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Guru’s execution affects Sarabjit’s mercy appeal

Indian?? Indian illegally occupied kashmir resident afzal was Pakistani national or a kashmiri! Kashmir wants freedom from Indian occupation.

go and read simla agreement signed by your then the leader and ask your government what they believe. According to them beyond LOC is every one Indian. Unless until resolution is passed and after resolution also they will remain Indian :).
SS must die, blood for blood - The innocent AG - you will not be forgotten - your Pakistani and Kashmiri brothers and sisters will always remember your sacrifice.

But our faith tells us, that martyrs are not dead but alive, so AG brother has left this vale of tears, to another place - where you are forever young, and know no pain.

154. "And do not say of those who are slain in Allah's way: ' They are dead.' Nay (they are) alive, but you perceive (it) not."
@Abu Zolfiqar Did you say Defunct ? Dear it was LeT terrorists that attacked Mumbai back in 2008. It is UN declared terrorist organization. UN declared terrorists HS is their leader. At least believe UN if not US or India.

Yes, defunct. Do you need me to spell out the definition of this word for you or you're ok doing that on your own? (Let me know).

LeT as an organization is defunct. It does not exist.

As for the JuD charity - within 24 hours of being put on the UN Sanctions List Pakistan launched a nation-wide crackdown on the group; the police in all Provinces and Azad Kashmir raided Dawa offices, nabbed many of its activists and Hafiz Saeed was put under house arrest (in Lahore where he resides today).

In many cases, JuD members were cooperative with the authorities. They themselves closed down their centers and suspended their publications (print mostly)

However due to lack of evidence provided by any of these entities (india especially) - Lahore High Court was forced (legally) to release him. In the abscense of evidence, you cannot detain citizens of your own country. Maybe it's normal everyday kind of affair in india, but in Pakistan in this particular instance it was not the case. Take it up with the courts.

He's a free man now and even the US State Dept. spokesperson (Mark Toner) acknowledged that the US-imposed bounty was put in place in order for people to come forward with evidence that could implicate HS in 26/11 drama.

Basically an admission that thus far no damning evidence exists. That's all that needs to be said here.

What a pathetic logic ? India annexed Kashmir and it gave you rights to kill innocent men, women and children. Disgusting attitude to justify killing of Innocents stating the reason - If you didn't send Army in Kashmir, we wouldn't have done it.[/B]

india annexed Kashmir when an armed uprising began against its illegitimate iron-fisted "rule" --it was mujahideen elements not the Army that initially went in

Well as for Biharis. Weren't the BD people were killed by your own Army ? One of the most vicious war crimes.

you are not in a position to talk about war crimes when your army is known to have commit a plethora of war crimes - many of which have not even been publicly addressed

there's a reason why india forbids international journalists from freely reporting even in the Kashmir Valley....too much information about what really goes on there would be humiliating for new delhi

You can't stop Afghans to cross into the border with all this security, you couldn't have stopped Afghan refugees to come into your nation. BTW they came due to extremists Taliban supported by your country. Same pathetic Taliban that oppresses its own people.

they came when your soviet allies were using gunships and doing straffe runs over Afghan villages, bombing homes and destroying religious places of worship.....i wont debate with someone who doesnt know the REAL (non-indian) history.

you probably werent even alive during this period so i wont expect you to know what Afghans suffered at the hands of their enemy (the one whose occupation of Afghanistan you openly backed and supported)

For Iran, its Shias in both countries are angry at Pakistan's lack of protection to them.

Iran is neither in the position nor in the mood to dictate internal affairs to Pakistan; especially not now when it is reaching out to Pakistan.

