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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

Yeah and all he got from it was the physics of blowing up civilians. all those EXTRA happy smiley faces - hmm- were you his student at any point at a legitimate education institution?

Your USA is also very competent in blowing up civilians if you bother to look at their record carefully :)

There should be open trail of bush and blair for all their war crimes
you are hitting it out of the park in clueless in- where is it DC where your studying MBA ameriki style?

It's not the Indian media only , it is the world including American justice dept. The ISI funding LET has America calling the ISI also a terror supporting outfit. Yes, indeed it is the world against your country in this regard.

Wanna know another shocker? Your own govt. under Musharraf openly said they supported the Kashmiri jihadi movements and groups... just were shot of saying they funded the militant arms of it. How many more days before you graduate and fly back ? If a country droned me , bombed me, shamed me AND I was against it, did not agree with it- I would never voluntarily chose to go study there... no self respecting person would.

of course Pakistan in the past supported jihadi movements in Kashmir --- that's a no-brainer....the same way it's a no-brainer that bharat supported separatist movements in what was once East. Pakistan (using much more sinister tactics)

Kashmir is out of your grasp. It's no coincidence that the people in Kashmir loathe india to the core -- even some of the ''oppressed pundits'' which you seem to see as your blue-eyed angels. :laugh:

HS is vocal on Kashmir....he certainly isnt a spokesperson and he certainly doesnt represent Pakistan's interest in Kashmir -- but hey -- he's just a guy who talks articulately in public. Then again, so does the head of Shiv Sena :lol:

W.R.T. LeT, it's a banned organization in Pakistan under the previous government; no such organization exists

as for me, I study at GWU. Come find me :)
of course Pakistan in the past supported jihadi movements in Kashmir --- that's a no-brainer....the same way it's a no-brainer that bharat supported separatist movements in what was once East. Pakistan (using much more sinister tactics)

you failed, we didnt :)

Kashmir is out of your grasp. :laugh:

Really.. I think more people are killed in violence in Karachi in a month than the ones killed in J&K in an year.. And you talk of Kashmir being out of grasp of India.. :lol:
to some Pakistani members:

it would also be a mistake to glorify armed attacks on NATO supplies....it's counter-productive simply because it makes Pakistan look bad on several levels

have more faith in the Parliament and the courts -- as hard as that can be at times (and harder for the enemies and ill-wishers of Pakistan to digest)

it would be prudent to remain level-headed here....emotions alone are useless
By putting a reward on their head, you are just giving them more value.

I wish Americans understood how things work in this side of the world.

The American certainly seem to understand. That everything has a price in your side of the world. So they put a price.
Now lets see what happens next.
you failed, we didnt :)

more people are killed in violence in Karachi in a month than the ones killed in J&K in an year.. And you talk of Kashmir being out of grasp of India.. :lol:

therein lies several flaws of your ''argument'' (if you indians ever had one) - 3 of which i will jot down:

a.) If you fail, try try again....only this time, it's Kashmiris themselves that are undertaking this task.....all we do is provide moral and diplomatic support -- which is our right and something we will continue to do in the near and very distant future -until and unless the BILATERAL issue is resolved. Nothing you can do about it.

b.) You admit that militancy (''ISI sponsored terrorism'' as per your diction) is down in the occupied J&K -- and yet you still accuse us of it (and that isn't limited to cans of graffiti paint and funding of stones and rocks for Kashmiri nationalists at the behest of this ISI)

c.) Comparing the plight of occupied Kashmiris to a problem fomented by political parties in Karachi? desperation knows no bounds! :laugh:
therein lies several flaws of your ''argument'' (if you indians ever had one) - 3 of which i will jot down:

a.) If you fail, try try again....only this time, it's Kashmiris themselves that are undertaking this task.....all we do is provide moral and diplomatic support -- which is our right and something we will continue to do in the near and very distant future -until and unless the BILATERAL issue is resolved. Nothing you can do about it.

b.) You admit that militancy (''ISI sponsored terrorism'' as per your diction) is down in the occupied J&K -- and yet you still accuse us of it (and that isn't limited to cans of graffiti paint and funding of stones and rocks for Kashmiri nationalists at the behest of this ISI)

c.) Comparing the plight of occupied Kashmiris to a problem fomented by political parties in Karachi? desperation knows no bounds! :laugh:

dunno if you made any point there ;) .... but this is against your stone pelting delusional theory..

