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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

On October 12, 2009, the Lahore High Court quashed all cases against Hafiz Muhammad Saeed and set him free. The court also notified that Jama'at-ud-Da'wah is not a banned organization and can work freely in Pakistan. Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, one of two judges hearing the case, observed "In the name of terrorism we cannot brutalise the law."[23]
Sorry, buddy.. But a kid with an internet connection in HongKong will tell you that the bounty is not just for information leading to arrest but arrest AND CONVICTION of Hafiz Saeed.. Something which Pakistani (and now chinese) members on the forum seem to be ignoring :)

in order to reach a conviction, you first have to pursue legal procedures where there is a prosecution (formed by plaintiff - i.e. the state) and then there is a legal council (for the defendent -either state provided or privately retained council)

dont they teach you these things in "shining" democratic hindustan?

i'm not even a law student! :laugh:
in order to reach a conviction, you first have to pursue legal procedures where there is a prosecution (formed by plaintiff - i.e. the state) and then there is a legal council (for the defendent -either state provided or privately retained council)

dont they teach you these things in "shining" democratic hindustan?

i'm not even a law student! :laugh:

Everyone knows this, but sometimes its convenient for people to play a dumbass.
Al Jazeera exclusive with Hafiz Saeed - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Hafiz Saeed has spoken exclusively to Al Jazeera after the US announced a $10m reward for his arrest.

The Pakistani man accused by the US and India of masterminding the 2008 Mumbai attacks says he is innocent and says he is ready to defend himself in an international court.

Saeed heads the Pakistan-based Jamaat-ud-Dawa group, which is the charitable arm of Lashkar-e-Taiba, which the US and India say are both terrorist organisations. Pakistan cleared Saeed and Jamaat-ud-Dawa of links to terrorism in 2009.

Al Jazeera: What is your reaction to the bounty?

Hafiz Saeed: We're not hiding in caves for rewards to be set on finding us. We are addressing hundreds of thousands of people daily in Pakistan. I think the US is frustrated because we are taking out countrywide protests against the resumption of NATO supplies and drone strikes.

We have made a political alliance and millions of people are with us in our protests. I believe either the US has very little knowledge and is basing its decisions on the wrong information being provided by India or it is just frustrated. And it is creating anti-American sentiment by itself.

Al Jazeera: Does India has proof against you and recordings that tie you to Ajmal Kassab?

Hafiz Saeed: I have never seen or heard of Ajmal Kassab. I heard about him through the media after the Mumbai attacks. We have no links with him and it has been proven in the courts. All the proof that was provided by India was taken up by courts in Pakistan. A Lahore high court's full bench exonerated me and then the supreme court gave a judgment in my favour.

There is nothing that links me or Jamaat-ud-Dawa to anything. If India has any new evidence, it should take it to the courts so we can challenge it. Decisions are made in the courts not through media propaganda. You cannot hold me responsible through a media trial. It is regrettable that India is hiding things on its end and is involved in pointless blame game.

Al Jazeera: If they have anything, why do they keep blaming you?

Hafiz Saeed: When we were blamed for attacking the Indian parliament, we challenged that accusation. Me and my party have no links with the attacks on the Indian parliament. I am telling you today that we will accept any decision [by courts] if a link is established between us and the attacks. There are international courts that India should approach and we are ready to face them.

Al Jazeera: So you agree to accept any decision from a court such as the International Court of Justice?

Hafiz Saeed: Absolutely, we will defend ourselves. We have a solid defence and all India has is media propaganda.

Al Jazeera: How do you respond to the $10m bounty on evidence that leads to your arrest?

Hafiz Saeed: The US is continuing its drone strikes, which are turning Pakistan into a haven for terrorism and creating turmoil in the country. The same goes about the supplies to forces in Pakistan and Afghanistan [intended] to keep them in the region for a longer period.

The solution is US withdrawal from the region. Their presence is destabilising the region and causing economic downturn. We are creating a grassroots movement [to tell the US] to leave this region and withdraw its troops. The resumption of NATO supply routes is not in [Pakistan's] national interest. The drone attacks must end immediately.

We are mobilising people and it is our right to raise our voice. The US says that it believes in democracy so why can't they accept our democratic rights? They have double standards and should deal with things based on justice.

Al Jazeera: Will there be violence if Pakistan re-opens NATO supply routes?

Hafiz Saeed: We will continue our movement and if the decision is made we will try our best to stop [the resumption of NATO supplies].

Source: Al Jazeera
He was declared a Global terrorist in 2008 by UNSC.

Since Pakistan is also now in UNSC as non permanent member , did any resolution has passed against changing that verdict since a person designated as Global terrorist is seen roaming freely.

Why not Pakistan along with China veto or ratify that list.

