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Gunmen kidnap seven Pakistani soldiers in Punjab

I am not sure who is more dangerous the extremist or our ruling Elite. i personally believe if we get rid of the ruling elite and extremist will simply starve to death.

Quite a few Muslim countries have had to deal with extremists/militants/terrorists.

- Algeria in the 90s, but they finished them in the end.

- Egypt in the 90s, but also finished them. The terrorists there had targeted western tourists.

- Indonesia, where the terrorists bombed Bali.

- Turkey was in a state of semi-civil war in the 70s with right and left-wingers killing each other (apparently in some cases brothers killed each other).

I thought Pakistan had reduced suicide bombings dramatically and the worst days of the TTP were over but the past few weeks have seen nothing but more and more attacks.

If it continues like this then it will be like 2007 when things were extremely bad and people were questioning the future of the country.
Ḥashshāshīn;3759968 said:
PA is waiting for NATO withdrawal. After that, they will unleash hell on these bastards.

That makes no sense, and you're incorrect.
Probably more Uzbek or Pashtun militants operatives inside. Pakistan should make surgical strikes on the border, training camps, inside Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Military officials are clearly not doing enough nor is Government, this Pakistani generation is worst in the nation's history they are docile and tolerate this government sitting on their head. This war should have been finished a long time ago.
Obviouly they wont come back alive by PA will hit back.
Ḥashshāshīn;3759999 said:
Why not..?

Because why would PA wait for NATO withdrawal to finish off TTP when all this time US has given aid to Pakistan to fight the TTP in the first place. Do you even understand how illogical your comment is? So PA in spite of operations in Waziristan is just going to stand by util 2014 until NATO withdraws just to attack TTP now? What does NATO have anything to do with it? These TTP militants are training in remote areas of Pakistan and some of the traitorous tribals who Army has failed to protect and also tribals fault to because many of those primitives don't want Army in tribal areas but at same time expect Army to protect them from TTP.

impossible...if it was then we would have seen it in last 5-6 yrs.

Yes it is impossible because there is an invisible electromagnetic barrier preventing PAF jets from flying into Afghanistan. Only thing that is lacking is determined leadership in both Army and Civil Governmet.

Now it's time for you to go mind your own business, not even sure why you're in this thread or forum.
TTP and Af Talibs support each other as their viewpoint is same , BOTH have links to Alquaida .HARD action against ttp would not be liked by af tb regime and other fanatical groups although they may not express it openly

af talibans they aint working together their is a differnce between ttp and afg talibans these are not my words
Hekmatyar indicated that Hezb-i-Islami, notorious for its bloody siege of Kabul in the 1990s, has softened some of its hardline Islamist policies such as banning women from education.

He condemned the Pakistani Taliban's blocking of girls' schooling, which was thrown into the spotlight in October by its attempted murder of 15-year-old education campaigner Malala Yousafzai on her schoolbus.

He insisted that Hezb-i-Islami "consider education is as necessary for girls as it is for boys", though they object to combined male and female classes.

The movement would be ready to take part in Afghanistan's presidential election in 2014 on the condition of a fair vote and a "complete withdrawal of all foreign forces", he added.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghan...-fresh-attacks-nato-troops.html#ixzz2GrRQZam4
af talibans they aint working together their is a differnce between ttp and afg talibans these are not my words
Hekmatyar indicated that Hezb-i-Islami, notorious for its bloody siege of Kabul in the 1990s, has softened some of its hardline Islamist policies such as banning women from education.

He condemned the Pakistani Taliban's blocking of girls' schooling, which was thrown into the spotlight in October by its attempted murder of 15-year-old education campaigner Malala Yousafzai on her schoolbus.

He insisted that Hezb-i-Islami "consider education is as necessary for girls as it is for boys", though they object to combined male and female classes.

The movement would be ready to take part in Afghanistan's presidential election in 2014 on the condition of a fair vote and a "complete withdrawal of all foreign forces", he added.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghan...-fresh-attacks-nato-troops.html#ixzz2GrRQZam4

They soften their stance on women with education? Thats a first. No doubt there's a crack in the alliance between Afghan and Pakistani Taliban.
af talibans they aint working together their is a differnce between ttp and afg talibans these are not my words
Hekmatyar indicated that Hezb-i-Islami, notorious for its bloody siege of Kabul in the 1990s, has softened some of its hardline Islamist policies such as banning women from education.

He condemned the Pakistani Taliban's blocking of girls' schooling, which was thrown into the spotlight in October by its attempted murder of 15-year-old education campaigner Malala Yousafzai on her schoolbus.

He insisted that Hezb-i-Islami "consider education is as necessary for girls as it is for boys", though they object to combined male and female classes.

The movement would be ready to take part in Afghanistan's presidential election in 2014 on the condition of a fair vote and a "complete withdrawal of all foreign forces", he added.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/afghan...-fresh-attacks-nato-troops.html#ixzz2GrRQZam4

That's only a faction not the WHOLE AFTB's which may BE wanting some settlement with USA (seeing his soft views ).

ALTHOUGH I HAVE already said they will not EXPRESS in OPEN whether they support or oppose the pakistan taliban as they have good relations with pak fauj .
Quite a few Muslim countries have had to deal with extremists/militants/terrorists.

- Algeria in the 90s, but they finished them in the end.

- Egypt in the 90s, but also finished them. The terrorists there had targeted western tourists.

- Indonesia, where the terrorists bombed Bali.

- Turkey was in a state of semi-civil war in the 70s with right and left-wingers killing each other (apparently in some cases brothers killed each other).

I thought Pakistan had reduced suicide bombings dramatically and the worst days of the TTP were over but the past few weeks have seen nothing but more and more attacks.

If it continues like this then it will be like 2007 when things were extremely bad and people were questioning the future of the country.

Our generals and Politicians are so much out of whack its not funny they live in well protected bubble protected from all sides.
Declare curfew in tribal areas, and in Peshawar.
Last option is to use this gyro helicopter (home-made) from ebay or amazon low cost.

This will catch terrorists!
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Because why would PA wait for NATO withdrawal to finish off TTP when all this time US has given aid to Pakistan to fight the TTP in the first place. Do you even understand how illogical your comment is? So PA in spite of operations in Waziristan is just going to stand by util 2014 until NATO withdraws just to attack TTP now? What does NATO have anything to do with it? These TTP militants are training in remote areas of Pakistan and some of the traitorous tribals who Army has failed to protect and also tribals fault to because many of those primitives don't want Army in tribal areas but at same time expect Army to protect them from TTP.

Yes it is impossible because there is an invisible electromagnetic barrier preventing PAF jets from flying into Afghanistan. Only thing that is lacking is determined leadership in both Army and Civil Governmet.

Now it's time for you to go mind your own business, not even sure why you're in this thread or forum.

very few actually think like you. most of them still busy in blaming so aclled "EXTERNAL POWERS" for the mess in Pakistan.

the situation will never improve until you stop distinguishing in GOOD & BAD TALIBAN. there is no demarcation & you never know when the the GOOD one for you will turn BAD.

its the GOP & its military who can only act & they must act strong. kill those Bas**ds before the whole this gose to Sh!t.
Why Pakistani army/police etc are so easy to target for these terrorists? it has become a trend now in Pakistan. last week itself they killed 2 dozens of police
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