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Guys!!! Is Pakistan in trouble regarding CPEC? Iran offers China

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True, China don't have a direct land route to Iran.

the advantages are

1. Direct access to enegy fields of Iran,rather than shipping oil from Iran,Oman to Gwadar, then from Gwadar to China.

2. Iran route would also make Central Asian states connect with Persian Gulf.

3. Iran and Central states have less problem of insurrgency.

4. From Indian point of view,it's a win win situation with China.China Iran route can be superimposed North South Corridor from Mumbai to Moscow for economy of scale.

China is a bigger economy,it would want more routes for energy flows.It can also afford both parallel routes.

What we need is a regional framework between among states for integration in the regions of Central,West and South Asia. In this integration China can play a major role.
rough Uzbekistan? you surely are neglecting uzbek insurgency in chinese southers provinces. I don't think its even rational thinking

Thanks for the tag...

Do you really think that China didn't think about it Before starting CPEC?

As previous replies you can see China would have to cross 3 countries with 4th one Iran Itself....
I think it's just pressure tactic so that India Invest In Chabahar port nothing else....

Many many projects here are already started or about to start....

CPEC can only be messed up by our Politicians just like we all saw Few days back.....
I think this is pretty obviously an attempt by the government to scare the Pakistani stakeholders to get their act together. Good if it works..
The article seems vague. China won't ditch Pakistan at any cost. China can't afford losing influence on Pakistan. If China does; then this might be happening very soon(Indo-Pak Corridor). Pakistan and India don't have any other choice rather than to improve relations with each other at any cost. India ditched by Iran, Pak ditched by China. China-Iran corridor no way near happening without Pakistan involved.
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Its impossible routr thru afghan there is small corridor in afghanistan thru waka khan corridor then around 1500 kms to iran. Why any would want to invest in Afghanistan specially when its a war zone .. Paksatans political conflict it can be solved easily but on the other hand afghan is a war zone since 70s.. yeah unless taliban came in power again..
China have more investment in afghanistan than any other country but those are small projects .. China is way more smart than this none sence writer .... 6000 trucks would pass thru this route every week who would let their investment let it go thru their.
Cuz Zarb e azab Pak is in control even blochs are happy to have this project... some low level political parties making issues ... just make indian say its win win situation for them ... if u look at reality india is threatn by project so it the us..
Russia iran china would surprise them big time .
Iran can never be true friend of Pakistan
Iran is not jealous from Pakistan, but Pakistan is jealous from Iran. Iran can provide safer route but Pakistan can't. It is the game of survival of the fittest. If you are unfit, you are out of the game. It has nothing got to do with; whether Iran is Pakistan's enemy or friend. Had Pakistan been in place of Iran, Pakistan would have been doing same as Iran doing now.
1) There is possibility that India & China may join hands in Iran like they have done in Myanmar. Note that India is only concerned about China's foray into South Asia (Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Pakistan & Maldives) which it considers as direct threat. India never had any problems joining hands with China in other cases be it SCO, AIIB, BRICS, G20 etc.

2) A Route to Iran has advantages of linking oil & gas from Iraq & Turkmenistan too apart from Iran. Turkmenistan is the only country in Central Asia which is not part of SCO. This proposal may incentivize them to join SCO.

3) Also this route need not be seen as a replacement of CPEC but China's multi-route strategy which already has routes planned through Myanmar and Thailand

4) The route from Iran would mitigate any risks associated with failure of CPEC due to Kashmir issue, insurgencies etc
Iranians have a habbit of trolling and being good salesmen but they forget the game is not only about distance..Lets explain one by one..


How will shipment from China come from Iran to Chahbar??? Iran is looking to cut down on the sea transport route and utilize land as a shorter alternative. Chinese target is shorter access to Arabian sea - an important trade region for China - and if it has to sail the shipment form Shenzen to Chahbar..it may as well sail to UAE directly...Which already has the required infrastructure and handling capacity installed without needing chinese investment.

The only way Iran can connect to China is via Afghanistan...one of the least viable place for such large scale infrastructure..further China is NOT financing infrastructure from ground zero..rather existing infrastructure will be used or upgraded and connected all the way upto China.

Gawadar is the only port in Arabian sea which is out of the strait of Hormuz strategic area. In event of any war between Arab-Arab or Arab-Iran , Gawader will be the only viable option.

Given volatility of Iranian politics, Gawadar is so far the only port safe from potential sanctions in the future.

Finally, Reasons why Gawadar will Shine:

Meanwhile, shipping a 20ft container from Jebel Ali to Shanghai in China – one of the world's busiest ports by cargo tonnage – cost Dh360 in July 2007 but the charge now is Dh576, excluding other charges.
The increase in container shipping rates reflects rising costs in the regional and global industry resulting from increasing fuel prices, port congestion and shortage of skilled manpower.

