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Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

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A typical tactic to shoot the messenger when the message is inconvenient.
I cant speak for the Danish. I expect they have their reasons, I am not sure the Jyllan Posten cartoons were to incite racial or religious hatred". I expect there purpose was to ridiculue this Orgy of Slaughter of innocent people that Islamist are engageing in on a daily basis which I find much more repulsive then cartoons.

One picture is worth a thousand words!

A typical tactic to shoot the messenger when the message is inconvenient.

Reading comprehension is not your forte, is it?

One picture is worth a thousand words!

I am not going to engage in the exercise of selective myopia that seems to be your favorite past-time to rationalize your bigotry. Most people are all too aware of similar crimes by other religions, albeit using conventional armies or, in the case of Gujarat, state police.

1) You cheated. You went back to the post I criticized as an ad hominem attack and edited it into something else. Your "explanation" should have followed my response, not masquerade as something else.

2) The 9-11 hijackers were part of al-Qaeda, which is engaged in a battle for leadership and direction of Islam among Muslims. Your claim that, "any comparison with an organized, state-sanctioned campaign is invalid since the hijackers were representing only themselves; they were representing neither Islam nor a political entity" dismisses that fact completely.

Furthermore, even the GoP does not believe in your thinking, or else it would consider the suicide attackers of Pakistani mosques and shrines as the only criminals, and not hunt down the individuals and organizations which supported and directed them.

You have not, therefore, invalidated the comparison between building a nunnery at a Nazi extermination camp with building a mosque near ground zero. So Krauthammer's criticism and my admonition remain unstained.
Your ignorance of historical facts and selective blindness is something only you can work on. The Western definition of terrorism conveniently rationalizes away the slaughter of millions by christian/jewish extremists because their work is carried out by established armies.

To relatives of an innocent murder victim it really doesn't matter if their death is classified as due to 'terrorism' or 'collateral damage'. The Western procedure is to make sure the kill is large enough to instill terror in their victims, but small enough to be written off as unintended collateral damage.

And, yes, I am absolutely 100% suggesting that so-called collateral damage is intentionally inflicted.

The true figure for deaths in Iraq by Americans was about 6000 in the war itself and maybe a high of 20,000 in the following 8 years. Deaths of Afghanstans by americans in Afghanstan is much lower. So the rest of the Iraqis and Afghanstanis that are suppose to be in the "milliions" were killed in that orgy of slaughter that some Iraqis and Afghanstanis enjoy so much, but instead of takeing responsibily, like you they blame it on the Americans.
Oh, and now you criticize Vinod2070 for poor "reading comprehension" of the very post you edited! Another ad hominem attack - one that demonstrates your personal dishonesty.
Reading comprehension is not your forte, is it?

No one has complained so far on this count. I have scored decently well on this count in highly competitive exams. ;)

I am not going to engage in the exercise of selective myopia that seems to be your favorite past-time to rationalize your bigotry. Most people are all too aware of similar crimes by other religions, albeit using conventional armies or, in the case of Gujarat, state police.

I would rather you don't obsess with me and keep to just my posts. If you don't like them, just ignore them.

It does seem you can only reply by attacking people from whatever little I have seen of you.
The true figure for deaths in Iraq by Americans was about 6000 in the war itself and maybe a high of 20,000 in the following 8 years. Deaths of Afghanstans by americans in Afghanstan is much lower. So the rest of the Iraqis and Afghanstanis that are suppose to be in the "milliions" were killed in that orgy of slaughter that some Iraqis and Afghanstanis enjoy so much, but instead of takeing responsibily, like you they blame it on the Americans.

Again this selective memory is something to be amazed of.

Here are some more statistics:

Two million Muslims were killed by Muslims in the Iran-Iraq War. Three million Sudanese Muslims have been killed by Muslims. More than 300,000 Muslims have been killed by Muslims in the ongoing Darfur conflict. Iraq invaded Kuwait and Syria invaded Lebanon. As of June 7, a total of 29,105 Pakistani Muslims have been killed by Muslims over the past seven years.

The News International - No. 1 English Newspaper from Pakistan - Tuesday, July 06, 2010

In addition, there were hundreds of Muslims killed in the recent kyrgiz-Uzbek riots, thousands of Kurds were gassed by Saddam, 3 millions were killed by the PA in Bangladesh and so on. I have seen no concern on the part of the Muslim Umah.

