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Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

nahi logo ka dimagh kharab ho jata hai.... apparently he came back to Pakistan after 25 years so looks like he found a very different version but that is no excuse to go nuts with guns....

hmm media is saying itself the over broadcasted the situation. i kinda agree

But drinking while asking for shariah did sound crazy....I didnt think cultural shock would make one go psycho? poor guy...but still wife shouldnt have allowed him to drive out with kids :unsure:

My guess is stay away from the vehicle for all we know their backup plan could be blow up the vehicle :unsure:
@F.O.X, mate..... that doesn't even look like a real gun....... has he fired any shots???? :blink:



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Give me a break .. the guy is holding his gun like a kid .. just shoot his damn Hand off .. disarm him . .. and arrest the guy .

Which Idiot is running that show there .

Come on

Massive mistakes.... ok dont do complicated stuff like shooting hands then atleast sedate him. our police cant handle a mad man with gun.
Give him poison to drink!! or the sedative which dexter uses!
@Last Hope here is another update for you..

Okay now here is Muhammed Malik's report,reference duniya news

According to him that authorities has decided to assassinate this man with sniper,as he does not seems ready to co-operate with officials,they are waiting for written instruction via ministry of interior.
Second,authorities fear of consequences if TTP apply same strategy or any other group,ie take innocent civilians as hostage and thus creating such scene.
Authorities have launched a request to PEMRA that news channels either close their transmission or stop it,or delay it for fifteen minutes so that they his scene of assassination may not be aired live on TV.

The anchor sees co-ordination gap among army officials and civil officials,he complains that he hasn't seen any paper work b/w them.
Best regards
Slav Defence

There should always be a minimum 5-minute delay in live transmissions. Enough is enough, I've been told there are four snipers on spot, ask them to shoot his arm off. If I were them, I'd be more interested in the lady not him, she is running the business at his gunpoint.
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They should move the cameras and media person away.....assasinations should not be allowed to film, as there will be Police tqctics in action and can juperdize them

yes,authorities are requesting to PEMRA,they don't want an official recording,imagine of fuss which will be created after his assassination,that this man whose name is Muhammed Sikander is assassinated in the path of light..such incidents maybe twisted and used as example by TTP masterminds to increase more chaos and anarchy,and this is not my fear,but authorities are themselves afraid so,they are right now are debating on aftermath of such situation.
Bro those are just pisto, with only effective range of 75m.....non lethal ammo, water cannon is also the option, idk why they are not look at that.....shoot him with non lethal ammo, and you have team in place to grqb him,,,there is a tree line which can be used

just Roll a Flash Bang near him ..

I can give you 10 more no lethal ways to apprehend this guy ..

however the only reason i want him alive .. is due to the fact that something is not right .. He has information .. and so does his wife .
@F.O.X, mate..... that doesn't even look like a real gun....... has he fired any shots???? :blink:


and I thought that was just me...what is that toy gun? Baytay ki gun tou nai?! :undecided:
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He said he has not regret if to be killed ............

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