By owning a stake in Gawader, the Chinese are simply trying to build their own Dubai style freezone which helps them cut indirect cost by owning a stake in the project. I dont think any country offers such generous potential other than Pakistan to China. Further the port may also have milltary significance in the future...If the Chinese decide to project power in the Arabian sea...the Gawader can be expanded with millitary ship and submarine facilities..so such guarantee the Iranians would ever accept that..

So conclusion:
Iranian ministry is only being a sales man!

Iran is not jealous from Pakistan, but Pakistan is jealous from Iran. Iran can provide safer route but Pakistan can't. It is the game of survival of the fittest. If you are unfit, you are out of the game. It has nothing got to do with; whether Iran is Pakistan's enemy or friend. Had Pakistan been in place of Iran, Pakistan would have been doing same as Iran doing now.

How can Iran provide safer router when half of the route passes through Afghanistan??
Are you high on Ayatollah brand pot?
Iranians have a habbit of trolling and being good salesmen but they forget the game is not only about distance..Lets explain one by one..


How will shipment from China come from Iran to Chahbar??? Iran is looking to cut down on the sea transport route and utilize land as a shorter alternative. Chinese target is shorter access to Arabian sea - an important trade region for China - and if it has to sail the shipment form Shenzen to Chahbar..it may as well sail to UAE directly...Which already has the required infrastructure and handling capacity installed without needing chinese investment.

The only way Iran can connect to China is via Afghanistan...one of the least viable place for such large scale infrastructure..further China is NOT financing infrastructure from ground zero..rather existing infrastructure will be used or upgraded and connected all the way upto China.

Gawadar is the only port in Arabian sea which is out of the strait of Hormuz strategic area. In event of any war between Arab-Arab or Arab-Iran , Gawader will be the only viable option.

Given volatility of Iranian politics, Gawadar is so far the only port safe from potential sanctions in the future.

By owning a stake in Gawader, the Chinese are simply trying to build their own Dubai style freezone which helps them cut indirect cost by owning a stake in the project. I dont think any country offers such generous potential other than Pakistan to China. Further the port may also have milltary significance in the future...If the Chinese decide to project power in the Arabian sea...the Gawader can be expanded with millitary ship and submarine facilities..so such guarantee the Iranians would ever accept that..

So conclusion:
Iranian ministry is only being a sales man!

How can Iran provide safer router when half of the route passes through Afghanistan??
Are you high on Ayatollah brand pot?

Routes already exists between China & Iran



How can Iran provide safer router when half of the route passes through Afghanistan??
Are you high on Ayatollah brand pot?
You are probably too much high. See previous posts; China can easily bypass Afghanistan and Pakistan to reach Iran. When you get into your senses, see world map.

China has a direct land border to Pakistan. We don't have a direct land border with Iran.

CPEC has already been started, Gwadar has already been started. It's a done deal.

This seems like bad journalism.

Maybe this "well-placed source in the federal government" can explain how this can work when China and Iran don't even share a land border.
Sometimes I wish if China could just come and force the various bickering idiots in Pakistan to work it out and get ahead with CPEC...
You are probably too much high. See previous posts; China can easily bypass Afghanistan and Pakistan to reach Iran. When you get into your senses, see world map.

You are probably too much high. See previous posts; China can easily bypass Afghanistan and Pakistan to reach Iran. When you get into your senses, see world map.

My eyes hurt but cant find a direct route..too many borders to cross...someone took their PhD in geography from Ayatollah University!
I think there is no need of being jumpy. If China Iran corridor is a success Pakistan will also benefit and With China Pak corridor, Iran will benefit. If we come out of our nationalistic bias and tend to think as progress of this whole region like europe does than even India should be part of these network. However we dumbfucks eastern block will always be bottom feeders be ause we are slaves to our prejudices and insecurities.

money talks. China stands to gain a lot more with Iran than Pakistan.

.......or lose more when the sanctions are snapped on Iran because it didn't comply fully with western regulations. Meanwhile, Pakistan is an accepted nuclear power, if sanctions didn't happen then, they surely won't happen now. The CPEC can run the route easily.

But then you must be of stupid and Indian origin to realize that.
irani working anti Pakistan prime example is when they seen Pakistan is providing Afghanistan land route for its supplies they construct Iran Afghan road and encourage Afghanis to do business through this route and stop from Pakistan and after that when they seen Pakistan Started Gawadar port they started work on Chahbahar small city where no need of any port they just want to snatch Pak Aghan Trade now they are lobbying against CPEC wich will become Hub for Pakistan China Afghanistan
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