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Gwadar: Iran to build oil refinery

Iran is a big country its produces enough food grains to feed her population, it has huge natural resources at its disposal. Its land mass and population is huge in terms of Middle Eastern region and with its size it can & will find a way to thwart any sanction. Though sanctions have big toll on economy and development yet, not as big to crumble the country.
Only being a big country is not enough.We do have huge natural resources,but what if we have problems selling them or receiving the money of the oil we sell?What if we can't give contracts to huge oil companies to develop our oil fields much faster?What if we can't receive our money in dollars,Euro and instead have to sell products from country well oil to?
I'm not defending our economy progress before these serious sanctions, because it wasn't that great.But it was good somehow,especially in Khatami era, which Iran had 7% growth rate annually in average.But you can't say sanctions don't have any effect on us,no matter how much resources we have.
It's like having 4 tons of gold in your house, but you can barely sell slightest parts of it.What's the benefit?

Actually i wanted to know the source of your 80% mark. IMHO the term Secular is most used & abused (even Holyoke the man who coined this world would repent on that) The "Secular Muslim" is unsubstantiated terminology and used for convenience.

pardon me for that 4% gap,I wasn't so sure about the number when I posted that comment.But for me,76% and 80% is not a big deal.
Only being a big country is not enough.We do have huge natural resources,but what if we have problems selling them or receiving the money of the oil we sell?What if we can't give contracts to huge oil companies to develop our oil fields much faster?What if we can't receive our money in dollars,Euro and instead have to sell products from country well oil to?
I'm not defending our economy progress before these serious sanctions, because it wasn't that great.But it was good somehow,especially in Khatami era, which Iran had 7% growth rate annually in average.But you can't say sanctions don't have any effect on us,no matter how much resources we have.
It's like having 4 tons of gold in your house, but you can barely sell slightest parts of it.What's the benefit?

pardon me for that 4% gap,I wasn't so sure about the number when I posted that comment.But for me,76% and 80% is not a big deal.

Man, I asked the source of 80% mark, from where you have quoted this? Which agency has conducted this poll that resulted Iranian popularity in 80% point in Pakistan. If you have the source the kindly provide the same or if you, yourself conducted the poll on PDF then also let me know.
Actually i wanted to know the source of your 80% mark. IMHO the term Secular is most used & abused (even Holyoke the man who coined this world would repent on that) The "Secular Muslim" is unsubstantiated terminology and used for convenience.

You sure can read English, can't you my friend?
Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project
It's conducted by Pew, a fairly good research center and fact tank.
Anyway, please let's not derail thread.Pakistani members here can answer your question better.My point in that post was not exact popularity of Iran in Pakistan,it was something else.
My respects to Iran. I am sure Iran and Pakistan together can overcome any sanctions thrown at us. Time is right to change our pro Gulf and US policies. If we don't then those snakes will keep bitting us every time we try to progress.
You have a very bitter language,and that's really confusing you call yourself and expert and historian always.No true expert uses these degrading and insulting terms if he is actually using his logic.
If buying gas from Iran is drinking Ayatollah's pee, then you are insulting 180 million fellow Pakistanis who unsurprisingly, most of them think other than the way of yours.

Guess what? Iran's popularity in Pakistan is highest in the world, nearly 80%.Not necessarily the government of Iran, but also its people.But your language regarding Iran is always bitter.

Oh Era. Era, Era Era.

I wish it was gas that us Pakistanis were importing from Iran.

I wish we were exporting manufactured goods to iran.

I wish there was a true economic cooperation among the two giant neighbors.

But these are just wishes, empty slogans.

What we have is

--- Pakistanis drinking Ayatullah pee of sectarianism, anti-americanism, and pure death and destruction.
--- Pakistanis drinking Saudi Mullah pee of sectarianism, anti-americanism, and pure death and destruction.

If you call "insulting term" of using Islamo-fascism to kill our fellow Pakistanis whose only sin is that they happen to be Shias, or Sunnis, then I am proud of using such insulting terms. very proud.

Why do you think back in 1980, in Quetta, Pakistani-Shias fired AK-47 on Pakistani police, killing many. They were obviously drinking Ayatullah pee, stinking with hatred, sectarianism, and Islamo-fascism.

