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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

Kashmir occupied by India is disputed according to un resolution and everyone struggling for its freedom is freedom fighter :)
it appears that Bruce Reidel (not the US government) is making such claims....so in other words, hindu times is quoting a (former) US official who in his current capacity is probably not even privvy to the sensitive intel that was gathered

but oh, dont mind me kid i'm just thinking aloud! ;)

Would not be quick to discount Bruce Riedel so easily:

In January 2009, President Barack Obama asked him to chair a review of American policy towards Afghanistan and Pakistan, the results of which the president announced in a speech on March 27, 2009. In 2011, he served as an expert advisor to the prosecution of al Qaeda terrorist Omar Farooq Abdulmutallab in Detroit. In December 2011, Prime Minister David Cameron asked him to advise the United Kingdom’s National Security Council on Pakistan.
You should get in touch with his lawyer, i dont know why youre asking me. :lol: he claims in his interview at least that he has a "solid defence" so if he is so confident then i dont think he'd be pleading insanity, don't you think? unless he's really short-changing himself and retaining some quack councils to defend him

LoL, so why were you trying your hand with the Qadri kissing profession of Pakistan by making the sentimental plea of his "witnessing his 36 slaughtered relatives" even when he was not born during partition?

Butttttt not to blame you.... That "witness" balderash could have floated in a pakistani audience for sure. And it would have been a good catchline to create more hatred against the "hindu baniya". So nice try :)

well it would appear, my dear Kumar Rani, that you are corroborating what I earlier said in my first post!

it's a weird frustration if it's against the PA......get back at the PA by announcing a bounty on some civilians life :rofl:

afterall, it's members of parliament who are the ones reviewing ties and resumption of US supply routes....im not sure as to how much say HS or this so-called difa e Pakistan "council" really have in this regard :laugh:

your answer is already in this thread....but you can keep asking the questions if you like; under current circumstances the answer would always be the same

the Americans applied simple mathematics here, and i cant entirely blame them (speaking from their perspective)

hurting too much Arbaab? I know it must be. :) You can be excused for the rants. Of course the expectation was that with the NATO lines closed, you will have US on its knees. But look. They got up and slapped the Marde Momins. I am sure that the Generals would not have seen this coming. Going for the neck of the crow to down the real demons :) And the time for mathematics will come too. Soon by the looks of it :) 10 + 2 million already!! (US Dallaarr!!!!)
Sorry Offtopic,

But why i am having a feeling that RajaPakistani = RazPak
its very much relevant as those who are labelling others terrorist are biggest terrorist themselves. we should have bounty On head of bush for killing more than 60 thousand civilians in all these illegal wars and conflicts :D
its very much relevant as those who are labelling others terrorist are biggest terrorist themselves. we should have bounty On head of bush for killing more than 60 thousand civilians in all these illegal wars and conflicts :D

Go ahead and do it, who's stoppin' ya?
Osama had key role in 26/11, Abbottabad proof shows

Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had a big and direct role in planning the November 2008 Mumbai attacks, the Hindustan Times reports, citing an counter-terrorism expert who advised US President Barack Obama on ****** policy.

Hard evidence that Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed was communicating with Osama bin Laden through a courier led Washington to put a $10-million (Rs 50-crore) bounty on Saeed’s head.

The evidence also points to the then Al-Qaeda chief, Bin Laden, having played a key role in the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai in 2008 that killed 166 people and injured more than 300.

All this was unearthed by US Special Forces last May when they killed Bin Laden in his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and took back bagfuls of his documents and computer equipment.

Bruce Riedel, Pakistan terrorism expert and former AfPak advisor to US President Barack Obama, told HT, “The documents and files found in Abbottabad showed a close connection between Bin Laden and Saeed, right up to May 2011.”

Home minister P Chidambaram welcomed the bounty and said it might make Islamabad take action against Saeed, the mastermind of the 26/11 attacks.

He lashed out at Pakistan for refusing to take action against Saeed, calling the present 26/11 court case a “farce”. He said, “We have consistently pressed for his arrest and interrogation. Pakistan was in denial mode and continues to be in denial mode.

Slamming the US, Saeed told Al-Jazeera: “We are not hiding in caves for bounties to be set on finding us. I think the US is frustrated because we are taking out countrywide protests against the resumption of Nato supplies and drone strikes.”