By the way, I was born into this particular sect and I hold no resentment whatsoever. Bombs dont discriminate between who is Sunni who is Shiia or Deobandi or whatever. It's no secret that "vested interests" coupled by degenerate sub-regional politics are to blame for the rise in sectarian attacks. A spate of such attacks (in 1990s) was followed by peace and calm. The ISI is working day & night to confront these sectarian groups (few give them credit for that and instead, certain "liberal" minded people who are paid to bash our security services try to spread mis-information like ISI or the security forces are hand-in-hand mano a mano with these groups (which i know for a fact does not represent reality but is based more on a pack of lies)

Long story short - Shiias are unhappy about the existence of sectarian groups in Pakistan (a haven for all Muslims of the sub-continent) however majority of Pakistanis are also against these groups and against terrorism. We saw that recently during several organized protests in several different cities of the country (following the attack on Hazaras several weeks back)

As for Kashmiri Pundits, they were attacked by Muslims brainwashed by extremists. After they left, same terrorists started killing them.

this Al Jazeera report on the conflict may be of some interest to you


The Hindu minority in Muslim majority Kashmir shrank from an estimated 140,000 in the late 1980s to 19,865 by 1998. Today, Tickoo says there are fewer than 3,400 Pandits in Kashmir. Others say the number is around 2,700.

But Tickoo, who now heads up the KPSS, an organisation that looks after the affairs of the Pandits who remain in Kashmir, says that the plight of the community is complex.

On the one hand, he says, the community did experience intimidation and violence, which culminated in four massacres in the past 20 years. But, on the other, he says, there was no genocide or mass murder as suggested by Pandit communities based outside Kashmir.

"Over the past 20 years, we estimate that 650 Pandits were killed in the valley," Tickoo says, adding: "The figures of 3,000 to 4,000 killings [as suggested by some Pandit organisations] is propaganda, which we reject."

"Not that 650 is a low number, because even one killing should be not ignored, but we must get the numbers right."

Rai adds that the language used by Pandits who left the valley - 'exodus' or 'in exile' - serves as "an indictment of the Indian state for not protecting them within their homeland and then for neglecting them outside it". These terms also, Rai contends, create a single narrative of victimhood, when, in fact, it is difficult to ascertain why individual Pandits left Kashmir.

While Tickoo dismisses claims that Pandits were 'ethnically cleansed', he says that relations between the two communities did sour when the insurgency began.

He says that during the 1990s, when militancy was at its peak, it was common for the army to take out their frustrations when soldiers were killed on the civilian population, irrespective of religion. As a community, Kashmiri Pandits were not spared the indiscriminate crackdowns and violence meted out to Kashmiri Muslims.

But he says that his family's relations with Kashmiri Muslims made them feel confident that they were not under threat. "My father is a renowned teacher and his Muslim friends urged him not to leave."

But it was not easy, says Maharaj Krishan Pandita, who is in his sixties.

Two of the government telecommunications officer's cousins were killed in the violence and his brother was shot (but survived) during the 1997 massacre in Sangrampora. He says he witnessed the direct intervention of the state through forced removals under the guise of a 'security threat

Kashmiri Pandits: Why we never fled Kashmir - Kashmir: The forgotten conflict - Al Jazeera English

All the bloodshed in Kashmir is due to Pakistan backing of terrorism. Whole world knows that. And same terrorism is now biting you. Same people you raised are killing your own people and you are again killing your own people by Gunships, air raids.

Then why does "whole world" which you are referring to take us into confidence at Bonn, Davos, NATO HQ, or several other platforms? If the world believed what you fool-hardy indians believe, we'd have been isolated and even doing trade with Pakistan or selling arms to Pakistan would be illegal (neither of which is the case)

Perhaps you indians are raised to believe this way, but it actually does little justice to you and in fact just will continue to give you emotional people heart-aches and butt-hurt.

Instead of giving a more fitting rebuttal, I'll just leave it at this (and i say it all the time)

what india did in '71 is analgous to what Pakistan allegedly or really does vis a vis Kashmiri nationalist groups (and of course according to your logic-devoid rubric, even the APHC would be a "terrororist" organization when in fact it commands more following than Omar Abdullah could dream of).

