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Gujarat riots caused Indian Mujahideen: National Investigation Agency

This doesn't change the fact that wherever Mohammedans live, they fight with everyone. They fight with Christians, they fight with Buddhists, they fight with Hindus, they fight with Jews, they fight with communists. Wherever mohammedans live they create havoc, mayhem, terror, killings, ethnic cleansing by citing the non-existing imaginary reasons of persecution. The problem lies in Islamic ideology which is intolerant, violent in nature and the ideology was built through terror, violence and lives through the terror, violence.

By the way, Gujarat riots was triggered by a violent Mohammedan mob by burning 60 people alive including women and children.
No, they're reporting it jac@$$. Their investigations revealed and they reported.

I got your point Congressi Stooge.

But don't waste your time in replying to my posts.......Go & open some thread & change there titles so that BJP/Modi can be SHOWN in a negative light.......Otherwise Congress will lose 2014 & you will lose your E-NREGA funds.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerly,

arp2041 ;)
NIA said one more thing ....

Ishrat jahan was terrorist... Which congressi stooge want to believe NIA now????
Man you are otherwise an intelligent guy. Can't understand how you are so RABIDLY stupid on this.

so all this justifies rioting?

Definetely Not. Neither riots nor Godhra. But Instead blaming can we find some way that harmony beween both community go ahead? Is it possible that we be First Human than The Indian the Citizen of the Country and then Hindu and Muslim? What is necessary to remove the distance beween the both hindu and muslims?

Is it possible that muslims will do some thing to remove gaps between both community? Is it possible that Madresas and Mullas did not spread hate theory amongst muslims? whether government is ready to take steps against it?

Even Mody held the responsible, he is responsible secondly first the responsibility is lies on those Raskals
Man you are otherwise an intelligent guy. Can't understand how you are so RABIDLY stupid on this.

so all this justifies rioting?

Definetely Not. Neither riots nor Godhra. But Instead blaming can we find some way that harmony beween both community go ahead? Is it possible that we be First Human than The Indian the Citizen of the Country and then Hindu and Muslim? What is necessary to remove the distance beween the both hindu and muslims?

Is it possible that muslims will do some thing to remove gaps between both community? Is it possible that Madresas and Mullas did not spread hate theory amongst muslims? whether government is ready to take steps against it?

Even Mody held the responsible, he is responsible secondly first the responsibility is lies on those Raskals who burnt out innocent women and children. I think even it it treated as unhuman and unjustified act to the acts of riots where there.

May Modi is responsible but then also looking to the need of him to the country for the benifit of country and better of future of our next gen, our children and grand children.

U may hate modi, U may blame him but U must vote him for better future of India as there is nothing official about he. whether u r hindu or muslim.
No, But RIOT Justifies TERRORISM!!!! :disagree:

No Brother. Ok U may blame Modi, U may Hate modi, U may abuse modi, But U must vote Modi...(It is demand of time and country).

Neither is justified you clown.

Bro it is need to understand the others view. It is easy to blame them, which is not necessary. Even it is there view, there is humanitarian view, rather than others. I think after the WTC attack USA stopped the attack on muslims, cause they where there citizens, We can do that. Need to stop Mullas and Madresas. Let the Muslim to make some Union for India.
No Brother. Ok U may blame Modi, U may Hate modi, U may abuse modi, But U must vote Modi...(It is demand of time and country).

Bro it is need to understand the others view. It is easy to blame them, which is not necessary. Even it is there view, there is humanitarian view, rather than others. I think after the WTC attack USA stopped the attack on muslims, cause they where there citizens, We can do that. Need to stop Mullas and Madresas. Let the Muslim to make some Union for India.

if we indian muslim would hav love extremism we would hav left the country 1947 but we love communal harmony dont try to alienate us by calling muslim rascal who the hell is modi go and google compare other states with gujrat u will get truth infront of ur eyes may u r bjp or sangh pracharak if not then plz keep ur baseless veiws with u want talk talk with source post link i will make sure answer ur each every post
(1) if we indian muslim would hav love extremism we would hav left the country 1947 but we love communal harmony dont try to alienate us by calling muslim rascal
(2) who the hell is modi go and google compare other states with gujrat u will get truth infront of ur eyes may u r bjp or sangh pracharak if not then plz keep ur baseless veiws with u want talk talk with source post link i will make sure answer ur each every post


(1) where did I say Muslims as Rask**s. dont try to be smart to misinterpret the words. the word Raskals is used for the people who killed innocent women and children in Godhra kand. do you want to justify the act. do u want to say if they are belong to muslim cast did I not tell anything about them. I m telling it about people irrespective of cast, whether they were involved in Godhra kand or later Riots.