BBC News - Kashmir seeks growth boost amid signs of peace


Mushtaq Parray is preparing to leave for Srinagar airport to pick up a tourist who has booked his taxi well in advance.

He will be taking his client on a guided tour of the city and surrounding areas over the next few days, something which may not have been possible just a year ago.

Once a must-visit destination, Indian-administered Kashmir has fallen off the tourism radar after years of conflict between anti-Indian militants and the security forces.

However, things are starting to change and Mr Parray, who owns three taxis, hasn't taken a break for several months.

"This summer has been excellent and I have earned enough to pay back my loan as well as save some money for the future," he says.

More than one million tourists, half of them pilgrims, had visited the conflict-torn valley this year by the end of September.

A hotel owner tells the BBC that things haven't looked this good in a long time.

"We have not received so many tourists in September ever before as we have received this year. It has never happened," he says.
Reconstruction boost

As the tourists return to the region, the authorities are doing their bit to ensure that their stay is as comfortable as possible.

Twenty years of conflict have caused severe damage to infrastructure, and there is a push by the government to rebuild it in order to support the increased demand.

Jammu and Kashmir's economy is expanding at an annual pace of 5%, far less that the national average of 8% growth, and authorities are well aware that until basic infrastructure is put in place it will be hard for them to attract any meaningful investment.

Their efforts have already started to bear fruit, with cement demand growing at an annual rate of 18%.

Wasim Taramboo, an industrialist who recently set up the biggest cement factory in the state, says: "We may be behind other states, but in relative terms the growth rate is higher.

"It will definitely sustain and will rise to a much higher level."

The current financial year has been a peaceful one and according to one projection, economic growth this year may reach 20%.
'Tremendous scope'

While years of conflict and destruction have dented economic growth and stifled the tourism sector, some sectors have managed to sustain themselves, albeit at a bare minimum level.

Horticulture and handicrafts are amongst the prime movers of the economy.

Together the sectors generate almost $1bn (£629m) annually but are in need of a drastic overhaul and value addition in order to fulfil their potential.

More than 70% of the population is engaged in agriculture but they are not producing enough even to cater to the local demand, with almost two-thirds of food products being brought in from other states.

However, young entrepreneurs have spotted an opportunity here.

London educated Farooq Amin is engaged in the food-processing business and he says that despite the odds, the sector is growing at the rate of 50-60% annually.

"In Jammu and Kashmir we have tremendous scope, we have resources, weather conditions and the required skill,'' he says.

Indian-administered Kashmir produces 60% of apples in India, and the hope is that with peace returning to the state and the development of the infrastructure, it will be able to tap further into the vast potential of the sector.
Youth unemployment

Realising these opportunities is key for not just the economic growth of the state but its overall development.

With almost 71% of its population less than 35 years old, Kashmir is facing a big problem of youth unemployment. Last year there were 600,000 people registered as unemployed with the government. Most of them were educated and skilled.

According to international development agency Mercy Corps, 60% of people in the 18-35 age group are unemployed in the Kashmir valley.

Usman Ahmad, director of the agency, says this is a big concern for the authorities.

"With that many young people coming out into the market looking for jobs, and with an economy that has been effected by conflict and instability, and with very small private sector here, you don't have many job opportunities," he says.

Mr Usman adds that it is important that these opportunities are grabbed in order to address the issue.

"When these things are dealt with, there will be plenty of space for the economy to assert itself," he says.

At the same time, the government is trying to turn the large youth population into an advantage for the state.

Dr Mohammad Ismael Parray of Entrepreneurship Development Institute tells the BBC they are training young educated people to venture out on their own.

"We are trying to change the mindset of the young generation. We are telling them there is no scope in the government sector."
'Fragile state'
While there are positive signs and the current year has been a peaceful one, local business owners say that the political situation needs to improve for the economy to see any substantial growth.

"You can't say anything about next year, next day. It is a fragile situation," says Siraj Ahmed, president of the Kashmir Hotel and Restaurant Association.

"It has been a peaceful summer here but it is only calm, it is not normalcy," he adds.

Years of uncertainty and fear have not only eroded the economy but also the confidence of people in it.

However, for the first time in many years, there seems to be a glimmer of hope of a better and more prosperous future.

As an unprecedented peace prevails there is talk of withdrawing some of the emergency laws as the situation improves, and the economy is taking centre stage.

Between hope and despair hangs the future of a place where nothing has been constant except for uncertainty.
I doubt the US/India have any substantial proof implicating HS. Contrary to common belief, I do not think this move was primarily to placate India, but is indicative of the failed WOT efforts in Afghanistan, & the perceived lack of support from Pakistan; trying to play hardball to save face.

