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Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

Now even I agree it is starting to looks stupid...man why is our police sitting ducks? They cant handle 1 scene...shoot his arm and her arm...both will drop their guns...grab the kids and run away....I still suspect the car will blow up if they dont run their parts but the woman is too calm what did SHE smoke?

There Are Public By Standers,Women and Children.There Is No Telling How This Lunatic Might React.If This Was Russia,He Would Have Been Made Into Mince Meat By Now.(Russian Do Not Care About Collateral Damage They Just Reinforce Writ Of State).But The Problem Is That Police Has To Show A Lot Of Restraint By Law and By Morals.(Not To Mention A Pain In The Neck Chief Justice)

Fact Of The Matter Is That The Media Is Using Highly Provocative Language.They Did The Same Kind Of Mischief During Lal Masjid and Look What Happened
this country is a joke, no capable person all have left only junk behind

Well, he seems to have done a good job in grooming his whiskers before appearing on reality show.
I don't think so dude.... the mag is too small for a triple two..... looks more like a small bore look-alike...... this isn't even darra-type.....

It's a locally produced Triple-two. Seen it in action.
the opposition will use this to tear apart non. thats for sure. has this ever happened in the history of our country?
the best part was he is getting so overconfident that he was making jokes to the police. he is that cool in this situation..
I am guessing he is on some drug...or under pressure or just normal mental screw dheela from disappointment...and now the police just gave him a booster with their uselessness of handling a situation :tsk:

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