement by the system.
US has in all purposes become a nonviable country to have diplomatic relations with. Either Pakistan government admits to having a culture of sponsoring hits against people or cut of ties with US.

Where are you getting the concept of HIT from? Why are you making defence.pk like a tabloid with sensationalized headlines ??? Very disappointing coming from someone like you.. Where does the below (taken from Rewards for Justice site) indicate a sponsored hit?

Information leading to the arrest and conviction of
Hafiz Mohammad Saeed
Up to $10 Million

Rewards for Justice-saeed - english

There is no such enforcement by the system.

I am not talking of the system.. Only forum etiquette
So how many Pakistanis think this love affair with terrorism is a net plus for them?

Nobody has said that, but the opposite.

I am not talking of the system.. Only forum etiquette

The forum practice is also open. Move on, talk on the issue. I've not lied with the thread title. It is what it is, you have a problem with it, go complain to the US on its malpractices.
U.S. Puts Bounty on Pakistan's Hafiz Saeed


NEW DELHI--The U.S. has announced a bounty of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Hafiz Saeed for alleged involvement in terrorist attacks, including the 2008 strike on Mumbai, India, which killed more than 160 people, including six Americans.

Mr. Saeed, a Pakistani, set up Lashkar-e-Taiba in the 1990s and the militant group became active in fighting Indian troops in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir. U.S. and Indian officials believe Lashkar-e-Taiba also masterminded the attacks by 10 Pakistani gunmen on Mumbai over three days in November 2008.

The U.S. designated Lashkar-e-Taiba as a foreign terrorist organization over a decade ago. In April 2008, it extended the same designation to Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a hardline religious organization and Islamic charity founded by Mr. Saeed which wants Islamic law across South Asia.

Despite these actions, and being under official house arrest, Mr. Saeed has continued to address public rallies of Islamists in Pakistan this year, causing anger among U.S. and Indian officials.

"The U.S does have concerns about the public appearances of a man who's the leader of an internationally-sanctioned terrorist organization," a U.S. official said.

The official added, however, that the timing of the announcement of the U.S. Rewards for Justice bounty on Mr. Saeed was not related to anger over a recent flurry of appearances but had been in the works for months.

It's unclear what the bounty means in practical terms as Mr. Saeed, who is believed to remain inside Pakistan at all times, is protected by Pakistani officials who have repeatedly said that there is no evidence linking him to terrorist attacks like Mumbai.

Pakistan has charged seven Lashkar-e-Taiba militants in connection with the Mumbai attacks but has not yet convicted any of them, causing concern in India.

Indian officials, who in the past have criticized Washington for failing to take stronger action against Mr. Saeed, welcomed the U.S. rewards program.

Syed Akbaruddin, a spokesman for India's Ministry of External Affairs, said it "sends a strong signal to LeT [and] also its members and patrons that the international community remains united in combating terrorism" and shows the commitment of the U.S. and India to bring the perpetrators of the Mumbai attacks to justice.



The Telegraph
No, our number one issue is lack of implementation of law. Not benefits from the US, till the very end I will support lawful means.

Your number one issue has not changed since 1947.

Religious isolationism.

My point was not about what you can take from the US. I guess we both know the time for that is now over.

Its about toeing the line and making it look like it was voluntarily your idea all along.
The forum practice is also open. Move on, talk on the issue. I've not lied with the thread title. It is what it is, you have a problem with it, go complain to the US on its malpractices.

Actually sir, you have lied.. Read my post about actual content from reward for justice site and then relook at your heading..
Fight the case in Pakistan. We have a death penalty for murder and if found guilty he would be sentenced accordingly.

Actually sir, you have lied.. Read my post about actual content from reward for justice site and then relook at your heading..

He has never resisted arrest
Cutting diplomatic ties with the US is not going to stop them from going after your people if they have decided to.

The greater good for the greater number Asim.

Give up the scum voluntarily. They've served their purpose.

There is something going for that POV. But it is GoP's call now.

1.GoP investigates and acts on the allegations against Hafizz Sayed as necessary.

2.GoP takes the line that USA is blatantly infringing on Pak sovereignity and proceeds to cut off diplomatic ties, declare the US diplomats Persona Non Grata and see where that goes.....

1. will need tremendous will.


2. will need phenomenally extraordinary will.

not easy........................
He has never resisted arrest

US govt is offering reward for information leading to ARREST AND CONVICTION of Hafeez Saeed... Now tell me.. Is your heading a lie or not..??? Going by the details of reward, killing him will not result in any reward.. There is a difference between Wanted and Wanted Dead or Alive rewards..

Please fix the headline and stop making defence.pk look like an anti US propaganda site

The 'scum' never went in hiding or avoided his trial, he shows up to court hearings, fights his case. If he loses the case he will go to jail.

Just going to court and fighting gives him a clean sheet? I wonder why you have made Modi a banned topic on PDF and usually have the choicest words to say about him.
There is something going for that POV. But it is GoP's call now.

1.GoP investigates and acts on the allegations against Hafizz Sayed as necessary.

2.GoP takes the line that USA is blatantly infringing on Pak sovereignity and proceeds to cut off diplomatic ties, declare the US diplomats Persona Non Grata and see where that goes.....

1. will need tremendous will.


2. will need phenomenally extraordinary will.

not easy........................

The longer India maintains the peace in spite of aggressions from across the border, the more the Pakistan Army loses its trump card that it has used on Pakistan and Pakistanis for over 60 years.

The longer the Pakistan Army continues its terrorism proxy operations, the more Pakistan gets isolated globally, and the more further incursions on Pakistani sovereignty escalate by powers that cannot be hurt by Pakistan.

Both actions achieve the same effect. Pakistan finally wakes up.

If not, Pakistan continues on its present path.

The choice is always going to be with Pakistan and its people.

Use it well.

Just going to court and fighting gives him a clean sheet? I wonder why you have made Modi a banned topic on PDF and usually have the choicest words to say about him.

Thanks for putting up the US notice of the RFJ. Its now in B&W and very clear. We need have no ambiguity about what it says.
Of course any of us are very well entitled to our POVs about it. But that is a different matter from what it contains.
The longer India maintains the peace in spite of aggressions from across the border, the more the Pakistan Army loses its trump card that it has used on Pakistan and Pakistanis for over 60 years.

The longer the Pakistan Army continues its terrorism proxy operations, the more Pakistan gets isolated globally, and the more further incursions on Pakistani sovereignty escalate by powers that cannot be hurt by Pakistan.

Both actions achieve the same effect. Pakistan finally wakes up.

If not, Pakistan continues on its present path.

The choice is always going to be with Pakistan and its people.

Use it well.

Agreed on all points.

The best thing that India did was to have handled it diplomatically. Actually USA is also in a bind (regardless of the "dynamic" US-Pak relationship). US citizens were victims of the carnage in 26/11. There is no way that GoUSA could have just sat silently waiting for the storm to blow away. Though they did remain (somewhat) passive for so long. Then Abbottabad and OBL happened, that just revived the internal pressure on GoUSA.

That is why this move.

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