To some of the Indian members asking why would the US/India charge HS without proof, why did the US government include the name of Hamid Gul in the list of international terrorists? Just because someone is anti-American does not make him a terrorist, presenting substantiated/unequivocal/undisputed evidence does, which India & the US have failed to provide. There is really no use of using emotions & the media as a tool to get the message across, when there is no substantiated/unequivocal/undisputed evidence to back up the unfounded accusations.
of course Pakistan in the past supported jihadi movements in Kashmir --- that's a no-brainer....the same way it's a no-brainer that bharat supported separatist movements in what was once East. Pakistan (using much more sinister tactics)

Kashmir is out of your grasp. It's no coincidence that the people in Kashmir loathe india to the core -- even some of the ''oppressed pundits'' which you seem to see as your blue-eyed angels. :laugh:

HS is vocal on Kashmir....he certainly isnt a spokesperson and he certainly doesnt represent Pakistan's interest in Kashmir -- but hey -- he's just a guy who talks articulately in public. Then again, so does the head of Shiv Sena :lol:

W.R.T. LeT, it's a banned organization in Pakistan under the previous government; no such organization exists

as for me, I study at GWU. Come find me :)

come find you for what, first you make racist comments and now you are implying some hooliganism? my god- you sure would be the apple in your parents eyes eh... grasshopper- one of these days you will learn when you try to chew too much of that ego. I know you are all hat no cattle , why else would you come on your hands and knees into our country and institutions?

Now regarding the rest. it reeks of a terror sympathizer and just like your knowledge about law, it reeks of a suspension of belief and propaganda that only you and your ilk espouse. Reality and facts show are different.- World is not with ya son. When are you graduating ?
@ ''sexy gun''

you are more answerable to those own people of yours....they are the ones that made such claims, i'm simply regurgitating what many of them repeatedly say on this forum

i'm glad that you indirectly acknowledge that your people are full of hot air when it comes to making bogus allegations and tall claims (fairly tales)

Now regarding the rest. it reeks of a terror sympathizer and just like your knowledge about law, it reeks of suspension of belief and propaganda that only you and your ilk espouse.

several pages later, still no breakdown of my argument or mere mention of what I said which was incorrect factually or otherwise.

Reality and facts show are different.- World is not with ya son.

son? :what:

When are you graduating ?

in approximately 17 weeks, Inshallah.....i'll need someone to polish my shoes on that auspicious occasion. I may need to contact you around then, I heard you people are good at such menial things.
and again -- for the record -- I'm neither a ''terrorist sympathizer'' nor am I even ''sympathizing'' for anything here other than legal procedures and the writ of the Lahore High Court.

it's actually the indian establishment that is in contempt of court and most certainly not expediting justice for the families of those killed during the mumbai terrorist attacks

as for the Americans -- well I already explained the mathematics behind the decision to put a bounty on HS. The Americans know exactly where he lives, I can assure you that. The location of his Johar town residence is hardly even a secret.

if Al Jazeera has no problem getting in contact with HS, it should be no problem for American courts or concerned government officials in the U.S. to get in contact with him

if terror charges are substantiated in a court, it is important that HS and others facing similar (and substantiated) charges face harsh sanctions

but without solid evidence, the Americans and the indians sitting by their knees are simply wasting their time.
Implicating people based merely on emotions & outbursts would not set a good precedent.
several pages later, still no breakdown of my argument or mere mention of what I said which was incorrect factually or otherwise.

son? :what:

in approximately 17 weeks, Inshallah.....i'll need someone to polish my shoes on that auspicious occasion. I may need to contact you around then, I heard you people are good at such menial things.

what do want me to explain to you, you believe in propaganda stuff kiddo. The ISI was deemed to be terror supporting organization by the US- Fact. That your LET and JUD are just closed in name only ( fact) and the US and other world heads have told your govt. to reign in these organizations and heads as seen with his bounty now ( fact)?

you want me to discuss your fantasy theories in face of those facts?
and- Oh yeah we get the " I'm not a terrorist sympathizer , I just happen to call them freedom fighters that happen to be killing Indians and Americans ;)". but to think otherwise - that would mean you would have some self respect and we have established that you sold out for an amerikan experience :P whose the shoe polisher now kiddo.

17 weeks till you don't have to see the " oh " look on the face on campus when you introduce your nationality.

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