After all UN consists of 193 countries and false propaganda by so many nations is so shameful.
UNSC is nothing but bunch of arrogant super powers one day even if they declare India the terrorist state India should not be surprised because they have never done any thing proper
This is done just to please India that is why it is announced on his/her visit to India. Never the less its a slap on the face of our pro American democratic setup which by the way includes both the civilian as well the military leadership.
Hafiz Saeed was released by the court on extent of insufficient proof. By putting a bounty on his head, the US is declaring our judicial setup as invalid. US has neither the right nor the jurisdiction to make a move like this. He is innocent until proven guilty and once he is proven guilty then he should be punished as per laws of Pakistan.
Hafeez Saaed has challenged US bounty in international court and we should support this against unlawful and unjustified act of the US.

Wrong. This has not been done to please India. Had that been the case, then this punjabi terrorist's goose would have been cooked long time back. Actually this has been done to indicate to Pakistani Army that things can be a lot worse. This fellow is just a pawn in the game. He lives and breathes at the mercy of the GHQ. And it is anyway known that the GHQ will not let him alive out of Pakistan (just like Bomb Father Qadeer) because fellows like these are more dangerous for the Generals alive rather than dead. The drift in short is then that this is all just to put a little bit of fear of God in the Pakistani Generals. Of course, American style.

Regarding this being a slap on Pakistan. Of course it is. It is a total slap and there must been cheeks writhing with the itch of it. But it is less a slap on the democratic establishment of Pakistan. In fact even Naz and Shaz would be pretty happy to see this peaceful saint of a Pakistani punjabi specimen off their land. Neither is this such a major slap on the face of the Pakistani judiciary. Poor fellows cannot be blamed. They have always loved their skin more than justice if history has anything to do with it. So another mockery of justice in Pakistan does not hurt the judiciary so much. What do you think?

Rather this is a major slap on the Pakistani Army. US just told the army that there are ways in which US can go right in to the deepest of the establishments of Army and slap them by just a simple statement and act.

And all in all even when it is a mere token political act, this exposes the fickleness of the whole Kashmir agenda of the Pakistani army, once US stops looking the other way.

For India, it is more wait and watch. That should do for now. That and of course, the right noises to support Zardari and the civilians.
Important question which everyone is dodging.

Al Jazeera: If they have anything, why do they keep blaming you?

Hafiz Saeed: When we were blamed for attacking the Indian parliament, we challenged that accusation. Me and my party have no links with the attacks on the Indian parliament. I am telling you today that we will accept any decision [by courts] if a link is established between us and the attacks. There are international courts that India should approach and we are ready to face them.
Wrong. This has not been done to please India. Had that been the case, then this punjabi terrorist's goose would have been cooked long time back. Actually this has been done to indicate to Pakistani Army that things can be a lot worse. This fellow is just a pawn in the game. He lives and breathes at the mercy of the GHQ. And it is anyway known that the GHQ will not let him alive out of Pakistan (just like Bomb Father Qadeer) because fellows like these are more dangerous for the Generals alive rather than dead. The drift in short is then that this is all just to put a little bit of fear of God in the Pakistani Generals. Of course, American style.

Regarding this being a slap on Pakistan. Of course it is. It is a total slap and there must been cheeks writhing with the itch of it. But it is less a slap on the democratic establishment of Pakistan. In fact even Naz and Shaz would be pretty happy to see this peaceful saint of a Pakistani punjabi specimen off their land. Neither is this such a major slap on the face of the Pakistani judiciary. Poor fellows cannot be blamed. They have always loved their skin more than justice if history has anything to do with it. So another mockery of justice in Pakistan does not hurt the judiciary so much. What do you think?

Rather this is a major slap on the Pakistani Army. US just told the army that there are ways in which US can go right in to the deepest of the establishments of Army and slap them by just a simple statement and act.

And all in all even when it is a mere token political act, this exposes the fickleness of the whole Kashmir agenda of the Pakistani army, once US stops looking the other way.

For India, it is more wait and watch. That should do for now. That and of course, the right noises to support Zardari and the civilians.
Sir whole world knows this has been done to please India to get benefits like defence deals and other benefits in future or other wise America gives a dam about Hafiz Saeed
UNSC is nothing but bunch of arrogant super powers one day even if they declare India the terrorist state India should not be surprised because they have never done any thing proper

Why not start a protest against home country's participation in UN , esp the UNSC..Arrange a jhalsa or something.
Sir whole world knows this has been done to please India to get benefits like defence deals and other benefits in future or other wise America gives a dam about Hafiz Saeed

No my friend. This has NOTHING to do with pleasing India. You are giving too much respect to the US relationship with India.

Rather this has been done to let the generals at the GHQ know that a lot worse can happen in the situaton than the NATO supply line closure. It is a mere indication that the trumps were never with the Pakistani GHQ (even when they thought so). Actually the trumps have always been with the US.