IM is the extremism or not U shall decide ur self.

(2) Pracharak? I am supporter of BJP just because it is right party and having good plan like river link yojna and many more. are U happy with the rule of congress for 60yrs? the industrialist told about the modi that he is good leader. Ratan TATA told that he was fed up with Babus(gov. servents). Modi supports the economy. and I dont found that since 2002 there is any riot in gujarat, did U? I there for support him, I m well understanding for hate for modi, I have muslim friends and they have lots hate about him, though i dont try to make them wrong. so dont blame me for my views. This is open forum and I have my views for the Best and not for worst. I have no problem for your views.

Narendra Modi: What are the achievements of Narendra Modi in Gujarat? - Quora

just do one thing visit the gujarat and decide. Nitish told his growth rate is more. the same was told yrs before by one congressi man that India's growth rate is more than US. now look if your salary is reach to 1000 to 2000 its 100% growth rate and if u earning 100000 and u then earn 125000 ur growth is just 25%.

I do not found any blaming to any one. I have reasons for different view. i have no objection for different views of others. but before becoming angry go throw twice in my posts. For any wrong doing religious have no part. neither in Islam the Godhra Kand like act is permitted nor in Bhagwad Gita it is permitted act of riots by Hindus.

dont misinterpret anything by your own view buddy.

(1) where did I say Muslims as Rask**s. dont try to be smart to misinterpret the words. the word Raskals is used for the people who killed innocent women and children in Godhra kand. do you want to justify the act. do u want to say if they are belong to muslim cast did I not tell anything about them. I m telling it about people irrespective of cast, whether they were involved in Godhra kand or later Riots.

IM is the extremism or not U shall decide ur self.

(2) Pracharak? I am supporter of BJP just because it is right party and having good plan like river link yojna and many more. are U happy with the rule of congress for 60yrs? the industrialist told about the modi that he is good leader. Ratan TATA told that he was fed up with Babus(gov. servents). Modi supports the economy. and I dont found that since 2002 there is any riot in gujarat, did U? I there for support him, I m well understanding for hate for modi, I have muslim friends and they have lots hate about him, though i dont try to make them wrong. so dont blame me for my views. This is open forum and I have my views for the Best and not for worst. I have no problem for your views.

Narendra Modi: What are the achievements of Narendra Modi in Gujarat? - Quora

just do one thing visit the gujarat and decide. Nitish told his growth rate is more. the same was told yrs before by one congressi man that India's growth rate is more than US. now look if your salary is reach to 1000 to 2000 its 100% growth rate and if u earning 100000 and u then earn 125000 ur growth is just 25%.

I do not found any blaming to any one. I have reasons for different view. i have no objection for different views of others. but before becoming angry go throw twice in my posts. For any wrong doing religious have no part. neither in Islam the Godhra Kand like act is permitted nor in Bhagwad Gita it is permitted act of riots by Hindus.

dont misinterpret anything by your own view buddy.

as per u r*****s word is used people who burnt the train not for the muslim thats my mistake pardon for it but if naxal kill any hindu so rss or bjp will retaliate in this fashion by killing not only naxal involve in attack but even innocent family neighbour relative by raping by burning house. is this way one king will behave with people of kingdom is this right in democracy some of my religion done some wrong like kasab hang him shoot him but atleast save who r innocent i read modi interveiw i so many gujrati in uttarakhand i never saw single article where he says i save this much muslim xyz and hindus xyz this is my reply to u my fellow friend
if naxal kill any hindu so rss or bjp will retaliate in this fashion by killing not only naxal involve in attack but even innocent family neighbour relative by raping by burning house.

