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Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad


Whata brave person Zamurad Khan ...[/SIZE]

WELL DONE...!!! What a crappy way to handle situation. Sikandar did fire back, only his gun was pointed up... or there could have been causalities ... Pathetic training of our security forces. Zamurad Khan's brave man. Yes. But he almost got himself or others killed.

DSP is injured too... Well Done for such a poor handling... If u wanted to get shot wouldn't it be better to shoot the guy beforehand.... No no no we'll wait only to let him shot at ppl & till one DSP receives a bullet from the guy. Then it's a good drama & news media will have someone to make heros ...

At the end he was shot in leg & fell. Then arrested... How hard was it to do the same 5 hours earlier... When he was fully exposed away from children/wife...!!!

Thank God he didn't fire on Zamurad Khan in state of confusion.
But thank God he did manage to injure a DSP.....
Thank God he didn't fire on Zamurad Khan in state of confusion.
That Is Bravery Knowing The Consequences But Still Doing It

If he was a trained professional I would have praised him. Here he put his own and others' lives in danger.
Zamrud Khan is brave only to the extent that after falling he rushed to save the kids.
But otherwise he was fool to try this. ...

But sill thank God and Well Done!
Given his body size, and weight obviosuly it will be hard for him to move an extra mile and take down someone like this, i have tried this many times outside clubs, so i know....it was stupid

The guy couldn't shoot because he was talking to Mr.Chaudhry..see this is how it worked.
Idiotic move to be honest. It could have turned awry if the guy shot just 2 inches either side or maybe something else.

One policeman injured.

And the moron media is showing him as hero....pathetic....
Zumurd Khan is alive, unhurt & kicking.....DSP & another police officer got injured but will survive
Balls they have only rolled balls and have firing in air after the culprit was over powered.
Though I never liked Zamurad Khan but now he deserves a smart salute .

they shot him in legs while da other guy was talkin to him n his kids to divert their attention...it was a plan....
smart move or not it takes guts to take on a guy with two guns who is a known crazy.
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