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Greg Chappell again hits at India's heart

Not sure how old you are and maybe your generation would turn up as excellent leaders if what you say is the general approach among the newer generation of Indians - I see this trait with the kids from TCS, Wipro who come to work in my company where they are very hesitant to push back their managers and allow their managers to decide the workload for them.
i am 29, but my father is a forward thinker from olden times, and as far as the IT industry is concerned there are lot of factors that has to be considers. . if a new programer trainee pushes back a requirment stating that its not properly concived gives head ach to some managers and technical leads. because of this not good environment in work new commers just let their work be assigned by managers or to the people who they report to and do not question the work assigned to them even if they see a requirment being flawed.
i am 29, but my father is a forward thinker from olden times, and as far as the IT industry is concerned there are lot of factors that has to be considers. . if a new programer trainee pushes back a requirment stating that its not properly concived gives head ach to some managers and technical leads. because of this not good environment in work new commers just let their work be assigned by managers or to the people who they report to and do not question the work assigned to them even if they see a requirment being flawed.

I don't think these guys are newbies as they are sent here to US to interact with the clients.
I dont belive in the bolded part, todays Kids are questioning every thing. My personal experiance with my dad is that he has given me ample freedom in making my choice and has stood by me when i am right and has not opposed/supressed me when i make a bad choice but just let me know what/where i might end up when i am taking a wrong turn. and most parents today are not controlling their kids, neither is that practice now practiced in schools.


Just because your side of the roof does not drip water in rain, doe snot mean that there is not an issue. It is not about me, I, my dad, my family---it is a collective problem----. It is a national problem---it is a majority problem---.

Yes, a change is coming forward----but still in the end, you are still en-slaved by your parents. They are giving you some rope, but to completely set you free----it is not in the sub continent's GENETIC HERITAGE---they will yank on the rope when they want to and make you feel like you are still free.

Remember----"old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill".

You will be on the road to being free, when you as an indian do not involve all your friends or family members in making a major financial committment---like buying a new car---a house---marriage---education or a career decision.
You should know your facts then talk because only about 15% of australians descend from convicts and not many people associate with britian being our "motherland" does Pakistan call India its motherland.

I said most of them not all of them.
I said most of them not all of them.
No personal attack mate just because Brits dumped few convicts few centuries of doesn't make the Australian's as criminals .

Now on topic
"The Poms (British) taught them really well to keep their head down. For if someone was deemed to be responsible, they'd get punished. So the Indians have learned to avoid responsibility. So before taking responsibility for any decisions, they prefer not to," Chappell was quoted as saying by a website at a promotional event for his book 'Fierce Focus'.

To my country men no need to get defensive about what he said guy's lets discuss in constructive manner. I agree with Mr Chappell on this our country does not encourage creativeness. Why are we following an education system which was a gift of British to create clerks.

A society can only be successfull when it nurtures on creativity and entrepreneurship, look at Steve Jobs, Bill gates (both never left college) are product of such society same in the case Henry ford. Do you think Mark Zuckerberg did anything great he just wrote PHP program and had good business model now look Facebook today.

Why is it that we cannot replicate the west, why is it that we are only capable of providing cheap IT workforce.
It is because since we were kids our education system never allowed any creativity, we were never allowed to question our teachers or parents.
Most Australians are not migrants from Europe they are fugitives,criminals and convicts sent from their motherland Briton. Now this guy is giving lessons to Indians, he should first know his roots and then talk. This is the same guy, out of fear asked the bowler to throw an under arm ball, to avoid his teams defeat. No need take lessons from this Idiot better ignore his comments.
One thing is sure these Australians envy Dhoni and his natural instincts of leadership.

are you dumb??

During the late 18th and 19th centuries, large numbers of convicts were transported to the various Australian penal colonies by the British government. One of the primary reasons for the British settlement of Australia was the establishment of a penal colony to alleviate pressure on their overburdened correctional facilities. Over the 80 years more than 165,000 convicts were transported to Australia.[1]

The number of convicts pales in comparison to the immigrants who arrived in Australia in the 1851-1871 gold rush. In 1852 alone, 370,000 immigrants arrived in Australia. By 1871 the total population had nearly quadrupled from 430,000 to 1.7 million people.[2] The last convicts to be transported to Australia arrived in Western Australia in 1868. According to one estimate, "at least 1000 of the convicts sent to Australia before 1850 were not white".

posted frim wikipedia

but that itself proves you are a brainless morom

we are a population of well over 20 million, so you are saying over 15 million australians living here were sent by britain? lol

fact is, few were convicts, and in those days, you were a convict if you simply stole a loaf of bread

since that is the case... i think you would find india has more criminals then australia has people on its land in total lol
He is quiet right when he talk about lack of decision making power in desi peoples. He forget to mention that even important decision of marrige is in hands of parent in case of arrange marrige but its wrong for him to say that they dont have sense of responsibility . Different culture create different mode of thinking and he should not judge other cultures after wearing western glasses
This is blatant racism and stereotyping of over a billion people should be unacceptable. Unfortunately too many in our neighbourhood treat the white man's word with too much respect. I am surprised that Indian members are not more outraged at these comments

Chappel should be reminded that the Brits sent convicts to Australia and that maybe that's why their cricket team is so disciplined because their ancestors are used to being put into jail and sent far away from home lol

What is their to be outraged about? He is comparing two cultures West versus East( Which include South Asia, East Asia). Let us not pretend that every thing is honky dory in our society. We should look into ourselves and find ways to achieve better result regardless who makes comments about our way of life. By ignoring constructive criticism can hold us back where as we should strive to be best in the world. If I can draw analogy take the example of field hockey, we ( India and Pakistan)
have been left behind by much more skilled coaching techniques of the Western nations.

We should have a bigger heart and make improvement to defeat our competition.
It is his view, what is correct or wrong is what suits him best. Our culture is what is taken us this long and respecting it has only taken me for word.

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