Erstwhile E.Pak was a sovereign state which india funneled arms and terrorists into. Kashmir however is a disputed territory and a bileteral dispute. New delhis wishful thinking and wishful claims end at just that -- mere "Claims"....the reality on the ground is completely different (hence the need for banning of journalists, raping of women, mass-graves, unwarranted detentions of those who call for Azadi, forced disappearences, and of course false encounters (which Amnesty, HRW, and many other human rights bodies have duly noted and are cognizant of)

So don't tell us how much you care about Muslims all around the world.

why the **** would i need to tell that to a hindu with whom i share nothing? I dont even know you so why do I need to profess my feelings for other Muslims? I judge a person based on merit, character and accomplishment.

and You can't take care of your own, can't provide security to them and want Kashmir to be your part. At least Shias are not killed and Ahmediyas are still free to observe their belief and not declared non-Muslims officially in India.

despite the socio-economic and political issues, we are fully at peace WITH and IN our country. I have never been approached about sect nor have i been threatened (i dont want to sound like a hothead - but nobody could threaten me anyways, they'd be very friggin stupid to do that)

I can go to a Mosque in Hayatabad where the majority of those offering prayers are Sunnis and I can eat the food given by their hand or drink the water provided by their fountain without worrying that i would be thrashed for belonging to a "backwards scheduled" or "untouchable" caste.

That's more than i can say about rural or even some urban areas of your country.

@Hammer-fist See here buddy. How they justify killing of Innocents by terrorists sent by them.

in an other thread, those protesting the execution of A.G. were suddenly labelled "terrorists" and i saw some of your fellow bharti shmucks condemning them to death without even being able to list them by name!

history books will judge who was the real terrorist.....until then, we will continue to morally and materially support our Kashmiri brethren (with whom we share deep cultural, linguistic and religious bond

just because india claims Person X, Y and Z are "terrorist" means diddly squat in the eyes of most self-respecting Pakistanis....those fighting for their freedom against tyrannical rule are not terrorists -- and I will be so audacious as to claim here and now that I am speaking on behalf of the whole Pakistani nation

Pakistanis here who disagree with me should publicly say so
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@Abu Zolfiqar Should I post Al Jazeera report on Baluchistan ?

BTW 650 Pundits killing is also a crime. You don't object to it. You just care about Muslims only.

I know the history, but I am talking to people who don't care about their own people and what land they have.

Keep on crying over Kashmir. It has already cost you too much than India. :coffee:
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@Abu Zolfiqar Should I post Al Jazeera report on Baluchistan ?

BTW 650 Pundits killing is also a crime. You don't object to it. You just care about Muslims only.

I know the history, but I am talking to people who don't care about their own people and what land they have.

Keep on crying over Kashmir. It has already cost you too much than India. :coffee:
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@haviZsultan I am sick of your Hearsay and Endorsement of Ansaris. Did I paint Ansaris whole as culprits ? There are bad apples in every community.

Please stop sharing your personal experiences with me about India and your relatives. I am not at all interested,

As for Muslims in India, this is what happened in Gujrat.


How many people have you sent to jail for Life Imprisonment till death in Pakistan.

Babu Bajrangi is in Jail for his entire life.

Same Babu Bajrangi, Afzal, Kasab, Purohit were convicted by Indian Investigation agencies and Indian Judiciary.

You are the biggest Hypocrites in the world. You talk for Muslims all over the world and try to represent them, and you have brought so much problem to Muslims in rest of the world.

Indian Muslims are facing problems in many countries because of terrorist training and camps in your country.

Pakistan has played a major role in creating threat to Muslims all around the world. Instead of creating Noble Laureates like Dr. Abdus whose grave was defiled by you people, you are focused on creating Kasab, Hafeez Saeed, giving refuge to Osama, creating terrorist groups and supporting Afghan Taliban.

Indian Muslims bring good name to Islam all over the world. Whether its in Science, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Business, Literature etc.

This is the HARSH REALITY.

I don't remember Tytler or Babu Bajrangi hanged for what they did and this guy was hanged on flimsy evidence. It is your choice what you do with your country. I shouldn't even be caring about those left if I really wish to merge as a Pashtun. Its spoiling my own position. I still do it out of loyalty for my nisbat/clan which I am dutybound to do as these same people hosted Muslim League leaders once.

