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Cambodia is also China friendly :azn:

Thailand is already in good terms with China and we already have many bilateral agreements and ties in which Vietnam cannot replace.

Chinese are also very well integrated into Thai society to the extent that the ethnic Chinese are not discriminated against in any way.
Thais of ethnic Chinese ancestry are also well represented in the political, military and economic elite of the country, I cannot comment about Vietnamese having such influence and integration in the Thai society though.

Aside from that we also have 15 pairs of friendship cities and provinces establish between the two friendly countries as well as embassies and consulates. So why worry ourselves when other countries are trying to establish a relationship? China has no problem with that, only childish people thinks it will make a difference when it comes to war. I am willing to bet if conflicts do take place they will simply remain neutral and not set foot into any conflicts. Afterall, they are a friendly country and they do not want to put their country's important tourism industry into jeopardy. :)

1,Hehe Oki, Cambodia is your good friend bcz VN is your good friend also , but don't let Mr.Hun Sen kick you out again :lol:

2.Can you tell me that agreement is better than agreement with Rougue Khmer or not ?if not, so Thai people can change their mind like Cambodian very fast :P.

3.Mr. Thaksin is protected by Cambodia,and of course there are many thing to discuss between those gentlement, so what can Mr.Thaksin do when his sister won the election ??decide to stay with Viet-Camb or China now :azn:
1,Hehe Oki, Cambodia is your good friend bcz VN is your good friend also , but don't let Mr.Hun Sen kick you out again :lol:

Yes, Vietnam can provide Cambodia with what China is providing if not better? :lol::

The ceremony was attended by Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Chinese ambassador to Cambodia Pan Guangxue, Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Banh, Industry, Mines and Energy Minister Suy Sem and other high-ranking government officials as well as more than 1,000 residents in the area.

Speaking at the ceremony, Prime Minister Hun Sen highly valued the friendly relations between Cambodia and China, saying that ” good cooperation between the governments of the two countries helped greatly to Cambodia’s social and economic development and has brought great amount of investment capital to Cambodia.”

2.Can you tell me that agreement is better than agreement with Rougue Khmer or not ?if not, so Thai people can change their mind like Cambodian very fast :P.

If only politics and reality works the way you think it works.

3.Mr. Thaksin is protected by Cambodia,and of course there are many thing to discuss between those gentlement, so what can Mr.Thaksin do when his sister won the election ??decide to stay with Viet-Camb or China now :azn:

That is not our concern, he can stay in wherever welcomes him and his sister's success in the election will help bring him back into Thailand.
Neither has anything to do with the relationship of Vietnam and China. Vietnam knows well enough it will be fighting its own wars without the two China friendly nations Cambodia and Thailand :azn:
You think China will give a fxxk about whether you have nukes???

BTW, why don't you get one done???

Hehe, so same like CHina, we can make Nuke boom easily, who can Ban VN now when US is simply ignore and India is very happy to support ??

But we will not make it now or at leat we will not state any thing about it to avoid the fear may emerge from our ASEAN neighbours. :P
1.Yes, Vietnam can provide Cambodia with what China is providing if not better? :lol::

2.If only politics and reality works the way you think it works.

3.That is not our concern, he can stay in wherever welcomes him and his sister's success in the election will help bring him back into Thailand.
Neither has anything to do with the relationship of Vietnam and China. Vietnam knows well enough it will be fighting its own wars without the two China friendly nations Cambodia and Thailand :azn:
1. We can provide them the safer zone, better protection, better friends USA- India with better weapons that CHina only have in the dream like F-35 :P

2.Yeah, so maybe boost the ties with Mr.Thaksin will be the key to win Thailand heart :P

3.Hehe, we still can win if we must fight alone, but our VietKieu in Laos-Camb won't let it happend :P
1. We can provide them the safer zone, better protection, better friends USA- India with better weapons that CHina only have in the dream like F-35 :P

Vietnam cannot provide them with a safer zone, they are already safe unless Vietnam invades Cambodia again or wanted their backside kicked by Thailand. You are overestimating Vietnam's influence, do you honestly think America or India will let you lead them around and tell them who to befriend? They are doing very well for themselves already my friend. :lol:

2.Yeah, so maybe boost the ties with Mr.Thaksin will be the key to win Thailand heart :P

Alternatively, have a Vietnamese become their King or Prime Minister.

