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Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

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It is not my fault they are stupid and can't tell the difference between the two(Normal Muslims/Crazies). They have to deal with that themselves (Not that they would because most are just arrogant and don't care). I have been in the states for a long time and i have all but given up on educating the masses they have proved to be media manipulated and uneducated to the core(Can't completely blame them. Not like the U.S. is running a "The real Islam campaign" but you do have a "Islamaphobia is great campaign" going on with some of the conservatives though. They just can't be helped.

Is it the USA's job to run a "The real Islam campaign" shouldnt it be up to Muslims to show the USA the real Islam.
Is it the USA's job to run a "The real Islam campaign" shouldnt it be up to Muslims to show the USA the real Islam.

Sure that would work too but as you can see when a learning center is being opposed because it is in a area where Islamic crazies killed people i don't see progress being made.

It won't work anyway. You should hear the things people ask me about Turkey of all places. If i had a penny for everyone of those :cheesy:
Who are these 'Muslims' that you speak? 'Muslim' is not a ethnicity, organization or a nation.

Look at the Taliban. You forget they were bombed back to the stone age for the past 31 years and counting, are uneducated and don't have many economic opportunities.

But, wait. None of that matter because the only reason they do that is because their Muslim. Nothing else can make them act the way they do.

I treat people with justice and humane, moral behavior. Does that mean I'm not a Muslim?

In the above I was speaking of many Muslims, but perhaps not even the majority, and as far as the Muslims that I have met most are like you. I dont know why the taliban act as they do, I do belive a lot of it such as their treatment of women is based on their religion.
Sure that would work too but as you can see when a learning center is being opposed because it is in a area where Islamic crazies killed people i don't see progress being made.

It won't work anyway. You should hear the things people ask me about Turkey of all places. If i had a penny for everyone of those :cheesy:

I can understand why people oppose it, On 911 more americans civilian on american soil were killed in cold blood in an deliberate attack then other time in American History. The people that were responsible for that attack were Muslims and the last words of one of those attackers was "Allahu Akbar", . Now muslims want to build a Mosque almost on that very site. So you think all 300 million american should just welcome a Mosque built there with open arms. Do you think Muslims would be that understanding. Is there a reasons you would think Americans should be more understanding then Muslims. I am curious what kind of questions do Americans ask you about Turkey, I really dont know any thing about your country either. By the way I have traveled all over the world, well not all over but a lot and I dont find people all that differant.
I can understand why people oppose it, On 911 more americans civilian on american soil were killed in cold blood in an deliberate attack then other time in American History. The people that were responsible for that attack were Muslims and the last words of one of those attackers was "Allahu Akbar", . Now muslims want to build a Mosque almost on that very site. So you think all 300 million american should just welcome a Mosque built there with open arms. Do you think Muslims would be that understanding. Is there a reasons you would think Americans should be more understanding then Muslims.

Yes because this is the U.S.A. i thought that was one of the cornerstones of this nation and what makes it great. Or is that just for show ? Tell me how do you feel about conservatives promoting Islamaphobia to score political points ? Do you think this is healthy ?
Yes because this is the U.S.A. i thought that was one of the cornerstones of this nation and what makes it great. Or is that just for show ? Tell me how do you feel about conservatives promoting Islamaphobia to score political points ? Do you think this is healthy ?

As far as I am concerned Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. If one can use Islamaphobia to get elected am sure they will do it. Is it differant in Turkey.
Is it the USA's job to run a "The real Islam campaign" shouldnt it be up to Muslims to show the USA the real Islam.

Not really. It wasn't up to the jews or the blacks to show the Americans that the Americans were wrong about them.

If a minority is disliked, it's not up to them to show their real side. It's up the majority to get rid of their biases and bigoted ways of thinking.
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What an extremely articulate woman, let me just say that I hate Bill O' reilly to the core but this woman nails it..

YouTube - Muslim Raheel Raza Opposes Ground Zero Mosque - Pawns Bloomberg

You can even visit her official website.
::Welcome to Raheel Raza's Official Website::

So do I!!! but this women is speaking the "right language," as Bill Said, that people (meaning Islamic community) are not understanding. "It is very sentimental!!!"

A greatest Mosque, worth 100 million dollars can be built anywhere in US and there would be no objection, but right across the streets of world trade center to show the American public the Muslims communities peaceful jesture!!!!
Not really. It wasn't up to the jews or the blacks to show the Americans that the Americans are wrong about them.

If a minority is disliked, it's not up to them to show their real side. It's up the majority to get rid of their biases and bigoted ways of thinking.

The funny thing about this is sentence is that, there are other minorities that are equally oppositing this mosque, meaning blacks and hispanics!!!!!
The funny thing about this is sentence is that, there are other minorities that are equally oppositing this mosque, meaning blacks and hispanics!!!!!

Doesn't matter. Doesn't exclude them from rethinking their biases either.
So every one in the world is wrong except Muslims.

That's a simplistic argument (and yes, yet again, I have to point that out). Because technically at one time, everyone had a very bad view of the jews. Just because a lot of people think a certain way about a certain group, doesn't mean their way of thinking is right.

And btw, it's not everyone in the world like the way you say it.
That's a simplistic argument (and yes, yet again, I have to point that out). Because technically at one time, everyone had a very bad view of the jews. Just because a lot of people think a certain way about a certain group, doesn't mean their way of thinking is right.

And btw, it's not everyone in the world like the way you say it.

More correct assessment is that no one, and nothing in the world is like the way he said. He lives in another dimension other than us.
If US law have no objection then why Muslim Congress Canada opposing just to score some points (Angrazoon ki chamcha geri ?)

It's people like you that bring a bad name to Islam.. did you even bother looking at her website or her articles? I doubt it instead people like you put out half assed comments like angrazoon ki chamhi... very enlightening indeed.
I did not ask for your opinion on the level of response the Srebenica muslims would show. It seems to me that you and the others, by either silence or evasion, are fully willing to give the muslims an exception to the rule that you would be more than willing to apply to US. If we object out of our emotions, everyone gathers in front of us and condemn US as bigots. If, in a hypothetical situation that the muslims are placed in our position, and those muslims object, then everyone scatters. The hypothetical situation is not even that hypothetical. The backdrop is real enough -- 8000 muslims murdered by Serbs.

Well stop talking in riddles then, because I have no clue what you are asking for.

I articulated my own position on such a scenario, that I would support the construction of a cultural center or Church by non-Muslims (though not Serbs, for reasons already mentioned), and I pointed out to you that there would likely be far lower outcry against such a decision, primarily because of the lack of connection to Sebrenica - beyond that your question is hypothetical that I cannot possibly answer on behalf of millions of Muslims. My own views I have conveyed, and you can pursue the same question with others on this forum or start a poll.
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