Imran ind and others should be raising this as it affects them, but they are afraid of having a link with Pakistanis who raise voice for them because whenever they say it you people like @KRAIT will start all this anti-India activity and so on. You relatives are this and that. What Ansaris did to be framed in each and every case?

@Abu Zulfiqar hagha khalq asset di. Like the mukti bahini they could become a very valuable thing in case of war with India. We never treated them as Pakistanis otherwise India had no chance in war with us. Up till 1980's I can say with guarantee they were (majority) were fully with us. Now its opinion divided. Especially young generation.

Its obvious, the differential treatment meted to a Muslim accused and a Hindu accused. Babu Bajrangi was not hanged. How many people did he kill?
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@Abu Zolfiqar Should I post Al Jazeera report on Baluchistan ?

BTW 650 Pundits killing is also a crime. You don't object to it. You just care about Muslims only.

I know the history, but I am talking to people who don't care about their own people and what land they have.

Keep on crying over Kashmir. It has already cost you too much than India. :coffee:

The costs can continue to be incurred, no problem. It's a national matter which we will never abdandon.

as for the AJE report on Balochistan, I've seen it. I don't dispute much of it. In fact it's been discussed in detail on this forum. I don't see the relevance to Kashmir though.

As for pundits - i've already established that I (personally) believe that however many pundits there are that hope to settle in their homeland, they should be repatriated

it's only india that has instilled fear-mongering into their psyche....there are far more communal and caste-related tensions in mumbai than there are anywhere in Kashmir itself

on Kashmir, i'm not "Crying" but I'm merely giving our perspective on the issue....if you see it as crying, then in that case you must be experiencing something much worse than post menstrual syndrome
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@haviZsultan Did you even read what I wrote. Babu Bajrangi is sentenced life imprisonment till death. AG was a different case. Still he was given fair trail. So was Kasab.

Stop reiterating your Pashtun, Ansari bull sh!t in every other post.

Get the facts straight. BTW you haven't hanged a single terrorist yet. You are much more failure on action against terrorism.

And please don't reply with Pashtun, Ansari, your relatives, Deccan, Lucknow.

@Abu Zolfiqar Yeah, India did the bad thing and Pakistan is innocent. Pakistan didn't do anything. Whole world knows the reality about Pakistan.

Leave, I won't go into this debate any more. Discuss as much as you want on Kashmir. It won't change anything. We will hang more terrorists like Afzal Guru, Kasab etc.
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Does the world know the reality about Kashmir though? An unfiltered and undigested viewpoint?

I didn't say we were always innocent. But then again, it was Indian beliggerance and previous actions which are much worse than any actual or alleged provocation by Pakistan. This applies especially in the context of 1971

Go ahead and hang people while the real issues linger on and continue to bite you
Does the world know the reality about Kashmir though? An unfiltered and undigested viewpoint?

I didn't say we were always innocent. But then again, it was Indian beliggerance and previous actions which are much worse than any actual or alleged provocation by Pakistan. This applies especially in the context of 1971
What you call Indian belligerence we call Pakistan's impatience.
Go ahead and hang people while the real issues linger on and continue to bite you

The whole subcontinent is being bitten, some are taking steps, I'm convinced that India is...
Does the world know the reality about Kashmir though? An unfiltered and undigested viewpoint? I didn't say we were always innocent. But then again, it was Indian beliggerance and previous actions which are much worse than any actual or alleged provocation by Pakistan. This applies especially in the context of 1971 Go ahead and hang people while the real issues linger on and continue to bite you
:lol: At one thread you say decades have passed, people should forget. And here you are stting an example of 42 years old issue.

1971 was your fault. You treated them as third class citizen. Why people got angry in East Bengal at first place

Admit your faults in East Pakistan.

As for Kashmir, keep on trying. We will shoot more terrorists.

World has already seen who hides the terrorist and where are the safe havens for terrorists.
Hang this terrorist rat .already convicted . why this ugly pigg Sarabjit is still alive in Pakistani jail
Hang this dirty indian SOB now, he must die - blood for blood, our Kashmiri brother requires revenge.
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