You are comparing apples to oranges . Were the naxals killing the person because of being hindu ?? No but the people in godhra train carnage were burned because they were hindu .

is this way one king will behave with people of kingdom is this right in democracy some of my religion done some wrong like kasab hang him shoot him but atleast save who r innocent

Still nobody has been able to provide any proof to the involvement of Modi in the riots .

i read modi interveiw i so many gujrati in uttarakhand i never saw single article where he says i save this much muslim xyz and hindus xyz this is my reply to u my fellow friend

Isn't that a good news that he saved gujrathis irrespective of religion .
as per u r*****s word is used people who burnt the train not for the muslim thats my mistake pardon for it but if naxal kill any hindu so rss or bjp will retaliate in this fashion by killing not only naxal involve in attack but even innocent family neighbour relative by raping by burning house. is this way one king will behave with people of kingdom is this right in democracy some of my religion done some wrong like kasab hang him shoot him but atleast save who r innocent i read modi interveiw i so many gujrati in uttarakhand i never saw single article where he says i save this much muslim xyz and hindus xyz this is my reply to u my fellow friend

Just know about the Kabir. whether Hindu or Muslim the god is one. If they were different the Hindus have four hand or muslims have fling capacity. Instead of losing your self in to religious matter, Just need to be good citizen. I have told that Muslims need there one Union is not just to say. but with purpose that they can put there part with all dignity. to day some assosiations are related with that but due to there political motive they are failed to put there value. Let it leave on God/Allah/Ishwar to decide the cases. I think Country is our union and we need to follow the law stictly. any one against the humanity are not considered as a good. my one muslim friend told me that he dont believe on mullas which is not base lessly.

well I study Gita as well as Quaran and Bible. I never prefer to say anything about others religion except the need. This is extremely subject of one's choice. any one make any comment on the other religion are the Idiots. How one can say anything about the others religion. Even I told my muslim friend to read Quran in their own language instead Arbi. In India Dayanand sarasvati told to translate religion books into Local languages. so one can read it and understand. without understanding mere reading have no value. If I read books in sanskrit then I hardly get the meaning of anything. for the being a great citizen and secular its need to study all religion and that will only raise peace in society.

Nothing is precious than the Human Life. well I admire your views. Lets love Humans and spread humanity above anything. moreover Hinduism never permit the Hate, It is told by one dharmaguru that U may justify the act of Kasab but U cant hate him. May be its hard to understand but purpose is everything is built by Allah/God so U can not hate It.
You are comparing apples to oranges . Were the naxals killing the person because of being hindu ?? No but the people in godhra train carnage were burned because they were hindu .

Still nobody has been able to provide any proof to the involvement of Modi in the riots .

Isn't that a good news that he saved gujrathis irrespective of religion .

Right Bro, But Muslims have there own status to condemn Modi. If we are Muslim we definitely take the objections aginst him. If I put my self on their part I may hate Modi. But looking to Congress I have great objection to elect them. more Modi is good leader for development and hence to need to be consider him. Well If Congress is again selected by India it will be night mare for us.
Right Bro, But Muslims have there own status to condemn Modi. If we are Muslim we definitely take the objections aginst him. If I put my self on their part I may hate Modi. But looking to Congress I have great objection to elect them. more Modi is good leader for development and hence to need to be consider him. Well If Congress is again selected by India it will be night mare for us.

If Modi is found to be guilty of the crimes ,then there is justification for the hate . What if he is innocent ??

They will be hating a good administrator over some propaganda from we know where .

Just one year to go to the elections . If it is congress again , I will surely loss the faith in democracy ( atleast the Indian one ) .
A congressi leader justified terrorism, said " when Muslims feel unsafe,they head towards terrorism".
Now I feel it was the most disgusted remark made by the leader. Pathetic.
Why not we link the Babri demolition from the killing for Hindus in kashmir by Pakistani support muslims , Why not Hindu started killing muslims with bullets in all across INdia.

Muslims always kill hindus and think hindus don't react. that what they think when they burn train but this time hindu reacts so Muslims get shocked.

Muslims were given their own land pakistan so in india Hindus has every right to build temple which was proved temple that was destroyed by Muslims and build Mosque on it.

Muslims never admit their faults anyway.

And why not start when Islamic invaders started attacking India and killed millions of Hindus since 11th century??? On that pretext we should attack all Islamic countries in revenge.

Back to the topic.This IM is idiotic and anti-national and supported from across the border as well. Congis are living in MODI-PHOBIA and doing all it can to counter MODI becoming as PM.All of a sudden Godhra,Ishrat Jahan etc cases are opened up.

Congis did riots in open in 84 and Godhra and blamed BJP.
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