But some people get greatly concerned with some seemingly much more minor issues.
90% of the deaths in Iraq are nothing but sectarian violence between the Sunnis and the Shias and add the Kurds in those as well.. Arab Tribes massacre of African Muslims in Darfur, Somalis killing each other over political nonsense, Afghan Taliban fighting Northern Alliance for a decade and I assure you, the Day the US completely leaves Afghanistan people there will still continue to kill each other...

its just the nature of how Muslims are in todays world, they can't seem to find common ground between modernity and tradition and worse give everything a religious political cause.
As Charles Krauthammer put it,

The law permits Cordoba House to be built. That doesn't mean doing so is a good idea. Muslims should know that it will take only one Imam fear-preaching there, claiming, "This is evidence of the success of our assault on America; our brand of Islam will conquer the world!" to create long-lasting anger and hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims in America.
This is why I say let it be built. It will take only one to claim to speak for all muslims a 'triumphalist' sermon that will reveal to all Americans and the rest of the world that this is neither a 'mosque' nor 'cultural center' but a victory statement.
This is why I say let it be built. It will take only one to claim to speak for all muslims a 'triumphalist' sermon that will reveal to all Americans and the rest of the world that this is neither a 'mosque' nor 'cultural center' but a victory statement.
So, if the KKK uses Iraq as a prime example that the Crusade in the Middle East is working, should we take their words on it?
Islam is no more intrinsically Islamist than present-day Germany is Nazi -- yet despite contemporary Germany's innocence, no German of goodwill would even think of proposing a German cultural center at, say, Treblinka.
Invalid argument along the lines of the Japanese analogies made by Gambit earlier.

Once cannot compare the actions of the Nazis/Germans or Japanese with the attacks on 9/11 because in the former cases the actions of the concerned parties were actions supported and carried out by nations and governments representing a people. In the case of 9/11 no nation or peoples (Muslims in this case, and specifically American Muslims) gave any sanction to the acts of Al Qaeda and OBL.

Krauthammer constructs a strawman, as did Gambit, to vilify Muslims and advance a poor argument.
Muslims should know that it will take only one Imam fear-preaching there, claiming, "This is evidence of the success of our assault on America; our brand of Islam will conquer the world!" to create long-lasting anger and hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims in America.
Every religion inherently claims it is superior - so what if some Imam makes that claim at any mosque, and claims that Islam shall sweep the world? Any man of faith wouldn't really be true to his faith if he did not think that it was 'superior' and would eventually sway everyone to accept it.

However, if by 'success of assault on America' you are referring specifically to terrorist attacks like 9/11, I am not sure why the congregation would tolerate such an Imam, and indeed such a man should be kicked out by the organization hosting the Imam and protested against by those frequenting the mosque.

If such a loony does make it into a position to preach, and preaches hatred and terrorism, it will be the response of the Cordoba Initiative and the congregationalists that will determine the character of both.
Invalid argument along the lines of the Japanese analogies made by Gambit earlier.

Once cannot compare the actions of the Nazis/Germans or Japanese with the attacks on 9/11 because in the former cases the actions of the concerned parties were actions supported and carried out by nations and governments representing a people. In the case of 9/11 no nation or peoples (Muslims in this case, and specifically American Muslims) gave any sanction to the acts of Al Qaeda and OBL.

Krauthammer constructs a strawman, as did Gambit, to vilify Muslims and advance a poor argument.

Yup, not only the government but also the whole ideology was about racial supremacy.

To be honest, I have came across similar ridiculous comparisons many times. Some people really need to think hard about what they are saying -- question themselves if their argument makes sense and if the logic adds up.
This is why I say let it be built. It will take only one to claim to speak for all muslims a 'triumphalist' sermon that will reveal to all Americans and the rest of the world that this is neither a 'mosque' nor 'cultural center' but a victory statement.

There is another Mosque 4 blocks away from Ground Zero.

Consider this a victory statement : despite all the military knowledge you might have, your heart is a cold rock. If you think you are fighting Islam you will lose. If you are fighting terrorists who happen to be Muslim, you should treat them as criminals and not representatives.
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