3.Hehe, we still can win if we must fight alone, but our VietKieu in Laos-Camb won't let it happend :P

Chest thumping like Tarzan will not win you battles. I wish Vietnam's government have more people like you. :azn:
1.Vietnam cannot provide them with a safer zone, they are already safe unless Vietnam invades Cambodia again or wanted their backside kicked by Thailand. You are overestimating Vietnam's influence, do you honestly think America or India will let you lead them around and tell them who to befriend? They are doing very well for themselves already my friend. :lol:

2.Alternatively, have a Vietnamese become their King or Prime Minister.

3.Chest thumping like Tarzan will not win you battles. I wish Vietnam's government have more people like you. :azn:

1. We did not invade them, they wanted to fight with VN, they thought with CHina support, they could win........but they lost, that all.and Cambodia is very safe now, no one can overthrone the Govt. like Thailand, that why Mr.Thaksin had better stay in Cambodia than in CHina even he is Hoa :P.

US is so tired now, they don't have enough money and power to stay in ASEAN longer. India don't need strong influent in ASEAN bcz India is so big and have many neighbours already, India want to have mutual benefir with ASEAN than trying to have strong influent here, so only VietNam and CHina deeply concern about ASEAN :P.

2.No bcz we just start moving to the south from 15th century.But that's not the big problem, ASEAN must belong to ASEAN people , can not be China's vassal state :P

3.Hehe, so pls tell me about the Hoa in Laos-Cam, don't forget that we protect Laos from enemies many times already :P
1. We did not invade them, they wanted to fight with VN, they thought with CHina support, they could win........but they lost, that all.and Cambodia is very safe now, no one can overthrone the Govt. like Thailand, that why Mr.Thaksin had better stay in Cambodia than in CHina even he is Hoa :P.

China did support them during the Vietnam-Cambodia invasion. Funny how now Vietnam is trying to portray themselves as the best of friends when Cambodia is still very much friends with China. We are not hosting a best of friends contest here :cheers:

US is so tired now, they don't have enough money and power to stay in ASEAN longer.

America has no problem being in ASEAN we are not talking about war with ASEAN countries.

India don't need strong influent in ASEAN bcz India is so big and have many neighbours already, India want to have mutual benefir with ASEAN than trying to have strong influent here, so only VietNam and CHina deeply concern about ASEAN :P.

Same can be said about the relationship China has with the ASEAN countries, do you not know why ASEAN was formed in the first place?

ASEAN achieved a new cohesion in the mid-1970s following the changed balance of power in Southeast Asia after the end of the Vietnam War. The region’s dynamic economic growth during the 1970s strengthened the organization, enabling ASEAN to adopt a unified response to Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia in 1979.

2.No bcz we just start moving to the south from 15th century.But that's not the big problem, ASEAN must belong to ASEAN people , can not be China's vassal state :P

Perhaps you can explain why America is associated with the group then? if it's to do with Asia then China as a regional power has every rights to be a part of it. Don't expect them to be Vietnam's vassal state either :lol:

3.Hehe, so pls tell me about the Hoa in Laos-Cam, don't forget that we protects Laos from enemies many times already :P

I don't have to tell you anything, the only thing you need to know is. Vietnam invaded Cambodia, Thailand and Cambodia have good relations with China and ASEAN was formed in response to the Vietnam-Cambodia invasion :azn:
Obamba said:
China did support them during the Vietnam-Cambodia invasion. Funny how now Vietnam is trying to portray themselves as the best of friends when Cambodia is still very much friends with China. We are not hosting a best of friends contest here
Bcz VietNam helped Mr.Hun Sen to win against Rougue Khmer having China's support, so Mr.Hun Sen like VN than CHina , and of course it's a win-win help, many best VietNam soldiers won't die just for Fun , bro :azn:

Same can be said about the relationship China has with the ASEAN countries, do you not know why ASEAN was formed in the first place?
So, USA can tell ASEAN to change the purpose of forming an ASEAN, we should reform to go against another enemies, not ASEAN countries :P
I don't have to tell you anything, the only thing you need to know is. Vietnam invaded Cambodia, Thailand and Cambodia have good relations with China and ASEAN was formed in response to the Vietnam-Cambodia invasion
Hehe, that won't help CHina bcz Mr.Hun Sen is best friend of VietNam , and Mr Thaksin is MR.Hunsen's best friend :azn:
Bcz VietNam helped Mr.Hun Sen to win against Rougue Khmer having China's support, so Mr.Hun Sen like VN than CHina , and of course it's a win-win help, many best VietNam soldiers won't die just for Fun , bro :azn:

War is never fun, let alone dying. Reality is also quite different to what you think it is. If you think they will unite with Vietnam and fight your war then you can forget about it. Cambodia and Thailand have very good relations and they would not ruin such a friendship for the sake of Vietnam. They are both smart countries :azn:

So, USA can tell ASEAN to change the purpose of forming an ASEAN, we should reform to go against another enemies, not ASEAN countries :P

America can take advantage of situations but they cannot tell the group what to do. ASEAN countries are smart enough to not get themselves involved in a Vietnamese war.

