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Hafiz Saeed dodges police, addresses rally in Islamabad

Hmmm So Asim thinks Saeed ain't a terrorist and only Indians call him a terrorist.
Let's see whether he thinks this too is propaganda,directly from the FBI:

Pakistani National Living in Woodbridge Pleads Guilty to Providing Material Support to Terrorist Organization
U.S. Attorney’s Office December 02, 2011

Eastern District of Virginia (703) 299-3700

ALEXANDRIA, VA—Jubair Ahmad, 24, a native of Pakistan and resident of Woodbridge, Va., pleaded guilty today to providing material support to Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT), a designated foreign terrorist organization.

Neil H. MacBride, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia; Lisa Monaco, Assistant Attorney General for National Security; and James W. McJunkin, Assistant Director in Charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, made the announcement after the plea was accepted by U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III.

Ahmad faces a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison when he is sentenced on April 13, 2012.

“Foreign terrorist organizations such as LeT use the Internet as part of well-orchestrated propaganda campaigns to radicalize and recruit individuals to wage violent jihad and to promote the spread of terror,” said U.S. Attorney MacBride. “Today’s conviction of Jubair Ahmad demonstrates that we will aggressively investigate and prosecute anyone who provides material support to a terrorist organization in whatever form it takes.”

“This prosecution sheds light on some of the methods terrorist organizations employ to produce and publish their extremist propaganda,” said Assistant Attorney General Monaco. “Today, Jubair Ahmad is being held accountable for his role in providing this form of material support to Lashkar-e-Tayyiba.”

“By preparing and posting a graphic video that glorified violent extremism, Mr. Ahmad directly supported the mission of a designated terrorist organization,” said FBI Assistant Director in Charge McJunkin. “The FBI will track down and disrupt those who communicate with terrorist groups for the purpose of recruiting others to inflict harm on the U.S. and its interests overseas.”

LeT, or “Army of the Pure,” serves as the military arm of the political movement Markaz al-Dawa wal-Irshad in Pakistan. The mission of LeT is to conduct and promote violent jihad against those considered to be the enemies of Islam. On Dec. 24, 2001, the U.S. Department of State designated LeT as a foreign terrorist organization. The focus of LeT operations has been attacks on the neighboring country of India, in particular the disputed region of Kashmir between Pakistan and India.

According to a statement of facts filed with the plea agreement, Ahmad was born and raised in Pakistan and in 2007, after receiving a visa from the U.S. Department of State, Ahmad moved from Pakistan to the United States with his family.

Ahmad admitted today that in September 2010, while at his residence in Woodbridge, he engaged in a series of communications with an individual named Talha Saeed, who was in Pakistan.Talha Saeed is the son ofHafiz Muhammad Saeed, the leader of LeT. Talha Saeed requested Ahmad to prepare a video that would contain a prayer by Hafiz Saeed calling for the support of jihad and the mujahideen. In addition, Talha Saeed instructed Ahmad to present a variety of violent images on the video while Hafiz Saeed’s prayer is heard in the background.

Talha Saeed directed Ahmad to begin the LeT video with a number of pictures of Hafiz Saeed, then show scenes where atrocities have been inflicted on Muslims, followed by the activities of the mujahideen conducting attacks in Kashmir. At one point, Ahmad asked Talha Saeed if he wanted to include an image of the Mumbai attack to show the power of LeT. This is a reference to LeT’s operation against the city of Mumbai, India, on Nov. 26, 2008, which resulted in the death of over 160 people, including six Americans. Talha replied that he should not use anything referring to Mumbai.

Ahmad admitted that Talha Saeed told him to search for “Lashkar-e-Taiba” on YouTube to find additional images of mujahideen operations to include in the video. Talha Saeed further stated that the video will be popular in Pakistan and will run continuously on significant media programs and presentations.

On Sept. 25, 2010, Ahmad completed the LeT video and uploaded it to a YouTube account on the Internet. The next day, Ahmad sent a communication to another person overseas in which he explained that “Hafiz Saeed’s son Talha Saeed” had requested him to prepare the video. Forensic examination by the FBI subsequently confirmed that Ahmad had constructed the LeT video on his computer.