Pakistan’s interior minister Rehman Malik refused to comment, saying, “I have learnt from the media about the bounty. We have not received any official communication from the US or any other quarter.”

Malik said he had requested the foreign ministry to verify the report.

Riedel said the Abbottabad information also “suggested a much larger direct al-Qaeda role in the planning of the Mumbai attacks than many assumed.”

He said the US now has evidence that Bin Laden may have seen the reconnaissance reports of David Headley, Lashkar’s scout for the 26/11 attacks.

Indian experts on Lashkar, pointing out the relationship between the terror outfit and al-Qaeda has been known for years, presumed that the US had additional motives when it suddenly announced the bounty under its Rewards for Justice programme on Monday.

RAW’s former deputy director Rana Banerjee said Saeed has been assuming a larger profile in Pakistan, preparing the ground for a political career. “The US is forcing him underground. It has silenced him for a while,” he said.

Documentation on Lashkar’s ties with al-Qaeda would also explain the $2-million bounty on Adbul Rahman Makki, Lashkar’s financial secretary. Makki, said Banerjee, is the only person Saeed trusts with funds and was the liaison for Lashkar’s global tie-ups.

Lashkar has also attracted US anger, said analyst Wilson John, author of Caliphate’s Soldiers: The Lashkar-e-Tayebba’s Long War, by openly helping militants fighting US troops in Afghanistan.

“Members of the Haqqani network have trained at Lashkar camps,” he said. And so have so-called “white jihadis” – Western-based recruits trained to carry out attacks on Western countries.

Riedel said the bounty decisions are “a recognition that Lashkar-e- Taiba and Saeed are a real threat to both the US and India.” He expects Saeed to use the US announcement to increase his standing as “a symbol of his power in the global jihad”. But Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence will be unhappy as Saeed “is their man”.

Osama had key role in 26/11, Abbottabad proof shows - Hindustan Times
its very much relevant as those who are labelling others terrorist are biggest terrorist themselves. we should have bounty On head of bush for killing more than 60 thousand civilians in all these illegal wars and conflicts :D

LoL, what do you think were the fatwas for the Danes of the Muhammad cartoons fame? Were those not monetary rewards? So everyone has a way of labelling other terrorists for different reasons.
How the hell can you say HS was behind Mumbai attacks, when no one has testified to that fact in court. NO ONE.
On March 28, 2001, in Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 1261, British Home Secretary Jack Straw designated the group a Proscribed Terrorist Organization under the Terrorism Act 2000.

On December 5, 2001, the group was added to the Terrorist Exclusion List. In a notification dated December 26, 2001, United States Secretary of State Colin Powell, designated Lashkar-e-Taiba a Foreign Terrorist Organisation.

Lashkar-e-Taiba was banned in Pakistan on January 12, 2002.

It is banned in India as a designated terrorist group under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

It was listed as a terrorist organisation in Australia under the Security Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2002 on 11 April 2003 and was re-listed 11 April 2005 and 31 March 2007.
. its not surprising that only pakistani courts are denying the truth.

On 2 May 2008 it was placed on the Consolidated List established and maintained by the Committee established by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267 as an entity associated with al-Qaeda. The report also proscribed Jamaat-ud-Dawa as a front group of the LeT.[45] im only saying let or jud is a recognized terrorist group .
in order to reach a conviction, you first have to pursue legal procedures where there is a prosecution (formed by plaintiff - i.e. the state) and then there is a legal council (for the defendent -either state provided or privately retained council)

dont they teach you these things in "shining" democratic hindustan?

i'm not even a law student! :laugh:

This person deserves a tribal justice. Not all the trappings of civilization for him and his ilk.

Quick, efficient and gets the job done.

I will repeat a part of my earlier post.

Terrorists like him have only contempt for these man made courts and imperfect laws. They understand only one language.

An example of another Pakistani terrorist who had contempt for the normal procedures and a lot of respect (as it turned out) for the enhanced techniques.

When KSM was captured in March 2003, he refused to answer questions, informing his captors: "I'll tell you everything when I get to New York and see my lawyer." But the Bush administration did not send KSM to New York. Instead, he was sent to a CIA "black site," where he was questioned, not for evidence in a criminal trial but for intelligence about future terrorist attacks. When asked about his plans, he told the CIA, "Soon, you will know." And he declared that Americans were weak, lacked resilience, and were unable to do what is necessary to prevent the terrorists from succeeding in their goals.