Hehe, that won't help CHina bcz Mr.Hun Sen is best friend of VietNam , and Mr Thaksin is MR.Hunsen's best friend :azn:

That's great, since they both have good relationships with China, then there will be no war. Not sure what Vietnam will do without them though.
War is never fun, let alone dying. Reality is also quite different to what you think it is. If you think they will unite with Vietnam and fight your war then you can forget about it. Cambodia and Thailand have very good relations and they would not ruin such a friendship for the sake of Vietnam. They are both smart countries :azn:

Thailand is worrying to be CHina's vassal state, what we need from them is jsut make sure that Thailand will not block the Malacca straight if CHina put a pressure on them, so VIetNam can connect with India to tie up the defensive line, that all.

Cambodia is diffrent, we fight for their freedom so they should support us if war happend, that the True meaning of Best friend :)
America can take advantage of situations but they cannot tell the group what to do. ASEAN countries are smart enough to not get themselves involved in a Vietnamese war.
Without USA's support, ASEAN (without VN) can not make a form bcz they don't know how to fight in the war and incapable for long time war also.

btw: we just need to convince Thailand now, let another nations decide their own way to go.
That's great, since they both have good relationships with China, then there will be no war. Not sure what Vietnam will do without them though.
We don't want them to go to war, we need them to support VN,-India and don't block Malacca straight, that's all
Thailand is worrying to be CHina's vassal state, what we need from them is jsut make sure that Thailand will not block the Malacca straight if CHina put a pressure on them, so VIetNam can connect with India to tie up the defensive line, that all.

If you think India will militarily support Vietnam in a war with China, then your country better have a plan B.
You got to understand that verbal backing or selling you arms doesn't necessarily mean they will be there for you in times of war.
India is a wise country and one of the richest countries in the world, for them to risk their economy for Vietnam? I don't think so buddy.
You make Vietnam sound extremely desperate for help, and I thought Vietnam was supposed to be strong? I think Vietnam is simply trying to hide behind its neighbours :azn:

Cambodia is diffrent, we fight for their freedom so they should support us if war happend, that the True meaning of Best friend :)

You don't sound very convincing there. They should? Well it's not obligatory, more over, they won't get much out of a war with China. However by staying neutral to both will enable them to preserve friendships with both countries as well as its economy. If Vietnam doesn't respect Cambodia's decision to remain neutral and wants them to commit suicide with you, then it would raise questions as to what kind of friend Vietnam is? :)

Without USA's support, ASEAN (without VN) can not make a form bcz they don't know how to fight in the war and incapable for long time war also.

Fact is, there are many friends of China within ASEAN. They were formed because they are weary of Vietnam after the Cambodia invasion. So there will be no war with ASEAN. It will simply be a handful of countries within the group making noises (VN included), that is all. The handful that is not happy with China's rise are no match for China so the only way out for them is to cooperate with China and accept China's rise in power.

btw: we just need to convince Thailand now, let another nations decide their own way to go.
We don't want them to go to war, we need them to support VN,-India and don't block Malacca straight, that's all

Good luck with that. All I can say is, beggars cannot be choosers. Vietnam is the one looking for help here not Thailand and Thailand is already China friendly. Should a war break out between China and Vietnam, Vietnam will be the only one fighting in it. India will not do a thing because of China and Pakistan.
Obambam said:
If you think India will militarily support Vietnam in a war with China, then your country better have a plan B.
You got to understand that verbal backing or selling you arms doesn't necessarily mean they will be there for you in times of war.
India is a wise country and one of the richest countries in the world, for them to risk their economy for Vietnam? I don't think so buddy.
You make Vietnam sound extremely desperate for help, and I thought Vietnam was supposed to be strong? I think Vietnam is simply trying to hide behind its neighbours
Hehe, India is supportting VN now, what we need is just simply keep boosting ties with India so VN can be as strong as CHina.Why do you think CHina must surely stronger than VN ??we're Equal in power if war happend. we jsut need some more advantage , more supporting than CHina to make surely Vn will always win, that's all.