So this is just a teeny weeny pressure on the Pakistani Army jugular = their Kashmir agenda.

Yes, for sure, India has been the incidental beneficiary of this whole new act of this drama. And as we start getting closer to the end game, the drift of this wind can only get worse for the pakistani generals and their punjabi terrorists.
to be honest, if i witnessed 36 members of my family being butchered by mobs of indians and i received no justice for it -- i'd probably be doing all in my existential and physical power to inflict proportional harm on that country too

you really have to see where he's coming from to understand why he has so much disdain for india.....so i guess it's partly personal, but also he sees himself as a voice for freedom and end to indian occupation in Kashmir (which is one issue all Pakistanis agree with). So either he's genuine about it, or he's just playing politics -- or sometimes both. Who knows.

but what matters here is that Lahore High Court exonerated him.....it's illegal to detain someone illegally if the court cannot determine beyond a reasonable doubt (in legal terms, 99% certainty) that the SUSPECT/DEFENDANT is guilty of wrondoing.

indian whining and propaganda doesnt have much sway in Pakistan's courts.....offering bounties is symbolic in nature but doesnt change the reality that without evidence, there is no case.

im not defending HS; im just supporting a court decision and ridiculing the U.S.'s tactic of trying to please the indians and trying to pressure Pakistan to open the supply routes by putting bounties on people's heads....it just makes the Obama Admin look like a bunch of retards.

Important question which everyone is dodging.

actually it's a question which bhartis and their tabloid media should be asking, no?

afterall, isnt it the hindustanis who keep up bringing HS and yapping about how he's not under detention (which he actually was, until the courts ordered him to be released)

you cant even claim that he's as free as people think he is....his phones are probably tapped, and there are plain-clothed guys (spooks among them probably) keeping an eye out on his movements surely
to be honest, if i witnessed 36 members of my family being butchered by mobs of indians and i received no justice for it -- i'd probably be doing all in my existential and physical power to inflict proportional harm on that country too

you really have to see where he's coming from to understand why he has so much disdain for india.....so i guess it's partly personal, but also he sees himself as a voice for freedom and end to indian occupation in Kashmir (which is one issue all Pakistanis agree with). So either he's genuine about it, or he's just playing politics -- or sometimes both. Who knows.

but what matters here is that Lahore High Court exonerated him.....it's illegal to detain someone illegally if the court cannot determine beyond a reasonable doubt (in legal terms, 99% certainty) that the SUSPECT/DEFENDANT is guilty of wrondoing.

indian whining and propaganda doesnt have much sway in Pakistan's courts.....offering bounties is symbolic in nature but doesnt change the reality that without evidence, there is no case.

im not defending HS; im just supporting a court decision and ridiculing the U.S.'s tactic of trying to please the indians and trying to pressure Pakistan to open the supply routes by putting bounties on people's heads....it just makes the Obama Admin look like a bunch of retards.

actually it's a question which bhartis and their tabloid media should be asking, no?

afterall, isnt it the hindustanis who keep up bringing HS and yapping about how he's not under detention (which he actually was, until the courts ordered him to be released)

you cant even claim that he's as free as people think he is....his phones are probably tapped, and there are plain-clothed guys (spooks among them probably) keeping an eye out on his movements surely

LoL, he was born in 1950 so he was not even born when partition happened. Kindly give us a break with this witnessing violence. What? You trying the insanity plea on him now?

And he is no voice lest the Pakistani army voice. And that my dear Watson is where all this US action is being targeted.
to be honest, if i witnessed 36 members of my family being butchered by mobs of indians and i received no justice for it -- i'd probably be doing all in my existential and physical power to inflict proportional harm on that country too

So next of kin of all the millions of people who died on both sides during the partition should become terrorists and start killing innocent civilians in India and Pakistan to get their revenge ?? Nice.. :hitwall:

UNSC is nothing but bunch of arrogant super powers one day even if they declare India the terrorist state India should not be surprised because they have never done any thing proper

Lets scrap all UNSC resolutions in protest.. Eh ?

in order to reach a conviction, you first have to pursue legal procedures where there is a prosecution (formed by plaintiff - i.e. the state) and then there is a legal council (for the defendent -either state provided or privately retained council)

dont they teach you these things in "shining" democratic hindustan?

i'm not even a law student! :laugh:

And in order for that legal procedure to reach its end, the plaintiff requires the information that conclusively links the defendant to the crime(s) in question which is the bounty for.

Dont they teach you to read English in "Pure" Pakistan ?

I am not even an English Literature student :azn:

Everyone knows this, but sometimes its convenient for people to play a dumbass.

Yup.. case in point is right in the previous post..

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