This case is being investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office. Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen M. Campbell from the National Security and International Crimes Unit of the Eastern District of Virginia and Trial Attorney John T. Gibbs from the Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division in the U.S. Department of Justice are prosecuting the case on behalf of the United States.

FBI — Pakistani National Living in Woodbridge Pleads Guilty to Providing Material Support to Terrorist Organization
Let's get the terminology right - criminality has to be determined by courts. But the arrest was unlawful without an arrest warrant.

So is there a case lodged against Islamabad Police? I also understand the Home minister of Pakistan personally stepped in to revoke the bail granted to one of the cohorts of Hafiz Saeed..Is he also being charged for unlawful activities..?
Hmmm So Asim thinks Saeed ain't a terrorist and only Indians call him a terrorist.
Let's see whether he thinks this too is propaganda,directly from the FBI:

FBI — Pakistani National Living in Woodbridge Pleads Guilty to Providing Material Support to Terrorist Organization

What America thinks and the rest of the world does not count ;)

Each side has their duty, one side is doing something out of the law and so they are in their rights to protect their assignment by all means necessary.

What did Headley say, Hafiz Saeed ordered a terrorist incident?

David headly confession:

The David Headley Confessions: Part-I

The David Headley Confessions: Part-II

This is all recorded in US court and his wife is also saying it she named Hafiz also.
The Times of India on Mobile

ISLAMABAD: Thousands of members of extremist groups rallied near parliament on Tuesday as leaders of the right-wing Defa-e-Pakistan Council, including Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, warned the government against reopening routes for transporting supplies to US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Saeed, the founder of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba, told a rally held at a ground a short distance from parliament that the Pakistani people will never allow the resumption of NATO supplies and there would be protests across the country If the supply routes are reopened, "American agents will again sneak into Pakistan and start killing innocent citizens", he claimed.

"Pakistani leaders, including army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, should step down if they think they cannot safeguard national interests," he said as protesters shouted slogans in support of jihad.

Earlier in the day, thousands of supporters of the Defa-e-Pakistan Council marched to the ground from Aabpara and other parts of Islamabad.

Many of them carried the black-and-white flags of the Jamaat-ud-Dawah, a front for the LeT.

The protesters shouted "Down with the America-India- Israel nexus," "Death to America" and "American subjugation is unacceptable".

Some of them carried banners and placards that denounced the government's ties with the US and featured slogans like "Terrorists, the routes are closed for you".

Others who addressed the rally included Defa-e-Pakistan Council chairman Maulana Sami-ul-Haq, described as the "father of the Taliban", former Inter-Services Intelligence chief Hamid Gul and Pakistan Muslim League-Zia leader Ejaz-ul-Haq.

"We want to take Pakistan out of the so-called war on terror, which is directed against Muslims," said Sami-ul-Haq.

He warned the government of "serious consequences" if it reopens the NATO supply routes to appease the US.

The protest was organised by the Defa-e-Pakistan Council and the Jamaat-e-Islami to pressure the government not to reopen the supply routes which were closed after a cross-border NATO air strike killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November. A joint session of parliament is set to debate recommendations for revamping Pakistan-US relations.

The parliamentary review is expected to pave the way for Pakistan to reopen the NATO supply routes after imposing a tax on container trucks and oil tankers.

Both Hafiz Saeed and Ahmed Ludhianvi, the head of the Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), participated in the rally despite an order reportedly issued by the city administration to bar them from entering Islamabad.

The ASWJ is considered a front for the banned Sipah-e-Sahaba, which has been linked to several recent sectarian attacks.

While Saeed was allowed to address the gathering, police sought to prevent Ludhianvi from speaking.

He then left the venue. Though police tried to stop him on a busy road linking Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Ludhianvi kept moving with his four-vehicle motorcade.

Pakistan had put Saeed under house arrest after the 2008 Mumbai attacks, which he was accused of masterminding.

He was freed after less than six months on the orders of the Lahore High Court.

Saeed cobbled together the Defa-e-Pakistan Council, which includes over 40 hardline and extremist groups.

The coalition has organised large rallies and protests across Pakistan that were mainly directed against the US and India.
The capital's "security apparatus" proved no match for Saeed and Ludhianvi, the Dawn newspaper reported. "They appeared and disappeared."