Don't forget what happend in 1979, if you keep thinking you're stronger than us.
You don't sound very convincing there. They should? Well it's not obligatory, more over, they won't get much out of a war with China. However by staying neutral to both will enable them to preserve friendships with both countries as well as its economy. If Vietnam doesn't respect Cambodia's decision to remain neutral and wants them to commit suicide with you, then it would raise questions as to what kind of friend Vietnam is?
With you wanna have More convincing reason, so ask your govt. first. If they say: Cambodia won't help VN, so we will explain more about it , don't forget that: VN soldiers will not die in Cambodia for fun :)
Fact is, there are many friends of China within ASEAN. They were formed because they are weary of Vietnam after the Cambodia invasion. So there will be no war with ASEAN. It will simply be a handful of countries within the group making noises (VN included), that is all. The handful that is not happy with China's rise are no match for China so the only way out for them is to cooperate with China and accept China's rise in power.
It's won't help CHina to have support from them, bcz they don't know how to fight, they won't follow you to die in vain , bro :)
Good luck with that. All I can say is, beggars cannot be choosers. Vietnam is the one looking for help here not Thailand and Thailand is already China friendly. Should a war break out between China and Vietnam, Vietnam will be the only one fighting in it. India will not do a thing because of China and Pakistan.
Hehe, Thailand don't wanna be friend with CHina now, they're worrying to be CHina's vassal state, so they will try to get rid of you :)
Hehe, India is supportting VN now, what we need is just simply keep boosting ties with India so VN can be as strong as CHina.

Good, at least you are now starting to realize that help will not be on your way should a war break out between China and Vietnam. It will simply be verbal support and increased bilateral trades, as in "Here Vietnam, buy some of our weapons".

Why do you think CHina must surely stronger than VN ??we're Equal in power if war happend. we jsut need some more advantage , more supporting than CHina to make surely Vn will always win, that's all.

Unfortunately for Vietnam, you don't have enough bargaining chips to turn people your way. Moreover, countries around would be suspicious of Vietnam's true intentions should they act too eager. Reason why I think China is stronger than Vietnam? well, we make our own weapons, have more men, is right next to you, more money and resource, more friends and we are not the one trying to convince the world that everyone is our friend and how everyone will lend us money, sell us weapons, let us hide in their country or let us use their radars. We are also not the one protesting about someone cutting our cables.

Don't forget what happend in 1979, if you keep thinking you're stronger than us.

Don't forget this is now and 1979 was 32 years ago. Vietnam never entered China and destroyed our infrastructures, looted what needed to be looted and burnt down what needs to be burnt down. This time it would be many times worse. Also don't forget about what happened when your miltary tried to invade our islands.

With you wanna have More convincing reason, so ask your govt. first. If they say: Cambodia won't help VN, so we will explain more about it , don't forget that: VN soldiers will not die in Cambodia for fun :)

It's more of the case no one needs to do anything just because Vietnam requests us to. I am sure Cambodia is good enough running its own country and does not need its noisy neighbour to tell them what to do. Do you expect them to cut ties with China simply because Vietnam itself has issues with China? Don't be ridiculous now.

It's won't help CHina to have support from them, bcz they don't know how to fight, they won't follow you to die in vain , bro :)

Advise given by Vietnam who never fought outside its own territory? I am sure they would rather do nothing than commit suicide with Vietnam.
China have good relationships with many countries in ASEAN and have strong bilateral trade and even military to military ties with some. Don't automatically assume they are united or will act as a shield for Vietnam. Vietnam is alone or has very few leverage against China. The only sensible way out for your country is to be good and cooperate with China. Not go against it.

Hehe, Thailand don't wanna be friend with CHina now, they're worrying to be CHina's vassal state, so they will try to get rid of you :)

Vietnam is the only one worrying about Thailand being China's friend. Problem is, they already are :cheers:
Vietnam is the only one worrying about Thailand being China's friend. Problem is, they already are

Thailand is making the correct noises as far as China is concerned.

However, one cannot quite brush away the US influence on Thailand, more so, given the fact that the new PM's brother's (the ousted PM) illegal 'gains' are all stashed away in Swiss Banks!
Thailand is making the correct noises as far as China is concerned.

However, one cannot quite brush away the US influence on Thailand, more so, given the fact that the new PM's brother's (the ousted PM) illegal 'gains' are all stashed away in Swiss Banks!

Thailand is making correct noises indeed. Hense China sell them weapons at "friendship" prices and hold annual military drills.

I see it the other way, which is US cannot brush away the Chinese influence and is slowly declining in the global arena regardless of whatever technologies it comes up with. Owing 14.5 trillion dollar debt cannot be good!
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