Why do you think in 2013, in the same Quetta Shias 100s of Shias are being murdered in cold blood. Their killers are obviously drinking Saudi pee, stinking with hatred, sectarianism, and Islamo-fascism.

And we in Pakistan will continue to slaughter each other unless we denounce Ayatullahs and Saudi Mullahs as our biggest enemies hell bent on turning our beautiful country into a Shia or Sunni hell hole.

We must

And I am sorry if you think these are bitter words. May be they are to you. But ask those who lost their loved ones to Irani-Saudi sectarianism. They will obviously think otherwise.

Thank you

You didn't answer my question though. Why iranians are hell bent on pushing Pakistan towards international sanctions. Why? Why Iranians are being enemy of 200 million Pakistanis. Why?
Oh Era. Era, Era Era.

I wish it was gas that us Pakistanis were importing from Iran.

I wish we were exporting manufactured goods to iran.

I wish there was a true economic cooperation among the two giant neighbors.

But these are just wishes, empty slogans.

What we have is

--- Pakistanis drinking Ayatullah pee of sectarianism, anti-americanism, and pure death and destruction.
--- Pakistanis drinking Saudi Mullah pee of sectarianism, anti-americanism, and pure death and destruction.

If you call "insulting term" of using Islamo-fascism to kill our fellow Pakistanis whose only sin is that they happen to be Shias, or Sunnis, then I am proud of using such insulting terms. very proud.

Why do you think back in 1980, in Quetta, Pakistani-Shias fired AK-47 on Pakistani police, killing many. They were obviously drinking Ayatullah pee, stinking with hatred, sectarianism, and Islamo-fascism.

Why do you think in 2013, in the same Quetta Shias 100s of Shias are being murdered in cold blood. Their killers are obviously drinking Saudi pee, stinking with hatred, sectarianism, and Islamo-fascism.

And we in Pakistan will continue to slaughter each other unless we denounce Ayatullahs and Saudi Mullahs as our biggest enemies hell bent on turning our beautiful country into a Shia or Sunni hell hole.

We must

And I am sorry if you think these are bitter words. May be they are to you. But ask those who lost their loved ones to Irani-Saudi sectarianism. They will obviously think otherwise.

Thank you

You didn't answer my question though. Why iranians are hell bent on pushing Pakistan towards international sanctions. Why? Why Iranians are being enemy of 200 million Pakistanis. Why?
Yes, Iran and all other 190 nations in the world are responsible for your problems, except the previous and present actions of your own government.
Yes it's Iran who is killing Pakistanis, especially targeting Hazaras and Shias. Now, what do you want to do about it?Why don't you get up and fight the 'devil' in your neighborhood?
Yes, Iran and all other 190 nations in the world are responsible for your problems, except the previous and present actions of your own government.
Yes it's Iran who is killing Pakistanis, especially targeting Hazaras and Shias. Now, what do you want to do about it?Why don't you get up and fight the 'devil' in your neighborhood?

how is aftab
Yes, Iran and all other 190 nations in the world are responsible for your problems, ...

You are supposed to be a "moderate" moderator. And yet you are cleverly turning Iran-Saudi 2-country Islamo-fascist struggle into 190 countries.

Very good. Era. Very good.

Off course we the Pakistanis are waking up, and becoming aware of the Islamo-fascims and its funding from Iran and Gulf.

Finally I see some TV anchors questioning why Khomeni or Imam-Kaba should be held in high esteem while these fascists spread hatred in our beautiful country.

And yes 40,000 of our countrymen have died defending and fighting Irani-Sauid Shia-Wahabi fasad. 1000s of our young soldiers and officers have given their ultimate in order to protect Pakistan.

So don't mock us while being on a Pakistani forum.

Learn to respect us.

It is a privilege for you to be here, so think about Pakistan too, instead of doing blind support for the fascist Islam and iranianism.

I am not posting in an Iranian forum out of respect for their sentiments.

I expect the same from an Irani posting on a Pakistani forum.