Wow! :rofl: The Houdini act! They must be magicians! :whistle:
"Eventually the harassed, red-faced and embarrassed policemen managed to hold Maulana Ludhianvi, only after negotiations, while Saeed escaped," the newspaper report added.
Damn! The entire Police Force of Islamabad wasn't able to catch an old bozo like Saeed??? :woot:

Probably because:
Ironically, police guards provided by the Punjab government aimed their weapons at the Islamabad police

WTF is going on?
It does. But if Hafiz Saeed was breaking that rule - they should have arrested him with an arrest warrant.

Help me understand this a bit.. In Pakistan, if I am breaking the law (say, shooting someone or breaking into a house) in front of a policeman, does he need a warrant to arrest me ?
Why can't we get this guy assassinated in one of such rallies?
BTW, guys, if this is the attitude of Pkaistani police towards a scum like Hafiz Saeed, is it a surprise why no international sporting event is being held in Pakistan?

I mean, think about it. Who would believe in the assurances given by a police such as this?
Why can't we get this guy assassinated in one of such rallies?

And remove an embarrassing blot from Pakistani landscape?? Why would you want to do that.. ?
And remove an embarrassing blot from Pakistani landscape?? Why would you want to do that.. ?

No. To give the families of those who died in Mumbai, something of a consolation. Why wouldn't you want to do that?

BTW what makes you think he is making the Pakistanis feel embarassed.

I believe it's been long time since the Pakistani establishment (not the people, I'm sure) stopped being embarrassed about being apologetic towards terrorists.
No. To give the families of those who died in Mumbai, something of a consolation. Why wouldn't you want to do that?

Bigger picture.. You remove one of these, there are 10 waiting on the sidelines in Pakistan to take his place and proclaim him a martyr for the Islamic Jihad. Alive he is more damaging to Pakistan than he is to India.

But I get your point about the families of 26/11 victims.
Bigger picture.. You remove one of these, there are 10 waiting on the sidelines in Pakistan to take his place and proclaim him a martyr for the Islamic Jihad. Alive he is more damaging to Pakistan than he is to India.

But I get your point about the families of 26/11 victims.

I am 100% Agreed to your point, he already showing signs of having strong links with Anti-Shia terrorist group like Lashkar e Jhangvi and its founder Malik Ishaq which has killed hundreds of Shias in Pakistan.

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Help me understand this a bit.. In Pakistan, if I am breaking the law (say, shooting someone or breaking into a house) in front of a policeman, does he need a warrant to arrest me ?

How is he breaking the law by attending a rally and giving a speech?

No. To give the families of those who died in Mumbai, something of a consolation. Why wouldn't you want to do that?

BTW what makes you think he is making the Pakistanis feel embarassed.

I believe it's been long time since the Pakistani establishment (not the people, I'm sure) stopped being embarrassed about being apologetic towards terrorists.

Families of Mumbai will be happy if x did the crime and y got punished for it?

BTW, guys, if this is the attitude of Pkaistani police towards a scum like Hafiz Saeed, is it a surprise why no international sporting event is being held in Pakistan?

I mean, think about it. Who would believe in the assurances given by a police such as this?

The law was eventually followed, arresting Hafiz Saeed would have been unlawful without an arrest warrant.

Talk about law only. Hafiz Saeed is voluntarily appearing before the court against the charges he has on him.
Families of Mumbai will be happy if x did the crime and y got punished for it?

If x=y, then yes, why not?

The law was eventually followed, arresting Hafiz Saeed would have been unlawful without an arrest warrant.

Mate, I can also solve each and every question on a three hour exam if you give me six hours to solve it. 'Eventually' is an excuse.

Excuses don't work for people who are under scrutiny by an organisation like the UN for their role in terrorist activities.

Talk about law only. Hafiz Saeed is voluntarily appearing before the court against the charges he has on him.

That is not the matter, is it?

Here's what it is:

1. Your police is looking for a guy.

2. Catches him.

3. Let's him go.

4. Tries to catch.

5..The guy ends up conducting a rally in front of your PARLIAMENT, of all the place in Pakistan!

Now tell me, who will believe the assurances given by such a police?
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