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Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

His wife may be a threat too.

I heard that she said her kids would be "Mujhaids"

The police just need to stand close. And when they get the armed man down, some officers must just rush and get the weapons he has so his wife does'nt leaps for them...
Because i understand the sh!t this media is spreading....they are calling local weapon jadeed tareen asla,
Guy enters Red zone with weapon......oh bhai that area is not red zone,
He is carrying a weapon......there is no ban on carrying weapon in islamabad, i carry pistol-licensed and go to islamabad, there is no ban, my uncle drives around with ak47 in his LC,.....so there is nothing wrong there......BUT media is portraying as if terrorists have raided PM house or nuke site with RPGs......for god sake stop make us a joke infront of the world.....

As I have commented nuclearpak,why media do that?when they are getting chance to increase their viewership,making money and increase their business?,infact,they will try to spice up the situation as much as they can,so that they can do millions of dollar business...and remember,if he is assassinated,then they will be first to sympathize him like Lal-Masjid case,and even if he is caught alive,then they will keep on discussing him and tried to enhance consequences three times,to make money,they will not care of reputation and image of Pakistan in the sight of world
Best Regards,
Slav Defence
I think the police is waiting for midnight to launch a commando operation to capture him alive.
all this is happening like 5 min drive of my bro official residence & he works for sensitive security establishment,:coffee:
Ḥashshāshīn;4644418 said:
Don't need negotiators. Just need a gun to blow his brains out.

Dude would you like your kids to see your brains been blown out for some mistaken info you got? The guy hasnt imposed any immediate threat....He has ONLY shot in air...you cant blow someone's brain's out for that coz it isnt even illegal :undecided:
Ḥashshāshīn;4644430 said:
I think the police is waiting for midnight to launch a commando operation to capture him alive.

Ḥashshāshīn;4644430 said:
I think the police is waiting for midnight to launch a commando operation to capture him alive.

Not bad idea.. @balixd what do you think?
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