Thank you
Yes, Iran and all other 190 nations in the world are responsible for your problems, except the previous and present actions of your own government.
Yes it's Iran who is killing Pakistanis, especially targeting Hazaras and Shias. Now, what do you want to do about it?Why don't you get up and fight the 'devil' in your neighborhood?

Dont pay attention o him as he thinks that he is the Einstein of our century. Our problems are our own doing. Allah gave us a heaven to live in and we turned it into hell by letting gulf influence in our circles. If we continue this way then we wont be needing a side to choose from as it will all be over for good.
How is Iran going to build a refinery in Gwadar if it hasn't built a single one all by itself to date ? Interesting phenomenon.....hmm

Maybe Pakistan is the lab rat for Iranian mad scientists....just saying...
You are supposed to be a "moderate" moderator. And yet you are cleverly turning Iran-Saudi 2-country Islamo-fascist struggle into 190 countries.

Very good. Era. Very good.

Off course we the Pakistanis are waking up, and becoming aware of the Islamo-fascims and its funding from Iran and Gulf.

Finally I see some TV anchors questioning why Khomeni or Imam-Kaba should be held in high esteem while these fascists spread hatred in our beautiful country.

And yes 40,000 of our countrymen have died defending and fighting Irani-Sauid Shia-Wahabi fasad. 1000s of our young soldiers and officers have given their ultimate in order to protect Pakistan.

So don't mock us while being on a Pakistani forum.

Learn to respect us.

It is a privilege for you to be here, so think about Pakistan too, instead of doing blind support for the fascist Islam and iranianism.

I am not posting in an Iranian forum out of respect for their sentiments.

I expect the same from an Irani posting on a Pakistani forum.

Thank you
You are not very good at getting sarcasm my friend, are you?
I'm not commenting as a mod here, but as a member of this forum.
You should accept to take responsibility of your actions, present and past. You can blame Iran as much as you want,this is not going to solve your problems.
Everything in this world has price tag, one need have to have money.


But you must, my dear dear poster, you must read Mr. Niaz's post before saying these words. So far there is one poster in this thread who has shown to know what the f an oil refinery is and what are the challenges in building one.

Sure Iran can buy stuff from black market by paying 50-100 times normal price (depending upon the rarity thing being bought).

Sure Iran can squander the god-given wealth to support the ego of Ayatullahs and some dead old revolutionaries.

this is what Mullahs do. Squander the wealth like little monkeys.

But that's besides the point.

What you say is correct to some degree.

But once it comes to core parts of something as complex as oil refinery, they are not for sale even black-market even when you are willing to pay 1000 times more.

I hope you understand this and thus help guide Pakistanis who just want to be blind phanboyz of Ayatullahs.


But you must, my dear dear poster, you must read Mr. Niaz's post before saying these words. So far there is one poster in this thread who has shown to know what the f an oil refinery is and what are the challenges in building one.

Sure Iran can buy stuff from black market by paying 50-100 times normal price (depending upon the rarity thing being bought).

Sure Iran can squander the god-given wealth to support the ego of Ayatullahs and some dead old revolutionaries.

this is what Mullahs do. Squander the wealth like little monkeys.

But that's besides the point.

What you say is correct to some degree.

But once it comes to core parts of something as complex as oil refinery, they are not for sale even black-market even when you are willing to pay 1000 times more.

I hope you understand this and thus help guide Pakistanis who just want to be blind phanboyz of Ayatullahs.


Dear dear Fauji bhai... I am not Auatullah's fanboy, so spare me from your sweet rants. I have read his post. First of all tell me where it's said that refinery will be based on 100% indigenous equipments or all workforce will be Iranian? I know my English is not as par with your but plz let me know in which line of OP it's said? There are many offshore Iranian companies who are not under sanctions and technically can invest in Pakistan, even if that is not possible core components can be procured from black market PROVIDED there is will. Criticism is good but blind criticism/hate is as much deadly as blind love.
I think the COLLASAL benefit to Pakistan , and Iran by this deal is tremendous

USA themsleves have freetrade with Mexico , Canada etc yet they stop others to do it
European Union has multiple companies with freetrade

I say .. f usa and sanction and go for it
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