But after undergoing "enhanced interrogation techniques" — including waterboarding — KSM became prolific. According to declassified documents, he provided information that led to the capture of a cell of Southeast Asian terrorists KSM had tasked to hijack a plane and fly it into the tallest skyscraper in Los Angeles. He provided information that led to the capture of Ammar al-Baluchi and Walid bin Attash, just as they were completing plans to blow up the U.S. consulate and Western residences in Karachi, Pakistan. He provided information that helped lead to the arrest of Sayfullah Paracha and his son Uzair Paracha, two businessmen with whom KSM was plotting to smuggle explosives into the USA. He provided information that helped break up an al-Qaeda cell that was developing anthrax for terrorist attacks inside the U.S.

In addition, KSM explained al-Qaeda's operating structure, financing, communications and logistics. He described the traits and profiles that al-Qaeda sought in Western operatives, how al-Qaeda might select targets, what probable targets were and the likely methods of attack. He gave U.S. officials a picture of the terrorist organization as seen from the inside, at a time when we knew almost nothing about the enemy that had hit us on 9/11.

In other words, the delay in KSM's prosecution, and that of other CIA detainees, saved lives.

The idea of any criminal justice system is to be an effective deterrent to crime. Terrorists like him are not deterred by ordinary laws made for ordinary criminals.

They are deterred by the bay and the waterboarding. Give them what they need along with a god dose of those speciality meat sandwiches from Harold and Kumar.
Go ahead and do it, who's stoppin' ya?
No one but i was trying to expose the hypocrisy that why they don't use the same criteria for themselves what they use for others ..here we are talking about a terrorist who take life of innocent peoples. did hafiz took more innocent lives than policies and illegal wars of bush ? answer is no he cannot beat the record of bush :)
No one but i was trying to expose the hypocrisy that why they don't use the same criteria for themselves what they use for others ..here we are talking about a terrorist who take life of innocent peoples. did hafiz took more innocent lives than policies and illegal wars of bush ? answer is no he cannot beat the record of bush :)

There's no difference between one life and thousand lives. Even Islam says so.

Enough of 'trying', now go ahead and do something.

But I know you won't. you know you won't. Why? Because you have too many skeletons in your closet.
The bolded part is the actual moto on which the INDIAN Judiciary is built upon. Do you think that the evidence provided is not enough.

It is not I who says there is no evidence, it is the Indian media reporting the trial itself. See below.

Let me say you this. Why the Pakistani establishment is impotent of putting these terror handlers to the trail is because they are more powerful than the civilian administration and are backed by the All powerful PA & ISI who are the actual players and string pullers behind the screen.


Yes. Apparently the Pakistani courts are busy working the Blasphemy cases (evidence is solid to prove 'crimes' beyond any doubt!) as opposed to terrorist cases. Pray, all those convicted in blasphemy cases are guilty, no?

It might be better if you simply admit you have no rebuttal, rather than going off-topic. It amounts to the same thing.

You have no idea of how a Judiciary should work. Your criticism of Indian judiciary is irresponsible and naive, not to mention baseless.

I understand the judicial system well enough to know that you can't convict people without evidence. The following is from your own media (highlight mine):


udge Tahiliyani said the way the ten terrorists countered the elite National Security Guards (NSG) clearly established that they were trained to fight a war.

Though no direct evidences were mentioned against Lashkar-e Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed and Zakir -ur -Rehman, the court found them guilty based on Kasab's confessional statement

Mumbai court to hear arguments, may sentence Kasab today

In case you don't understand it, let me give you an analogy: This would be if I was caught with drugs and claimed that you had sold me the drugs, and the court convicted you solely on my statement without any corroborating evidence.

To call this Indian trial a kangaroo court would be an insult to kangaroos.
LoL, what do you think were the fatwas for the Danes of the Muhammad cartoons fame? Were those not monetary rewards? So everyone has a way of labelling other terrorists for different reasons.
sure but i was talking about UN definition of terrorism which is killing of innocent for political gains and not only terrorist but government also does it even on much bigger scale..
Pakistan must take a stand against America over this issue and if the GoP fails to deliver an appropriate response, then people of Pakistan must take the matter into their hands.

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